Angaharad? Maddy? Are you in the ride? ;-D
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
Angaharad? Maddy? Are you in the ride? ;-D
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Joyce Melton
1001 Third St.
Space 80
Calimesa, CA 92320
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[Holds hand up as participant]
you really
wouldnd't want to see me nekked!
Madeline Anafrid Bell
This is surprising...
...I was under the impression that most bikes had at least one coat of paint.... oh... the bikes are coated but the riders..... never mind....
Love, Andrea Lena
No ...
... titanium frames can be naked and aluminium frames can merely be anodised. In any case nothing would persuade me to ride my bike without shorts and shoes - not because of modesty but comfort :)
It did amuse me that many of the riders wore helmets - when I started cycling experienced riders cautioned me always to wear at least 2 layers (an undervest and a jersey) because, in case of a fall, the two layers slid against one another and minimised road rash. No-one wore a helmet, even for racing, except on the track and then just the leather 'hair-nets'.
Somehow all the photos on the Guardian website managed to avoid showing any really dirty bits :) That was a triumph in itself, I thought.
Hats off to Steph (cyclist) if she really did ride totally unclothed. Perhaps she'll tell us how far? Perhaps we should demand a photo as proof LOL
photo as proof
Steph will probably photoshop the clothing on her avatar above off and call that proof... Well, I was told it is supposed to be a decent likeness for her.
Five or six miles around Brighton. I forgot the vaseline, and tender parts on a Brooks saddle...what I do remember was something remarked on by several friends, in both London and Brighton, and that was the sweaty fat man with a 'professional' camera outfit, who appeared every stop to take more photos of unclothed women from a very close range. In London, he met the original of 'Ginny' and was given some very clear advice as to direction and rapidity of departure.
My avatar a close likeness of me? Oh, dream on! I wish....male pattern baldness, no waist and a seemingly never-ending course of electrolysis. The T-poison was very strong in me. Another session on Thursday...and a week later a national trans conference.
I am in this video
And some of these pictures
We are Nudes! We are Nudes! We are, we are, we are Nudes!
I hear things can get pretty rough down there in Brighton. Watch out for the Rockers...
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Naked soft parts on Brooks plain leather saddle. And I forgot the sun block....the swimming, though, that was a delight. There was a naked man painted green, standing at the top of the naturist beach plating seriously good saxophone with real passion. And two gay men dressed as cows with 'teat rings' linking their udders...
Naked bike
I like riding naked bikes, even when my own motorbike is a sports tourer ;)
World Record Naked Bike Ride?
What about Gaby?
May Your Light Forever Shine