My ebook "Fool Moon" has just been reviewed at as well as three 5-star reviews at Amazon! Coincidentally, at the same time it was reviewed, I was already doing a fine-tuning on the book that answered some readers' questions, and the New and Improved is now available, as all my ebooks are, at Amazon, Lulu, and Smashwords, as well as mostly available at Barnes Noble and iBookstore.
I've been reassured that purchasers of the earlier copy can download the revision free of charge. The beauty of Smashwords (and yes, it's messy to navigate in, and you've got to turn off the darned Adult Filter to find me!) is that it has every ebook format available, especially for international readers.
"Fool Moon" has a gentle magic to it, rather like my BCTS story "Breath of Life", plus some historical fun-facts, and was a pure joy to write. I hope you enjoy it!
You're right ...
... Smashwords is a nightmare to get into but it has the huge advantage (for me) of allowing a wide range of download types. I prefer pdf files that I can store where and how I like rather than be tied to where Amazon decides to store them on MY hard drive. I suppose I'm a bit of a control freak when it come to my PC becuase I was storing and using files on computers long before IBM came up with their dreadful architecture and I like to know where stuff is.
The secret with Smashwords is first to disable the Adult Filter then, as soon as you've found your favourite writers, save them in your Smashwords account. Then you can use their keywords to navigate to similar stories. I haven't found a way to enter a keyword or writer search function. There may be one but I've never found it.
I have several of your books, Karen and wish you well with your writing.
Amazon/ kindle- Fool Moon revamp
Karin..... I bought Fool Moon a few months ago and really enjoyed it. How can I get the revised one?
Revised Kindle version of "Fool Moon"
According to Amazon, they will notify purchasers that there's a new version. I would suggest not waiting and contact them directly from your account. Since you've read the book already, I will tell you that I addressed two questions readers posed: What about Bianca's computer? and what happens to Linda the pianist?
Just bought Fool Moon for Kindle.
I will let you know what I think. :)
Just finished the 50 Shades trilogy, and it is not all nasty as I thought. In fact, there is some damn good psychology in it.