This is partially an FYI, partially a request for help.
Bill and I (and our Chocolate Lab Penny) recently had to re-locate to a local hotel.
The reason, as you probably suspect, is that "Black Mold" was found in our home.
Much of our furniture and other things are going to be tossed out in the process of cleaning the house.
This process includes tearing up all the carpets, and scrubbing all the walls, floors, and ceiling with bleach to make sure it's ALL GONE.
Bill and I have been here since Friday, and I was hoping to be home on Sunday evening, but as of right now, we are looking at Monday Morning at the EARLIEST, probably Tuesday or even possibly Wednesday.
Whilst at the hotel, I have access to the internet (barely) and I sometimes have a cell phone signal.
Our room is currently taken care of, and so is the costs of hiring a crew on Memorial Day Weekend to clean the house, but this is where I could use your help.
I only had access to a limited amount of funds for food and whatnot whilst here and that's going to run down quick, especially with the extra days, and also, when we get home, we will need to start replacing furniture almost immediately.
Couches and Chairs and stuff can be replaced often from various charities, but we will also be needing to replace beds/mattresses and so any help you can give would be appreciated.
If you want to send money, and can do so online, it can be sent using PayPal ( send to piggilytails(at) ) or Serve ( send to geekbrat(at) ). Just make sure to mark it as a GIFT as I'm not a non profit and can't accept a "donation".
If you can't use either of those services, or you wish to help in another way, please send me a PM and we will figure something out.
-HuGgLeS- and I'm sorry for having to ask.
-Piper/PiggilyTails/Kirstyn Amanda Fox
FYI: Piper is the BC Tech Guru
Just so everyone knows, Piper is our technical guru here at BC. She keeps the servers running, the job Bob used to do, and helps me out with technical questions and problems associated with running BC and the other sites we have. She does this for very little in the way of pay from me but part of the donations sent to the Hatbox are passed along from me to her. If we paid market rates for her services it would be several hundreds of dollars, at least.
I'm commenting also to verify for those who want to know, that yes, Piper and Bill, her roommate, and Penny her dog, are having to stay in a hotel while a crew eradicates black mold from their home.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Sucks :(
I wish I could do something to help, but I just had to do my first ever Direct Deposit Advance just to make it through the end of the month... That crap just sucks.
I've also just realized that my video card is on its way out... just got the ram sorted and now this... great.
I hope you well Piper, really, I do. And if my financial situation weren't just as bad for different reasons I'd be glad to help, but I'm just not in any position.
Abigail Drew.