You might want to move your keyboard out of the way so you can bang your head against your desk in desperation at this...
It's about what you'd expect from many African politicians - effectively putting the onus of the blame for the spread of HIV onto women (presumably under the impression that it's completely impossible for their menfolk to control their philandering ways).
The synopsis of what this latest politican to make a completely bonkers statement on the issue can be neatly summed up in this tweet:
Circumcising Women And Forcing Them To Shave Their Heads Will Curb Aids, Says Zimbabwe Politician via @HuffPostUK
A Zimbabwean politician has sparked outrage by suggesting the spread of HIV can be curbed if women shave their heads, stop bathing and deliberately make themselves look unattractive. Morgan Femai, an MDC-T senator for Chikomo said the measures were required because men were finding it difficult to resist well-dressed, attractive women.
While addressing a parliamentary HIV awareness workshop in Kadoma on Friday, he said: “What I propose it that the government should come up with a law that compels women to have their heads clean-shaven like what the Apostolic sects do,” ZimEye reports. He added: “They should also not bathe because that is what has caused all these problems.”
Senator Femai also appeared to suggest female circumcision would help stop the spread of disease. He told the workshop, which was organised in conjunction with the National Aids Council: “Women have got more moisture in their organs as compared to men so there is need to research on how to deal with that moisture because it is conducive for bacteria breeding. There should be a way to suck out that moisture.”
Meanwhile, a female senator's proposed a slightly less bizarre approach that shifts the onus onto men:
Another MDC-T Senator, Sithembile Mlotshwa (Matobo), recently said people should have sex once a month and that men should be injected with drugs that reduce their libido. She also called for prisoners to be given sex toys to quench their sexual needs.
Oh dear.
You couldn't make it up could you?
Rarely am I at a loss for words but this one just flabbers my ghast completely.
If this is the best that these primitive idiots can come up with then there's absolutely no hope for Zimbabwe.
Less said the better or should that be shout this rubbish from the rooftops and let people realise just how dumb some of these Zimbabwean politicians are. I feel desperately sorry for ALL Zimbabweans let alone LGBT and of course W.
God help them all!
Am very ashamed atm to come from the same place lol!
When you consider
the bandit running the country, is it surprising that any of this happens. If this imbecile actually believes what he said, then he has a brain smaller than a flea's testicle.
It also demonstrates that old chestnut that so many men fear female sexuality yet aren't prepared to control male urges. Sadly many African nations seem to be dominated by these dick heads.
Disgusted of Dorchester.
Well, it's Zimbabwe
No offense to anyone who may have resided there or anything of that sort, but that government is a puppet government. As long as Mugabe lives they'll continue to be backward. And with the mass hyper inflation he had caused, there isn't gonna be a bright day for that country any time soon.
Ignorance Is Bliss
Unless it causes problems. 'Nuf said.
It is unfortunate
That country was better off back when it used to be called Rhodesia. It is too bad that the country was not more like it's southern neighbor South Africa. Not that SA does not have their own share of wacko's both black and white.