Can anyone contact, phone, text, IM Jaden? See er Blog: I'm about at my limit 5-12-12 2:57pm.
E sounds clinically depressed. E might be getting close to irrational. One can not count on appealing to er reason, faith, charity, love, family, etc.
E needs to call er parents and go to a hospital emergency room or similar! Talking might help, but OTOH it might not. I think E needs to be with people who can physically stop er from hurting erself, taking those pills, etc. E also needs to see a psychiatrist ASAP.
That clonipramine is an old, obsolete, tricyclic antidepressant. I took those before Prozac came out; they were ineffective. IMO, prescribing them nowdays, and not an SSRI, without a very good clinical reason is very poor practice.
I don't know what else to do. E might not be in as much trouble as I think, but there is some chance that I'm right. Depression and suicide are not things I would take chances with/about.
I know
I had commented earlier askin her to please not take any pills or do anything else. I may not know her but I've read the few stories she has put up an she seems like a good person who atm is feeling very lost.
I've been told...
That someone has been in contact with members of his family, so rash action should be able to be averted.
Peace be with you and Blessed be
I sent a private message to
I sent a private message to her last night but never received a response back. I told her that I had been through the same thing and had taking the pills. I was found and hospitalized, which turned out to be the best thing for me, I basically told her she should go to the hospital. Shortly after my messaging her she went offline I am hoping that she went to the hospital and talked to someone. I also put the offer out if she needed to talk she could contact me.
Depressive episodes
These things happen, and mostly people work them selves out of trouble on their own. I have seen people who get alarmed over someone else's mental state actually make matters worse because the subject then gets even more alarmed and depressed.
I still get times of depression but they seem to pass very fast now days.
People can work it out themselves...sometimes
I agree that people will usually get control in these situations, but it's safer to at least get in touch with friends or relatives of the person you are worried about. I have had relatives that had depressive episodes and it turns out that they needed medication to get control of it. I have experiences with it myself and I have gotten control of it for the most part.
If nothing else, people need someone to talk to and to know that they aren't alone.
I can't be rational about pills.
I had the most abusive experience with psych meds; talk about brain washing! One of the drugs I was on, Celexa, is now known to dramatically increase the patients suggestibility. It also makes you get fat like a whale and I have not been able to get the last 25lbs off. So, while I do recognize that some people really do need meds, others of us need counseling and care in our lives.
I won't subject people to what finally healed me because it may be too simple, non-drama, and easy.