It’s Just Research

It's Just Research


Julie O

Edited By Itinerant

It was just supposed to be a simple interview for his latest article, but Stephen would soon find his life turned upside down.

Chapter 1

Stephen Owens looked at his watch and saw that ten minutes had passed since the last time he had looked at it. He was beginning to think that the man he was scheduled to meet wasn't going to show up.

Glancing around the bar, he didn't see anyone that even remotely matched the description that he had been given.

Looking at his half-empty glass of whiskey, he debated on if it was worth staying much longer as he lifted the glass and took a sip. The warm liquor felt good as it slipped down his throat.

Stephen was a free-lance reporter and was currently working on his latest article about the city's alternative sexual activities. The first two articles had been very well received and he had been commissioned to write a third. The first one had focused on swing-clubs and the second on the city's transgendered sex scene. His latest was on the S&M community. His editor was so pleased with the other articles that he had given Stephen an advance.

Over the past month Stephen had gone to several clubs and parties and interviewed many in the community. Still he felt the article was missing something -- someone who lived the lifestyle 24/7. He had interviewed several people who he quickly determined were fakes, and he was about to give up, when he was given the name of a man called Bishop.

Stephen had spent the last few weeks trying to arrange a meeting. Finally Bishop told him that he would meet him that evening. Bishop -- Stephen was unsure if this was a first or last name -- gave Stephen his description.

Stephen scanned the bar again and noticed a man approaching him that matched the description.

The man was six-two with short black hair, and a neatly trimmed goatee. He was muscular and was dressed all in black; shirt, jean, boots, and leather trench coat, all were jet black.

The man stopped in front of Stephen's booth and extended his hand.

"I'm Bishop," he stated in a powerful voice.

Stephen stood up and shook hands with him. He immediately noticed the strong grip of the other man.

"Thank you for coming," replied Stephen.

Bishop nodded as he sat down.

Stephen wasn't that surprised that Bishop didn't offer any apologies for being nearly an hour late. In fact, Stephen suspected, it was all part of a test.

Bishop motioned to the waitress and placed an order, single malt straight up. The waitress then asked if Stephen wanted a refill and he nodded.

"So you want to interview me," said Bishop as he took off his coat.

"That's right," replied Stephen.

"I've read your other articles -- not bad. I particularly liked your interviews with the t-girl hookers; you were surprisingly open-minded towards their status," continued Bishop.

The waitress walked up and set down their drinks.

"And now you're doing an article on the S&M community," continued Bishop as he took a sip of his drink.

Stephen nodded.

"Specifically, I want to focus on the dom/sub aspect of it and how people enter into it," added Stephen.

"You are aware that they can be separate? Not all doms are into S&M and bondage," said Bishop.

"Yes I have learned that; I may have to do an additional article," replied Stephen.

Bishop smiled to himself, as he studied the reporter.

Stephen was five-eight, slim, and in his mid-twenties with shoulder-length brown hair. Bishop noted that Stephen had no features that made him distinctive: no scars, no facial hair ... very average looking.

"And the reason you want to interview me is that you want to find the genuine article," stated Bishop.

"That's right," replied Stephen.

"I take it those want-a-bees didn't fool you. Good! I would hate to be interviewed by an idiot," continued Bishop.

The man was very arrogant, thought Stephen, but it's what he had expected.

"I'm not interested in mocking the lifestyle," added Stephen.

Bishop nodded.

"Yes, I got that from reading your previous articles. Well, what do you want to know?"

"Right to the point," replied Stephen. "Do you mind if I use a recorder?"

"No, it shows that you are professional and well prepared. I admire those qualities," replied Bishop as he took another sip of his drink.

Stephen took out his small recorder and set it down on the table.

"I suppose that the first thing you want to know is why?" asked Bishop.

"That's as good a place to start as any," replied Stephen.

He was slightly annoyed how Bishop was taking charge; he was used to controlling the interview.

Bishop noticed Stephen's irritation and was pleased. Not just that the young writer was bothered by the fact that he wasn't in control, but that he wasn't saying or doing anything about it.

"It's simple: nature makes both the strong and dominant and also those who crave to be controlled," said Bishop.

"Yes, but in all relationships one person is more dominant ... but not to the extremes of your lifestyle," said Stephen.

Bishop smiled.

"True, but who says which is right? Society has set the norms, but who says that society is right? Being dominant is admired in men and looked down on in women. The opposite is true for submissives. A man who submits to a woman is called all kinds of names -- and if he submits to another man he is often reviled."

Stephen nodded.

"Now, what's wrong with someone taking their dominant nature to its fullest potential? To control their partner's life -- in all manners, mental, physical -- in all ways? And I have seen many accept this control and submit to being shaped until they are reborn."

"Reborn? That's an interesting choice of words," said Stephen.

"It's appropriate," replied Bishop. "A person who submits completely is reborn; they become a new person."

"So they become a slave?" asked Stephen.

"Not necessarily. Oh, there are those who turn it into a Master and Slave relationship, but these have their limits. No, what I am talking about is willing submission. Anyone can be forced to submit; a deep relationship is where the dominant takes total control, control that is given willingly. The interesting thing about this is when the submissive doesn't initially realize that they are giving up control ... and when they realize what is happening, they are so aroused by the changes that they give all."

"And you have done this to others?" asked Stephen.

Bishop nodded.

"It is quite ... intoxicating; the power rush is intense," he replied with a grin.

"And does this mean that you have someone currently as a sub?"

Bishop shook his head.

"No. My last mate died in an accident. I have been looking for the right person."

"I'm sorry about your loss," said Stephen.

To Stephen's surprise, Bishop smiled softly.

"That's very thoughtful of you," he replied.

They talked for another hour, before Bishop stated that he had to leave.

"If you wish to continue this conversation, I will be back here tomorrow evening at ten," he stated as he got up and left.

Stephen was left with ninety minutes of interview gold and the tab for the drinks.

Chapter 2

Stephen entered the bar and shook off the water from his coat. Outside the rain was coming down in sheets.

Needless to say, the bad weather kept most people home and the bar was nearly empty. Stephen took his seat in the same booth as the previous night. He looked as his watch and saw that it was almost ten. He was about to order his drink, when he saw the large man enter the bar.

"Very good, you're prompt," stated Bishop as he sat down. "I cannot tolerate anyone who is even a minute late."

Stephen bit his lip and decided that it wasn't the time to point out that Bishop had shown up late the previous night.

The waitress walked over and before he could say anything Bishop placed the order. He ordered a single malt for himself and a glass of red wine for Stephen.

"I hope you don't mind, but I think you'll appreciate the wine," said Bishop.

Stephen nodded, fighting back his displeasure about not being asked. However, he really wanted to get this interview, and so he swallowed his pride so as not to anger Bishop.

Bishop was pleased that Stephen had passed another test.

"Thank you," said Stephen.

"I thought it would suit you," replied Bishop confidently.

Stephen took out his recorder and set it down on the tabletop.

"So, where were we?" asked Bishop as he took a leather cigar case out of his coat.

Stephen was about to point out that smoking was prohibited in the bar, but he figured it wouldn't make any difference to Bishop.

The waitress returned with the drinks, and instead of telling Bishop that smoking wasn't allowed, she placed an ashtray down in front of him.

"They know my habits here," stated Bishop as he trimmed his cigar. "So, I'm sure that you reviewed last night's conversation and that you have additional questions."

"That's right," replied Stephen.

"Before you start, I have a few questions for you," said Bishop as he lit the cigar.

"Please," replied Stephen, slightly amused by Bishop's actions.

"You are presently single ... and not in a relationship."

"Those aren't questions," interrupted Stephen.

"True, but I am correct, right?"

"That's right, but how did you know?" asked Stephen.

"You're presently devoted to your career, and most women wouldn't tolerate someone researching the topics you are doing. They would get suspicious and assume that you were cheating on them. Oh, I didn't mean to assume anything; are you into men, women, or both?" asked Bishop.

"Women," replied Stephen immediately.

"No interest in men?" asked Bishop as he set down his cigar. "Not even in your past? Can you honestly say that you weren't curious? Be honest."

Stephen shrugged his shoulders as he sipped the wine. Bishop was right, it was very good.

"Okay, I thought about what it might be like, but I never acted on them," replied Stephen.

"Very good, an honest answer. If you had said no, then I would be leaving; I will not be lied to," replied Bishop. "Tell me about it. Was it in high school or college?"

"College," replied Stephen as he looked around to see if anyone was listening.

"Roommate, friend, or a professor?" asked Bishop. "It had to be a professor; someone older, who had power, am I right?"

"Yes, he was a professor; nothing actually happened though," admitted Stephen.

"So did he proposition you?"

Stephen nodded.

"And you were tempted?"

"A little ... okay, yes, but that's as far as it went. Nothing happened," replied Stephen.

"Part of you wishes you had done it," stated Bishop.

"Can we change the subject?" asked Stephen nervously.

"No, we can't. You've got my interest. So answer my question," demanded Bishop as he took a sip of his drink.

"I guess so," replied Stephen.

"And what did he want you to do? I assume that he was the one in charge," continued Bishop.

"He never said. But he said that I ... that I was cute," admitted Stephen. "And why do you say he was in charge?"

"The fact that you didn't do it. If you were the aggressor, you would have given in to your urges," he replied. "No, he was in control, and you almost gave in. It must have been very tempting."

"Okay, you're right, he propositioned me ... and I turned him down," replied Stephen.

"And did he say what he wanted from you?" asked Bishop.

"Can we move on?" asked Stephen.

"Let me guess ... he wanted you to suck his cock, and then he wanted to fuck you," replied Bishop. "I take it that you've never told anyone about this."

"That's right," replied Stephen as he nervously picked up his glass and took a long drink.

"I have the feeling that you would have enjoyed it. Don't worry Stephen, I don't hold this against you; in fact I think most people are bisexual."

Stephen let out a sigh, as he tried to regain his composure.

"Here, let me give you something to ease your nerves," said Bishop as he took a package of cigarettes out of his coat pocket.

"I don't smoke," replied Stephen nervously.

"I didn't ask you if you did," he replied as he extended the pack into Stephen's face. "Take one."

Stephen apprehensively took the cigarette and placed it between his lips. Bishop then reached over and lit it.

"Here, you will want another later; take the pack," said Bishop.

Stephen took the pack and slipped it into a coat pocket without looking at it.

"Here, take some matches too," said Bishop.

Stephen nodded as he took the box of matches and slipped them into the same coat pocket.

He coughed slightly as he inhaled the smoke.

"Take it slowly," ordered Bishop.

Stephen nodded.

"Now, one last question," continued Bishop.

"Okay," replied Stephen as he took another drag on the cigarette.

"How big is your cock?" asked Bishop.

"What?" asked Stephen as he glanced around nervously to see if anyone was listening to their conversation.

"Well, tell me. Is it large or small?" asked Bishop.

"That's a very personal question," said Stephen softly, his eyes darting around the room.

He picked up his drink and took a long sip.

Bishop's eyes were immediately drawn to the fact that Stephen's hands were trembling. It was getting better by the moment he thought.

"How small then?" asked Bishop as a sly smile appeared on his face.

Stephen stared back.

"You don't have to show me ... but when you're hard, what are you four inches?"

Stephen just stared back without replying.

"Smaller then ... I thought so," replied Bishop.

Stephen let out a sigh.

"So is it less than three?" asked Bishop.

"No, it's not that small," replied Stephen as he felt his face grow warm.

"See, that wasn't difficult," said Bishop. "By the way, you're very cute when you blush."

Stephen picked up his glass of wine and emptied it.

"You have now seen how easy it is for a Dom to take control," said Bishop. "Consider this little demonstration as a bonus."

With that Bishop stood up and put on his coat.

"Wait! We haven't continued the interview," said Stephen.

"But we accomplished so much more. Be back here tomorrow at ten," stated Bishop as he turned and left. "But in the meantime I want you to do something for me: I want you to think about what it would have been like if you had submitted to your professor."

Chapter 3

Stephen sat in his living room, drinking a glass of wine, as he thought about the strange events that had taken place that night.

Without thinking about it, he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the cigarettes. He looked at the pack -- it was labeled Virginia Slims.

He cursed, as he realized what Bishop had done. Suddenly he had an overwhelming compulsion to smoke one, and with little hesitation he was lighting one up.

As he replayed the events of the night, he thought about how Bishop was able to take command. He also began to think about that afternoon back in college when he almost gave in to his professor's advances. Bishop was right about one thing thought Stephen: there was a part of him that regretted not giving in to his professor.

As he inhaled on the cigarette, he fantasized about submitting to his professor. As he did he began to pleasure himself. To his shock he found that instead of his professor, Stephen began to fantasize about sucking Bishop's cock. The more he did, the more he became aroused and soon he was lost in a haze of sexual bliss. As he did his mind began to drift into the area that both shamed and aroused him.

Chapter 4

The next night, Stephen arrived at the bar and once again took his seat in the booth. As he looked around the bar part of him hoped that Bishop wouldn't show up. He was still unnerved by the questions that the large man had asked him the previous night. He was also bothered by the way he had so quickly submitted to Bishop's demands.

The barmaid walked over to the booth and without asking she placed a glass of red wine in front of Stephen. She also set an ashtray on the table, before she walked away without comment, although she flashed a knowing smile at Stephen.

His face began to get warm, and he realized that he was blushing. To calm his nerves, he reached into his coat pocket and felt the half-empty package of Virginia Slims. He glanced around at the nearly empty bar, before he pulled out the pack. He anxiously placed a cigarette between his lips, as he struggled to light a match.

"Here, let me," said Bishop as he leaned over with his lighter.

"Thank you," replied Stephen softly.

"My pleasure," he replied as he sat down. "I see that you have taken to them."

"Why this brand?" asked Stephen.

"They suit you," he replied. "You're not very masculine Stephen. I bet you were even more feminine looking back in college, I can see why your professor hit on you."

Stephen dropped his head in shame, as Bishop's words hit him.

"Don't be embarrassed by this ... I think you are quite attractive, and it wouldn't take much to make you into a passable woman."

Stephen was about to argue, but instead took another drag on the cigarette. He could see that Bishop was getting off on the way he had once again taken control of the situation.

"So, you have been thinking about it?" asked Bishop.

Stephen hesitated before speaking.

"Um, can we back to the interview please?" he asked.

"No. This is much more interesting. Now, answer my question," demanded Bishop.

Stephen glanced around and then leaned closer.

"Yes, I thought about it," he replied.

"Good, just like I ordered you. So if you had the same opportunity, you would jump at it."

Stephen didn't reply, and Bishop laughed.

"Your silence tells says it all," replied Bishop. "I suspected that you had more that just a curiosity in the alternative lifestyle. You have the urges but lack the ability to act ... for now."

Stephen crushed his cigarette out in the ashtray and immediately reached for another.

As before Bishop reached over and lit the cigarette.

"Okay, so now you have some personal insight into why people go into this lifestyle. Some just do it occasionally, and then there are those who accept their true nature and embrace their true selves," said Bishop. "I like to help guide the shy find their true nature -- just as I am guiding you."

"I'm not interested," interrupted Stephen.

Bishop laughed.

"Yes, you are ... otherwise you would have gotten up and left by now," he replied. "You can't leave; you are drawn to what I am offering. It's a craving ... you cannot resist."

Stephen cautiously glanced around to see if anyone was listening.

"Did you think about me last night?" asked Bishop as a devilish grin appeared on his face.

Stephen nodded.

"Good," replied Bishop. "Then it is time for you to take the next step."

"What do you mean?" asked Stephen cautiously.

"You will meet me here tomorrow night at ten. You will be dressed all in black ... and you will submit to me," stated Bishop as he stood up. "I know you'll be here; I look forward to taking you to the next level of your rebirth."

Chapter 5

Throughout the next day, Stephen fully planned on not going to the bar, but as the clock ticked down he found himself breaking down. He dressed in a pair of black slacks, a matching black long sleeve shirt, black shoes and a leather jacket.

At ten, he was seated in the booth anxiously puffing on a cigarette.

He tried to get up and leave, but he found that he couldn't. Time slowly passed, and after waiting nearly an hour he began to wonder if Bishop would show up.

"Very good, you know how to follow directions," stated Bishop as he walked up to the booth. "I very pleased that you have obeyed me ... and you will be rewarded for your submission."

"What do you mean?" asked Stephen.

"I will leave here, and I will wait in my car for exactly ten minutes. You come out, and you'll get that chance to suck my cock. If you do a good job, then I will fuck you; you'll get to feel what you missed back in college."

"And if I don't?" asked Stephen.

Bishop grinned.

"That's not in the cards. We both know what you're going to do ... slut," he said as he stood up. "I will see you shortly."

Stephen watched Bishop leave and then he looked at his watch. It would be easy to just sit there for ten minutes, but urges began to grow inside of him. As if in a dream, he dropped some money on the table, slipped on his coat and headed out of the bar.

A light rain was falling, as Stephen stepped outside.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he whispered to himself.

A jet-black colored late model Mercedes sedan drove up along side of Stephen.

He could see Bishop sitting behind the wheel.

Without a word Stephen got inside.

Chapter 6

They drove a short distance away to a motel located near the Interstate.

Bishop didn't say a word, as he motioned Stephen to follow him into the room.

Once inside the room Bishop sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Undress. Just throw your clothes on the chair, then get on your knees in front of me," he ordered.

Stephen meekly obeyed.

"Yes, you are quite petite ... just as I suspected," said Bishop as he studied Stephen's naked body.

Stephen dropped down on his knees in front of Bishop. He couldn't believe that he had gotten himself into this predicament, and he was even more ashamed by the fact that he wanted to do this.

"Is this your first cock?" asked Bishop.

Stephen nodded.

"No, say it," ordered Bishop.

"This is my first cock," replied Stephen as he felt his face get warm.

"See, how easy it is to obey?" asked Bishop as he undid his pants. "I love how feminine you look, when you blush."

Stephen watched silently as Bishop pulled his erect cock out. Stephen estimated that it was around eight inches long.

"You want it, don't you?" asked Bishop.

Stephen nodded.

Bishop slapped Stephen on the face.

"When I ask you a question, you will answer!" snapped Bishop firmly. "I don't want to hurt you, but I will be obeyed."

"I'm sorry. Yes, I want it," replied Stephen.

"So you have craved cock for years, and now you get your chance. It must be a dream come true," said Bishop.

"Yes ... you are right ... I want it; I want your cock," replied Stephen in a soft and hesitant tone.

In some ways it would have been better if Bishop had physically forced him to submit, thought Stephen. It was very humiliating to just surrender like this. He also was shocked by how aroused he was by the manner in which Bishop was dominating.

"Then you shall have it. But first you must ask me for it. Ask nicely, my dear," said Bishop.

Stephen nodded and without another thought he replied.

"Please, may I suck your cock," he asked.

"Very good, you said please. See, it wasn't that difficult. Yes, my sweet, you may suck my cock. Now, start at the head; lick and kiss it, make love to it," ordered Bishop. "Take your time. This is not a race."

Stephen leaned close and began to kiss the head of Bishop's erect cock.

"See how easy that was? Now lick it ... kiss it. You've waited so long for this ... make the most of it," stated Bishop.

Stephen followed Bishop's orders, and soon his lips were wrapped around Bishop's cock.

"Very good, bitch. Take it in slowly; fill your mouth with my cock," moaned Bishop.

Stephen looked up at Bishop with wide opened eyes.

"Yes, my dear, you are my bitch -- and this is just the start," stated Bishop. "Now, take it deeper."

Stephen felt the cock push deeper into his mouth. He had to fight his gag reflex, as it pushed down his throat. He then felt it slip out.

Bishop grabbed the back of Stephen's head and began to slowly grind it up and down his cock.

"Watch your teeth, slut," warned Bishop as he slowly picked up the pace.

Stephen focused on the sensation of Bishop's cock slipping in and out of his mouth. The pace was picking up until the cock was pumping him as if it was fucking him. He lost all track of time as he served Bishop's cock.

He then felt Bishop tense up, and without warning, he felt his mouth being filled with cum.

"Swallow it all, bitch! Don't spill a drop," moaned Bishop.

Stephen obeyed without hesitation.

"Very good. You took it all; now lick me clean," ordered Bishop.

Chapter 7

"You were a very good cock-sucker, for your first time," stated Bishop as he got dressed. "I'm very pleased."

"Thanks," replied Stephen softly.

"You know what this makes you now," stated Bishop.

Stephen nodded meekly.

"Say it. What are you now?" demanded Bishop.

"Do I have to?" asked Stephen meekly.

"Yes. It will confirm what you are. You did suck my cock, and you swallowed my seed," he replied. "So, what does that make you?"

"I'm a cock-sucker," replied Stephen softly.

"And what else? What do you call a bitch that swallows?" he demanded.

"A cum-slut," replied Stephen softly.

"So say it all together. The sooner you accept who and what you are the easier this will be," said Bishop. "Now, tell me what you are."

"Do I have to?" begged Stephen.

Bishop nodded.

"This is all part in your transformation into the real you. Accept what you really are; deep down you know the truth," replied Bishop.

"I'm a cock-sucking cum-slut," replied Stephen softly.

"Again," he ordered.

"I'm a cock-sucking cum-slut," repeated Stephen.

Bishop smiled, held out a recorder and replayed Stephen's words.

"Don't worry my dear, I'm not going to blackmail you with this. It's just a reminder that I am in charge," said Bishop. "You may get up from your knees and sit over in that chair."

Stephen obeyed.

"Well, you passed the first test. Very impressive," continued Bishop.

"The first test?" asked Stephen.

Bishop nodded as he got up and handed Stephen a piece of paper.

"Tomorrow, at 1 in the afternoon, you will call this number, and you will be given a set of instructions. If you want to see me again, you will follow them exactly and without protest," said Bishop.

Stephen looked at the paper and the phone number written down on it.

"I will not tell you what will happen; why ruin the surprise? But I know you'll find it very interesting," said Bishop.

"And if I don't call the number?" asked Stephen.

Bishop laughed.

"You act as if you still have a choice. You have given yourself to me -- and you'll do it again. Deep down, you know you can not disobey me. I knew you were submissive, when I first met you, and I'm never wrong about these things. When I decided to make you mine, your fate was sealed."

Stephen wanted to argue against this ... but he couldn't.

"Soon any doubt will be purged from your mind, and all you will care about is surrendering to my control. You are about to be reborn," said Bishop as he got up and walked over to Stephen's clothes.

He took out Stephen's wallet, keys and cigarettes and tossed them on the bed. He then scooped up all of Stephen's clothes and put them in a trash bag.

"There's a bag in the closet. It has some clothes in it; you'll wear them home tonight," said Bishop.

Stephen got up and retrieved the bag. Inside was a complete woman's wardrobe.

"Put it on; I will do your makeup," stated Bishop.

Stephen realized that he had to obey, and he unpacked the bag. Inside was a pair of panties, tights, a bra, a short leather skirt, a sweater and a pair of high heels. All were black.

Stephen also noticed a box that had a large pair of silicon breast pads.

"I like my sluts to have big tits," stated Bishop. "Now, we're wasting time, get dressed."

Chapter 8

Stephen wasn't surprised that all the items fit him. It was obvious that Bishop had planned for everything.

After he was dressed, Bishop expertly applied makeup on Stephen's face. Everything was done heavy and sexy, so that Stephen looked as if he was a whore. To finish the look, Bishop set a wig on Stephen's head. The wig was long and styled in long flowing curls. The color was a very dramatic red.

"Very nice," said Bishop. "I knew you'd make a better looking woman than a man. After all you suck cock like a woman. So what do you think?"

"I can't believe that I am seeing myself," said Stephen.

"Get used to the look," said Bishop.

Stephen looked over at Bishop unsure how to react. He should have felt humiliated, yet he felt the opposite -- as if this was very natural, it was very confusing and unsettling as he realized how he was no longer in control of his life.

"That's right, my sweet, this suits you better. From this point on, you will live your life as a woman. This clothing is just the start," continued Bishop. "Soon you will think of dressing up in men's clothes as being strange."

"I don't know if I can continue with this," said Stephen.

"Yes you can; you have already made up your mind," stated Bishop.

"But ... I have a life, a job," stammered Stephen.

"You can still be a writer as a woman. In fact, it might make you better as you will no longer be holding back the real you," replied Bishop. "I haven't forced you to do anything; this is the real you coming out. Deep down you're a submissive woman who wants to serve. This is your deepest dream come true, isn't that right?"

Stephen stared back with a look of shock.

Bishop laughed loudly.

"Yes, I know all about you!" stated Bishop confidently.

"It's just for the article,' said Stephen in a barely audible tone. "It's just research."

"Yes, you're right; it's research," continued Bishop. "But I've been the one studying you for sometime now. Do you think it was chance that you were given my name?"

Stephen's jaw dropped.

"Your articles interested me, and I began to investigate you. When I got into your computer, I found all those links to transgendered websites. I immediately suspected that they weren't just for research," continued Bishop as he glanced at his watch. "Now, I have to take you back to your car. Oh, I will still fuck you, but it will wait until later."

Chapter 9

Stephen puffed on his cigarette, as he drove to the address given to him over the phone. He had no idea what was about to happen, all he did know was that he had to do it.

Bishop had allowed him to dress in male clothing. The words sank in slowly -- he had been given permission to dress as a guy. Stephen wanted to fight back, but his urge to submit was too strong.

All his life he had fought his submissive feelings, but now they were pouring out. The feminization aspect of Bishop's domination was also strangely appealing. Deep down, he suspected that he was about to be further feminized and yet he couldn't turn away.

He parked his car outside the warehouse and checked the address again. He was about to call the number when the door to the warehouse opened up. An attractive woman with short white hair motioned him to drive inside.

Once inside, the door slammed shut with a loud bang.

Stephen got out of his car and watched as the woman walked up to him.

"I'm pleased that you got here so quickly," said the woman. "My name is Erin, and I'm a very good friend of Bishop. Now, he explained that you are to do whatever I tell you, correct?"

Stephen nodded.

"Good, well, let's get started, we have a lot to do," she said as she led him up a ramp. "Follow me to my workshop."

Stephen followed her, as she led him through a doorway.

"This is my studio and salon," she announced.

Stephen saw a salon chair and a makeup table,

"Let's get started; undress please," she ordered. "We have a lot to do and not a lot of time."

Stephen did as she ordered.

"Not bad ... not bad at all," she said.

Stephen stood in front of her, naked.

"Follow me," she ordered.

Erin led him into another room. There was a full shower stall in the room.

"Now, I'm going to remove your body hair," she explained as she slipped on a pair of gloves. "This is a very powerful hair remover and will leave you smooth and hairless for months."

Before she started, she pinned his hair up.

Next, she began to coat his legs in the harsh smelling pink cream. She worked her way up his body and stopped after coating his face.

"Now we wait. You can remove the cream in fifteen minutes," said Erin. "You may feel some tingling."

"I do," he replied.

"That means it is working. This is great stuff! In most cases, it's permanent after two or three applications; it's a great time saver. I love having a totally smooth body," she explained.

After fifteen minutes, she turned on the shower and directed him inside.

Chapter 10

"Okay, you ready to see your new hairstyle?" she asked.

Stephen nodded.

"Keep your eyes closed as I remove the blindfold," she ordered.

Stephen nodded again as he felt the blindfold being removed.

"Okay, open your eyes, my dear," she said.

Stephen opened his eyes and gasped. His brown hair was now dark red in color; additionally his hair was now filled with curls. His eyebrows were also the same color, although they were now very thin and highly arched.

"You look lovely ... quite feminine," said Erin.

Stephen ran his fingers through his curls and at the same time noticed his long red nails. Obviously he had known that she had worked on his nails, but he was still shocked by how long they now were.

"You'll get used to them, we all do. It's the price of beauty," she commented. "Okay, let's get you made up and dressed."


Over the next hour, Stephen watched as Erin continued his transformation.

The look she created for him was dark and extreme. He had heavy black eyeliner around his eyes and thick mascara on his lashes. The eye shadow colors were also dark colors and they created a dramatic look.

The lipstick she used was a dark red and was covered with several coats of gloss.

"The next time you come here, I'll start on your permanent makeup; it's a great timesaver. I'll do eyeliner and your lips. Nothing extreme, but it will give you a feminine look at all times," said Erin. "Now, let's get you dressed."

The outfit was also dark. She first dressed him in a black corset, lacing it tight. Next she added a black bra, stockings and a thong. The bra was filled with very large breast pads.

"In case you're wondering, you're now a 34-DD. They may seem too large, but you'll get used to them."

She then had him put on a black sleeveless dress. Next she fitted him with four inch open toed pumps. To complete the outfit, she added silver bracelets, rings, and hoop earrings.

"I'm so glad you have pierced ears. Of course, you only have one piercing per ear; knowing Bishop, that will change," she said.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"He likes piercings and other body art. You can expect him to decorate your whole body, in addition to the feminization changes," she said. "In the past, he has spent a lot on plastic surgery. Don't worry, you'll turn out stunning."

Stephen looked at himself in the mirror and was amazed by how different he looked. In fact, he barely recognized himself.

"Oh, here's your purse. I took the liberty of emptying your male wallet. You'll also find makeup and your cigarettes in there," she said.

"Thanks," he replied automatically.

"You're welcome," replied Erin. "I'm so pleased with the way you turned out; Bishop sure knows how to pick them."

Chapter 11

Bishop was very pleased with Erin's work.

"As always a true artist," he commented as he inspected Stephen. "Did she give you any problems?"

"No, she was a real lady," replied Erin. "It's obvious that she is meant to be a woman."

Bishop looked at Stephan.

"Don't look so shocked my dear. It's much more fitting to refer to you as female, now; ... there's little trace of your maleness. In fact, with each passing day you will become more feminine. So I guess you'll need a new name," stated Bishop.

Stephan just nodded meekly.

"Stephanie would be the obvious choice, but it doesn't fit you. No, I think something different," he said. "I think Natasha is nice name for you."

"Natasha?" asked Stephen.

"Yes, it suits you. From now on you will be Natasha. And my dear, you will think of yourself as female," he stated. "Look at yourself in the mirror; do you see a man? Do you want me to call you by a male name? You have surrendered so much so quickly; why stop now? Accept this, Natasha. You are obviously too weak to resist me."

Stephen turned and looked into the mirror, as Bishop spoke.

"This is just the start, my dear. Remember how I said that true submission was a rebirth? That is what you are going to experience. Your male life is over," he continued. "This is just the beginning; the changes will continue day by day -- mental and physical. You will accept your new life as a woman, my submissive woman. You will see your body change, through hormones and surgery. You will become an obedient and totally submissive woman. If you don't want this then this is your last chance. You can leave -- walk out, get in your car and drive away -- but if you stay, you surrender to me."

Stephen felt his breathing get heavier, as he listened to Bishop's words.

"Starting immediately you will begin taking female hormones. The ones I use are very powerful, and you'll see changes very quickly. You will undergo plastic surgery -- feminizing your face and making it softer. You will get breast implants; as I said last night, I like my girls to have large tits. Your hips will be enlarged too, giving you a very dramatic figure. And then there's the fun stuff: the body art, the piercings -- you will become a work of art," he continued. "So, what will it be? Will you go back to being Stephen, and always be thinking of the lost opportunity you had to be the real you? Or will you accept your life as Natasha -- my woman -- willingly surrendering your free will to me, submitting to me, allowing me to transform and make your over into the person you were meant to be?"

"I need ... I still need time to think about this," stammered Stephen.

Bishop laughed.

"No, you don't. ... the fact that you even think you need more time tells me that you want to be Natasha," said Bishop. "I know you better than you know yourself. I read your articles, specifically the one you wrote about the t-girls. I could sense that you were envious of them and how they could take on a new gender. I read your private journals on your computer and how you have longed to be a woman. I particularly liked the one you wrote last night about how good you felt dressed up."

Stephen stared at Bishop who just smiled back.

"It only took me ten minutes to figure out your new password. Now, look at yourself and don't deny it, you wanted to be like those girls -- to be feminized, to take on the role of woman, to give up living as a man. This way you could give into your sexual urges to submit sexually to real men, to suck their cocks, to be fucked, to serve them as their feminized submissive lover," he continued.

Stephen felt weak, and his breathing began to get heavier. Bishop's words were drilling into his mind.

"No, I was just doing a story; it's not what you think it is," he cried.

Bishop smirked.

"No, you were researching the life you craved," countered Bishop.

"No ... that's ... that's not true," replied Stephen weakly. He wasn't sure if he believed his own words anymore.

"Really? You say that after the way you sucked my cock? After the way you submitted so easily to being feminized? Erin, did she give you any problems?" asked Bishop.

Erin laughed.

"None at all, she was quite docile and obedient," replied Erin. "She was a perfect little princess."

Stephen weakly shook his head

"I don't believe you Natasha. You want this; all you have to do is admit it," countered Bishop. "You are giving in. You don't want to resist; you want to be my submissive slut."

Stephen continued to shake his head.

"All you have to do is ask, and I will ease your pain. The duality of your old life will be over, you will be reborn and live as a woman ... my woman, my submissive woman," continued Bishop. "This is not slavery; I don't want you as my property but as my lover. Yes, a submissive lover, but a willing subservient lover. In exchange for your devotion, I will cherish and protect you. I will make you beautiful. Look in the mirror, Natasha; this is who you're destined to be, the real you, and if you submit to me, you will become even more gorgeous."

Stephen obeyed and looked in the mirror at the feminized figure staring back at him. He tried to turn and walk away, but he couldn't move. He then smiled and ran his tongue over his dark red lips. Erin had made him beautiful and oh so feminine. He then felt weak all over, and he dropped down to his knees.

Bishop pulled out the tape recorder and played Stephen's words from the previous night.

"Those words make even more sense now," said Bishop. "So let's stop this foolishness and get on with our lives. Tell me your name, my dear."

Stephen took a deep breath, as he absorbed what was happening. He then closed his eyes, and when they reopened, she knew what her path had to be.

"I ... I am Natasha," she replied.

"See how easy that was, Natasha. Now tell me who you are," he continued.

"I no longer know," she replied as she lifted her head up.

"Well, let's start at something more basic: are you male or female?" he asked.

Natasha took a moment before answering.

"To be honest, I'm not sure anymore," she replied.

"I see, so you're no longer sure if you're male or female?" he asked.

Natasha nodded

"Good, then you are being honest. See how easy that was?" he replied. "I promise that I will treat you like the princess you are. I told you that I don't want a slave -- I don't want someone to abuse -- I just crave control and dominance. And you need control, and hunger for submission; it's the perfect match."

Natasha nodded again.

Bishop was pleased how quickly he had taken control of Natasha, but he knew that he would have to immediately reinforce her new status to break her residual resistance. It was all going as planned.

"Very good, my love," he replied. "Now, stand up; we have to leave."

Natasha obeyed.

Erin brought out a short leather coat and handed it to Natasha.

"Here, put this on; you don't want to be cold," said Erin.

Chapter 12

Several hours later, she was sitting next to Bishop in his home.

"How do you feel?" he asked as he stroked her hair.

"Fine," she replied. "It's a big step; I thought I'd get more time to think about it."

"I have found that it's best to do these things faster. Haven't I been right about everything else?" he asked.

"Yes, you do seem to know best," replied Natasha.

"Good, that makes me happy," he replied.

"So, how soon I will see changes?" she asked as she rubbed her arm where the IV had been in.

"It depends on your body chemistry. These are not the normal prescription hormones," he replied. "The IV you received was very strong, and you may feel ill over the next few days -- sort of like the flu. The protein and hormonal shakes that you will consume daily will increase the changes. As the doctor said, you'll notice swelling in the breasts first," he replied. "However you have nothing to fear from them, and you'll be seeing the doctor regularly to ensure that there are no ill side effects."

She nodded.

"Any other concerns?" he asked.

"A few," she replied. "First, how do I explain this? Or do I just abandon my life?"

Bishop shook his head.

"No, I wouldn't want that. You're a talented writer, and I want you to have that outlet. In fact, I want you to write an article about how you have decided to become a woman," he replied.

"So I will be outing myself?" she asked.

"In a matter of speaking," said Bishop. "I can't think of a better way of doing it. Besides, I have talked to many people who had read your work, and they suspect that you're far more into the scene that you have admitted. In many ways, you'll become even more popular."

"I suppose that would work, but who would publish it?" she asked.

"The same editor who has published your other articles," replied Bishop with confidence.

"How can you be so sure?"

He smiled as he cocked his head.

"He's in the community, although not in the same neighborhood. His personal kink is being a furry. We've known each other for a while, and I already have his promise to publish your coming-out article," replied Bishop. "Besides, it's not as if you can go on living as a male. You'll be living full time as a woman from now on."

"What do you mean?"

"While Erin was transforming you, I was at your place performing a similar change," replied Bishop.

She cocked her head, as she stared at him.

"For starters, all your male clothing is gone and replaced with more appropriate items. I also had a crew do a quick change of your furnishings, so they look more fitting for a young woman," he replied.

"I see, and what do I tell my neighbors and landlord?"

"You can tell your neighbors whatever you want. I know you're not close to any of them. As for your landlord, I told him. Don't worry, he won't be any problem," said Bishop.

"You seemed to have thought of everything," she replied as the impact of his words sunk in.

"You have no idea," he replied. "Now, I think it's time you showed your gratitude for my freeing your feminine side."

He then began to unbuckle his belt.

Natasha nodded and slipped down on her knees in front of Bishop.

"Take your time and savor it -- as I will," he ordered as he unzipped his trousers.

Chapter 12

Two weeks later, she submitted the article about her transition from Stephen to Natasha. Per Bishop's instructions, she focused on her long struggle with her gender and not her new relationship. He said that she could write about that another time.

As soon as the article was published, her email account was inundated with responses. Many were positive and supportive, although there were also a large number that were insulting and disparaging. As Bishop had said, many said that they had suspected that she was hiding something.

Thanks to Bishop's directions, there was no turning back and the only thing she could do but look to the future. She was out as Natasha, a transgendered woman.

Natasha was slightly surprised by the way Bishop was treating her. For the most part, they had settled into a fairly conventional relationship. He must have sensed her confusion and told her that he was allowing her to adjust to her new life. Granted, sexual activities were part of her adjustment, but even though Bishop was dominant, he was also a caring lover. With each passing day, Natasha found herself craving sexual contact with him until she couldn't imagine life without him.

She still lived in her old apartment, as Bishop felt that it would help her transition. As promised, the landlord left her alone. Her neighbors seemed curious about her change, but for the most part they accepted her as a woman.

Physically, she began to notice the changes. The most obvious were her breasts, as they were beginning to get larger. Additionally, her nipples were bigger and much more sensitive.

She was also noticing her hips and butt were getting larger.

Bishop had also kept his word regarding her legal status. Her driver license now listed her gender as a female. She couldn't believe it was all happening so quickly. With each passing day, Bishop was erasing her old life and recreating it. At times, she wondered if her life as a male had been a dream.

Chapter 13

"Very nice," stated Bishop as he inspected her appearance.

He had picked her up and was driving her around the city. As always, he didn't tell her where he was taking her.

Natasha was dressed in a short leather skirt, high heel boots, and a dark red tube top. It was made of very thin material and her breasts pressed tightly against it. To complete her outfit, she was wearing a leather jacket. Her makeup was done heavy and made her look sexy and exotic.

"Thank you," she replied.

"I'm also pleased that you are wearing your collar. I want everyone to know that you are mine," he stated.

Natasha reached up and touched the leather collar around her neck. It was not locked in place, but it might as well have been. She wouldn't dare take it off without Bishop's permission.

"Thank you, Bishop," she replied.

Bishop pulled the car over and stopped a few blocks from her new place. Natasha wondered why they had stopped, but she knew better than to ask.

"Do you realize that it has been six months since we first met?" he asked as he helped her out of his car.

He immediately slipped his arm around her waist and led her down the street.

"Yes, Bishop, and I can't believe how much my life has changed," she stated.

"How do you like your new place?" he asked.

"It's nice, even though it's smaller than my old apartment," she replied.

"I felt you needed a change," he replied. "Have you met any of your neighbors?"

Natasha nodded.

"The two girls next door are nice," she replied.

"Have they told you what they do for a living?" he asked.

Natasha nodded.

"They're both prostitutes," she replied.

"That's correct," he replied.

"They're also like me in that they used to be men," she continued.

"Yes, I know; I helped to transform them for their pimp," he replied.

Natasha lowered her head in fear.

"Don't worry, my pet, I have no intention of turning you into a whore," he said. "I want you for myself. However, with the way you dress these days, it does make you fit in, don't you agree?"

Natasha nodded.

Bishop insisted that she always wear short skirts and high heels. It was degrading at first, but she was growing used to it. She couldn't remember the last time she had worn pants.

"Your breasts have come in quite nicely, even the doctor is impressed," said Bishop as he reached over and ran his hands over them.

Natasha looked down at her breasts.

"I can't believe they're already up to a C-cup," she stated.

"They will get even bigger. I love the way your nipple rings show through your top," he said.

Natasha nodded. Just as Erin had said, Bishop had decorated her body. She now had several piercings. In addition to her nipples, her clit, navel, and nose all had rings. Each of her ears had several studs and hoops, and her tongue had a stud.

But Bishop didn't stop there. She had several tattoos now. On her left shoulder, she had a black chess bishop, which marked her as his property. Additionally she had flowers tattooed above her diminutive clit. In the middle of the flowers was a bar-code. The code could be read and it would show her status as his property. It permanently marked her status as his property. While he never referred to her as his slave, this was exactly what she had become.

Bishop insisted that she call what had been her cock, when she was a man, her clit. It did seem appropriate, as the hormones had made it much smaller. The good thing was that she could still have orgasms.

The physical changes were part of what Bishop had done to her in the past six months. Of course she was very submissive, but he had also changed her in other ways. Her mental transformation was more difficult, and he knew from past experience not to push the changes too quickly. Tonight, he would start her on a new path.

Bishop was very pleased with the changes, so far. He had taken the one-time male and transformed him into a very subservient she-male, but now it was time to change her into a true slut. His goal was to transform her mentally so that she would do whatever he asked sexually without question, no matter how bizarre.

"Tell me more about your new friends; what are their names?" he asked.

"Ginger and Ruby," she replied.

"And do you hang out with them?" asked Bishop.

"Yes, they have shown me around the neighborhood. We had coffee together, the other day," she replied.

"And have they told you about what they do?" he asked, knowing the answer.

"Yes, they both seem to enjoy having sex for a living," she replied.

"Tell me more," he ordered.

"Both seem to do it because they love sex. Ruby says that she is never satisfied," said Natasha.

"And what about Ginger?" he asked.

"She says that she has always loved having sex in public," she answered.

"Did they tell you how they became whores?"

Natasha nodded.

"They used to come down to this neighborhood, when they were college students. At first, it was for the sex, but they changed. They both said that they realized that they no longer wanted to be with whores ... that they wanted to become them. They said that no one forced them to do it."

"That's correct. I was brought in to help transform them," he stated.

"They asked me if I wanted to join them," admitted Natasha.

"That's understandable," he replied. "I mean, physically you fit right in with the girls in the neighborhood."

Natasha nodded.

"I've noticed that," she replied. "I think that most people who see me think I'm one of the working girls."

"So, be honest Natasha, do you find the idea of being a prostitute exciting?" he asked.

"I only want to be with you," she replied.

"I know that," he replied. "However, I want you to answer my question."

She shook her head.

"Would you do it if I told you to?" he asked.

"Of course," she replied nervously.

He smiled at her.

"I don't want you to sell your body, but I would like to see you dressed up as a whore. Would you do that for me?"

"Yes Bishop," she replied.

"Good," he replied as he led her into a bar.

Once inside, Natasha saw Ginger and Ruby sitting at the bar.

"Here she is girls, ready for her makeover," stated Bishop.

Chapter 14

Natasha looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her face was heavily made up with thick eyeliner and extreme eye shadow. Her lips were coated in bright red lipstick and gloss. Her hair was brushed out and treated with products so that her face was surrounded by large curls.

Her outfit was a skimpy red tube dress that barely covered her ass. Her breasts were also busting out of the top. To complete her outfit, she was wearing thigh-high, high-heel boots.

"You look hot Natasha," stated Ginger as she stood back and admired her work.

Ginger was a full-figured African-American t-girl. Ruby was a tall blonde, but like her friend she had very feminine features with large breasts.

"Yeah, too good. It's a good thing that you're only playing," added Ruby. "You'd take away business from us."

Both Ginger and Ruby began to laugh.

"Bishop is really cool. He's the one who got us the hormones that made us the sexy women we are today," said Ginger.

"How long have you been on them, Natasha?" asked Ruby.

"Six months," she replied.

Ginger let out a whistle.

"Wow, you're going to be big. Mine weren't near that big back then," she said.

Natasha looked at Ginger‘s chest.

"How big are you now?" asked Natasha.

"36-DD," she replied proudly as she cupped her breasts. "You'll probably be larger than that."

"They're a great selling point," added Ruby. "Guys can't believe they're real; they love playing with them, and they pay me good money for the right. Men love titty-fucking me."

"I know you told me that you both wanted to become women, but how did you end up like this?" asked Natasha.

"We knew each other back when we went to college. I used to dress and I suspected that Ruby was like me," explained Ginger. "I brought her down here, and well ... we found we had similar interests."

"We used to pay the girls to dress us up, and, well, one thing led to another. One of the girls thought we looked too good to be guys, and then she introduced us to Jackson and he suggested we go to work for him," added Ruby. "That was two years ago."

"He brought in Bishop, and within a few months we couldn't pass as guys any more," added Ginger.

"And you like it?" asked Natasha.

"No, we love it!" giggled Ginger.

"But you really like being prostitutes?" asked Natasha.

"It feels right. I mean, do you like being Bishop's property?" asked Ruby.

Natasha nodded.

"And do you have any regrets over how he has changed you?" asked Ginger.

"No, not anymore. I can't imagine being a man," replied Natasha.

"And can you imagine being on your own?" asked Ginger.

"No, not any more. I ... I crave his attention," admitted Natasha.

"So it's okay then. I mean, we're happy so what's wrong with that?" asked Ginger.

"And if Bishop ever tires of you, I know Jackson would scoop you up in a heartbeat. He really treats us well," said Ruby.

"Thanks," said Natasha.

"Well, we'd better get out to work. Besides you don't want to keep Bishop waiting," stated Ruby.

Chapter 15

Within minutes of hitting the streets, Natasha was getting attention. As ordered she turned down all offers.

Bishop watched from the shadows and smiled. Natasha looked very sexy and had so willingly submitted to this latest humiliation. His cock hardened as he anticipated his next move.

Thirty minutes later, he pulled up next to Natasha and ordered her into his car.

"I'm impressed. You really make a hot-looking whore," he stated.

"Thank you," she replied automatically. "What can I do for you?"

Bishop took out some money and slipped down between her breasts.

"Do a good job and you'll get more," he stated.

Natasha nodded, as she reached over and began to rub his cock.

"That's it; get me nice and hard," ordered Bishop as he drove away.

"Suck me," he ordered.

Natasha leaned down and undid his belt and unzipped his pants. She pulled his cock out and began to lick and kiss it. She felt it grow hard as it filled her mouth.

"Maybe you should be a whore," he stated. "You're very good."

He drove a short distance and pulled into the loading area of a deserted warehouse.

"Come with me," he ordered.

He led Natasha to the rear of his car. He reached under her dress and pulled her panties down. He then bent her over , so she was lying face down on the trunk and spread her legs.

"This is how a whore takes it," he stated as he pressed his cock into her ass.

He pressed his cock in deep and began to fuck her. As he did he reached around and grabbed her breasts.

They had made love hundreds of times, but this time it was different. This was more basic, almost animalistic fucking. To Natasha's shock she became very aroused by his actions.

"You like it hard, don't you slut?" asked Bishop.

"Oh yes, fuck me, fuck me hard," she moaned.

"You're my whore now, right?" he demanded.

"Yes ... I'm your whore," she cried out.

"You want my cum, don't you," he groaned as he pumped her.

"Yes, fuck me," she moaned.

Bishop let out a grunt as he came into her ass.

"Take it all, bitch," he ordered.

Natasha moaned something that sounded like a yes.

When he was done he pulled his cock out and watched as Natasha slowly steadied her self.

"You really are a whore; you have cum dripping down your legs," he stated. "However, you are still my whore, and I will be the only one who uses you, as long as you please me, do you understand?"

Natasha nodded.

"I understand," she replied.

"If you ever disobey me then this will become your life," he stated. "I will give you to Jackson, and he'll put you to work. He already has asked me if you're available."

"Please don't! I want to serve you," she begged.

He smiled.

"Don't worry, my pet; I still have plenty of use for you. Now turn around and life up your dress," he ordered.

Natasha did as she was told and a moment later she felt a sharp prick in one of her cheeks.

"This is the latest version of the hormones and it should give you a nice boost. You earned it," he explained. "Now, use your panties to wipe your legs and ass before you get into my car."

"Yes Bishop," she said.

"Oh, I have another surprise for you. I like this new look for you. Ginger and Ruby will take you out tomorrow and give you a makeover."

Chapter 16

Natasha looked at her reflection in the window and barely recognized herself. Her hair was styled in large curls, thanks to the perm that she had gotten a few hours earlier. In addition to the curls her hair was now bleached blonde.

Her makeup was done very sexy and left nothing to the imagination of the passersby. She ran her lips over her lips and felt how puffy they were due to the collagen injections.

Her nails were now much longer and covered with bright red polish. The same color polish that was on her toenails and were quite visible through her open-toe pumps she wore.

Her outfit was also quite revealing. A short denim skirt and a low cut top. Her new look was completed with large hoop earrings and of course, her leather collar.

To the locals of the neighborhood, she was now just another hooker.

Jackson studied her from his Escalade. If she wasn't Bishop's girl, he would have scooped her up and added her to his stable. But he wanted to stay on Bishop's good side, so he backed off. Still it was worth a shot to make an offer for the t-girl. He wouldn't waste her looks on the street; rather he would put her to work in a club where the money was better.

"So what do you think?" asked Bishop.

"She's hot," replied Jackson. "Maybe we can do some business."

"She not for sale," replied Bishop.

"Maybe not now, but I know you, and you'll tire of her," replied Jackson.

"That won't be for a while," replied Bishop. "I haven't even started with her transformation."

Jackson smiled.

"Well, maybe you can help me get some new girls. Business is picking up and I could use some fresh additions," explained the pimp.

"You get the girls, and I'll help you transform them. The new hormones work even faster. The mental side effects are more subtle, so that the subject thinks that they are submitting willingly," explained Bishop.

"And the physical changes?" asked Jackson.

"We'll see with Natasha. I gave her a dose last night, and we should see the results soon. I expect her breast size to jump up a cup, maybe more," replied Bishop.

"And the mental effects?"

"Well, you see it right now. She willingly submitted to being made over so she looks like a whore. For the first couple of days she'll be nervous, but soon dressing like this will seem perfectly normal."

"Amazing," stated Jackson.

"Soon, I will have her sign over what's left of her old life. Her name has been legally changed, and soon I will control all her assets -- not that I need them, but it does reinforce her total dependence on me," said Bishop. "It will then allow me to take her to the next phase."

"And what is that?" asked Jackson, barely holding back his excitement.

"You'll have to wait my friend. Now, as soon as you pick out your new employees, give me a call and I'll give them their first dose," said Bishop. "You'll have them on the street within a few weeks. But I must warn you, it won't be cheap."

"It never is, but if they turn out half as hot as Natasha, then it will be worth it," replied Jackson.

Chapter 17

"Very Impressive," stated Bishop as he examined Natasha.

She was naked and standing in front of him. It had been two weeks since he had given her the injection.

"Your breasts have really bloomed," he noted.

"I know, none of my bras fit anymore. I bought some new ones today; I'm now up to 34-DD," she replied.

"I'm impressed with your ass, too," he stated.

Natasha turned and glanced over her shoulder. The fat redistribution had given her a very shapely feminine figure.

"You look wonderful," said Bishop as patted the couch next to him. "Please sit down next to me my dear."

Natasha obeyed.

"How do you like your new wardrobe?" he asked.

"I've gotten used to it. I like the way men look at me," she admitted.

"Good. I want you to be a real cock-tease, but don't give in. You are mine," he ordered. "You're to dress provocatively at all times: short skirts, low cut tops, high heels, and made up to look sexy. Do you understand?"

Natasha nodded.

"I'm doing this for a reason my dear; I want you to forget what it was like to dress and act as a man. I can think of no better way to do that than to have you parade around as most men's idea of a hot piece of ass," explained Bishop. "I also want you to be aroused by the fact that most of these men have no idea that you were once a male. Surrender to the fact that you are now the third gender, a t-girl."

"Yes, Bishop," she replied.

"Do you have any questions?" he asked.

Natasha nodded.

"Please ask away," he said.

"You like women, right?" she asked.

Bishop laughed.

"Of course," he replied. "I can have any woman I want."

"Then why have you transformed me?" she asked.

"Because I have found that t-girls are easier to mold mentally. Once they see the physical changes, they more willingly accept becoming total submissive, because they realize that there's no turning back," he stated. "Can you imagine going back to your old life?"

"No, as it no longer exists," she replied. "I am too feminine now and can't imagine being a man ever again."

"And what about sexually?" asked Bishop.

Natasha let out a breath and licked her lips.

"The sex is superior to what I remember as a man. I love the feel of your cock in me, and I love sucking cock. I never imagined that it could feel so good."

"Good girl," he replied. "I'm very pleased you have accepted this new life."

Natasha smiled back at him.

"You have made me so happy," he continued. "I have been searching for years for the proper candidate to transform and your research led you to me."

"That seems like it was years ago," she sighed.

Bishop began to run his fingers through her hair.

"I will continue to push your limits and teach you new experiences. I will never hurt you or let others hurt you," explained Bishop. "However this also means that I am not seeking your permission. You have given up that right. You are my property now; I own you in all manners. But I also love and cherish you. I value you, as you are the most precious thing I own. I don't want a mindless slave, as that would become boring. You will be exposed to a wide variety of new things ranging from food to culture. Yes, you will be a very sexual being and be trained in many new skills, but I want you to be a whole person. I have broken you down so I can build you back up. The physical is almost done."

"Almost?" she asked.

He ran his fingers gently over her face.

"There are ‘improvements' that I want you to have. I want you to be stunning," he stated as he unzipped his trousers. "The hormones have done a superb job, but there's still room for change."

Natasha reached over and slipped Bishop's cock out of his pants and began to stroke it.

"That's right, my dear, you know what to do," he stated as he leaned back.

Natasha leaned down and took Bishop's erect cock into her mouth.

"That's right, Natasha, suck me good," he moaned. "I have such great plans for you; I will educate you and open you up to a whole new world."

Chapter 18

Three months later, Bishop and Natasha walked into the party. It was one of the biggest B&D events of the year, and all eyes were on them as they promenaded through the crowd. If there was a thing as royalty in the community, then Bishop and Natasha were king and queen.

Natasha was wearing a white leather corset dress that looked as if it was painted on her shapely body. Her large breasts were barely held in. She strutted confidently in her matching thigh-high, leather spiked heeled boots. Around her neck she proudly wore Bishop's collar.

Her long red hair was styled in an updo. Bishop had quickly tired of her as a blonde and made her dye her hair a deep dark red. Her makeup was prefect and just oozed sexuality.

Bishop was dressed in an all black tuxedo and in his right hand he held the gold leash that was connected to Natasha's collar.

As they passed through the crowd, Bishop smiled at the other guests. He could see the envy in their eyes.

"You look stunning," he whispered into her ear.

"Thank you," she replied as she barely contained her joy.

"Let's work our way around the room slowly. I want everyone to see you; soak it in, my love," he continued. "You are the loveliest woman here, and you are mine."

She smiled back.

"And you are my man," she replied. "That makes me even more blessed."

Bishop leaned closer and kissed her passionately, and then they continued their promenade through the crowd.

One of the guests, a muscular man named Ace whispered to another. "I've heard the rumors, but there's no way that she's transgendered; she's too damn beautiful."

"Beautiful doesn't even begin to describe her; she's a goddess. But I know what you mean, and I heard it from a very good source that she was once a man," replied the other man, a tall thin man whose nickname was Prince. "I've also heard that she still has her cock."

"If that's true, then I might have to go bi," replied Ace with a laugh. "I would love to use her body."

"I wouldn't try anything with her; Bishop would kick your ass. He's very protective of her," warned Prince.

Natasha didn't hear their words, but she had heard all the stories and didn't care -- in fact, it excited her. Bishop was both her Master and protector. He was also her lover.

True to his word, he was also her teacher. In spite of his rough exterior, Bishop was highly cultured, and he was constantly exposing Natasha to new experiences.

She had moved in with him, following her last round of surgeries, and was quickly becoming a gourmet cook under his tutelage.

Yes, they participated actively in the local B&D scene, but they also attended concerts and plays on a regular basis. They traveled and took in all of life's wonders. In many ways, he had opened her eyes to a whole new world, and she considered herself very fortunate to have met him. What she had given up was nothing compared to the incredible life she now knew.

A woman leaned close to Ace and Prince. They greeted her as she was an old associate.

"I couldn't help but over hear your comments. Yes, Natasha is transgendered and proud of it. Have you read her blog?" asked the woman.

Both men shook their heads.

"I'll give you the link. She's an excellent writer and remarkable woman," replied Erin. "I'm very proud to call her my friend."

"And is she off limits?" asked Ace with a leer.

Erin cocked her head.

"You know what I do for a living, right?" she asked.

Ace and Prince nodded.

"You do makeovers," answered Ace.

"And you also transform men into women," added Prince. "You're very talented, probably the best in the city. I'm a huge fan of your work."

"Thank you," replied Erin. "But I must warn you, if you were to try anything with her, Bishop would turn you over to me, and you wouldn't be a client. Before you knew what had happened, you'd be turning tricks uptown for some pimp and loving every moment of it."

Prince nudged Ace in the ribs and gave him an 'I told you so' look.

"Yes, he transformed her; actually, a better description would be he got her to recognize who she really was. But in the process, he has also changed. Bishop has fallen madly in love with her. It's been a positive change for both of them, and I couldn't be happier. They both fill a need the other lacked," continued Erin. "In fact, they're letting me design her wedding dress."

The two men turned and watched Bishop and Natasha continue to move through the crowd. It was obvious to everyone there that Bishop and Natasha were deeply in love. Yes it was an unconventional relationship, but it had moved beyond its original intent of sexual pleasure. They were now soul mates for life.

"Some guys have all the luck," stated Ace.

Prince nodded and wondered if Erin was truthful. It wasn't as if he wanted to be a whore, but if he could be transformed and look half as good as Natasha then he would be happy. He began to work his way through the crowd to ask Bishop what it would take to be transformed.

The End

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