Sorry but I don't feel 100% tonight, my hands are very painful and I'm finding it difficult to concentrate, so I'm opting for an early night. I hope to finish it tomorrow. I think I might have to go and see my GP sometime as this arthritis is becoming a real nuisance - I can't even turn a door-knob with my left hand at present.

Best Wishes.
My right hand is that way when it is cold and damp. Take care see 1700 when you feel better.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
Big hugs
Angharad hope you feel much better very soon.... And remember your health and comfort come first, I know from experience just how painful and unforgiving arthritis is, So get yourself nice and comfy get a good book and snuggle up in bed.... If your cats have left you enough room that is ...:)
Best wishes from oop North
where chip butties are the staple diet.
Arthritis is a bitch; I am right handed and my writing is even more illegible now than it was after school managed to ruin it.
A decent speech to text program, anyone?
Speech to text.
I was using speech to text a lot a few years ago, but had to give it up because my voice gave out. I'm just waiting to get a USB port in the back of my head now. I'll let ya know how that works out.
Certainly can sympathyze with you on the hand probs with old arthur... I have found that a good tight light weight glove such as A biking or here in the states a snowmobile glove with gel inserts help so much that I even sleep in them try hot water soaks to kiddo I hope this helps.......Papa
Take care of yourself
It sounds like a great night for a wee dram and for patting cats. The cats will appreciate it, and so will you.
Two other things. I saw a thingy on the tube the other night, speaking quite optimistically regarding a medication that's very effective against arthur-itis. I'm sure you can look for more info about it.
Second, do you have Dragon or other 'talk to type' software? The latest stuff from Nuance is really good.
So, we are all looking forward to falling off bikes, dormousing, and eaves dropping on the Camerons.
Be well,
Red MacDonald
Bike 1700 - delay
Take care
May Your Light Forever Shine
There was a new but older
There was a new but older minister that had taken over a church in a rural community. He was walking around the town, getting to know people, and he was approached by one of the towns people who had learned he was the new sky pilot. He walked up and asked, "How are you preacher? Everything going OK since your move?"
The preacher was affable, but truthful, and replied: "Things are pretty good, and we are getting settled in. However, just a bit ago I got home and found my wife in bed with arthritis.
Eager to make points with the new sky pilot, the man burst out, "Yeah Preacher, you gotta watch out for those Itis boys, the whole family are horndogs."
Feel better soon, eh?
Oh, no...
I do hope all your hours typing of Bike haven't damaged your hands!
More seriously, I hope you're feeling better soon! Take as long aste you need!
Best wishes,
Get some rest
You're the most prolific writer I know of so I see no problem in waiting a bit for your next release of "Bike". I hope you're feeling better tomorrow.

Take care of yourself
You've become a part of my day and I can't adequately express the appreciation for the little nugget of fantasy and near real-life you provide. Beside everything else, those hands need to be able to type so do whatever you need to care for them and the rest of you. Hoping you find a remedy for the arthritis very soon.
Thank you
for all your support and good wishes. I was just doing a quick count of all the stuff I've posted since 2004, which was when I started Snafu, and I suppose altogether it runs to about 2000 pieces. Some take longer to write than others, but I suspect I've spent over 4000 hours writing and posting stories, so far without any payment except the comments some of you so kindly leave.
I know that's peanuts compared to Erin's unpaid labour in running this and other sites, but perhaps might bring home to those who just browse and consume without any interaction, that if a few of us withdrew our goodwill, they'd have long nights finding free reads or have to pay for their pleasures.
Support this site, it costs money to maintain, join the hat box fund it's secure and allows access to stories you won't otherwise see.