That the Westro Baptist Church had been in town a few days ago. They picketed at the Easter High School on the East side of town (not to be confused with East Lansing though)
They were met with a wall of love and they showed up at 7 to 7:45. Who plans these pickets? What high schooler is really awake at 7 am? Sure they may be moving, but when I was in high school, I can't recall anything before 10 am.
I also wonder what idiot sets these things up for location. Eastern is not in the best of spots. It's not our worst school, but not our best. Must be because it's on a main road by a hospital. The Mayor was even in the pictures, talking to the wall of love and shaking hands, so at least he's against the Nut Jobs too.
Oh, here's a news article about it
I can understand why the Principal said what she did. We fight to remove their rights to do this, we also take away our rights to speak out on things we feel about. But I love the face that the word Tolerance was spelled using every window.
Going to have to disagree.
I really take issue with "We fight to remove their rights to do this, we also take away our rights to speak out on things we feel about" because it's simply not true. It's what the far right uses to justify their hate speech. I hear that reasoning a lot when it comes to right wing rhetoric. By appealing to patriotism, it gets sensible people on their side too.
In Canada, groups cannot protest using hate. They cannot speak violently towards any group of people without breaking the law. The Westboro Baptist Church is actually banned in Canada (after they attempted to bring their protests to our soil) for their disgusting protests.
We still have protesters and we still have people who speak out against stuff they don't think is right (including government actions). Our speech is not censored in any way that limits our abilities to have a calm, reasoned, discussion. We just don't allow hate.
I'm quite glad we don't have a First Amendment. There is nothing defensible about the actions of this cult.
First amendment...
... is in nos way inhibiting your right to express your concern about hate speakers by shooting said speakers from both barrels ;-) (if you can justify your actions :-) )
On my only visit to US I was under impression that how people relate to you is strictly dependent of their estimation of will they be able to draw faster than you :-)
this group wont get the patriots to support them. I mean with signs saying things like, God love dead soldiers and stuff like that, most of the pro military hate them. Heck, I don't think any one in politics wants his support.
What really stuns me about this man, is he was one of the big supporters the civil rights movements. Years ago he fought for rights and now he's spewing hate left and right
Not what I meant.
I think you misunderstand me, I don't think hate groups will get "patriots" on their side and I'm well aware of what this particular group "stands" for. What I was saying is that their hate speech is defended as "freedom of speech" rather than prosecuted for what it is: senseless, provocative, hate.
Even people on the left will hear what they say, dislike it, but defend their saying it. They will allow it preached in public and allow children to hear it in the name of "Freedom of Speech." I'm of the opinion that there are lines to be drawn and they crossed them.
In Canada, no politician who hopes to make real political progress would come out and say "Homosexuals are abominations, they will go to hell" because it would be considered hateful and they would shoot themselves in the foot politically. If you want to be a Prime Minister, or sit in cabinet, or be a mayor you have to keep bigoted opinions to yourself and not make them public knowledge.
In the U.S., you guys have presidential candidates that regularly talk about homosexuals, how they're evil, and how they could care less if homosexual teens commit suicide. It's a stark difference and a very scary one to me.
I'm not denying we have bigots too, certainly we do and I could name quite a few, but for the most part they're forced to keep their opinions to themselves and are not allowed, without facing great public criticism, to express them publicly. We don't have "Freedom of Speech" and I'm fine with that.
Maybe the sleeping giant is awakening again and it is about time.
Shalimar's Blog
Perhaps if prople in Germany had acted as the students, community and staff at Eastern H.S. Did, then Shamlimar would not have to w,rite about the Shoah.
Good to hear
when people take a stand against these haters. Especially a non violent stand.
I suspect that this churches luck will eventually run out.
Fish protesting against water.
Now it's quite official that almost all of most outspoken gay haters are too deep in the closet or in deep denial.
So gays protesting against gay support group is quite funny :-)