This is my first blog entry, so I don't much know how you will appreciate it, but I hope you will.
As it happens I have one of my sad moods again, so there only few things one can do to keep *self alive. But am I really alive? Most of my life I pass through people, it feels like observer from Einsteins physics. Most of times you feel alive is when you are either with friend or you are thinking about life. And it hurts.. a lot. Here comes the promised music.
Sometimes when I feel down, there are songs that would just describe and so accurately what you feel. It is a little wonder. Big part of that is one swedish group - ABBA. They have happy and sad songs and their texts are so matching...
Like: I saw it in the mirror, One of us, One man one woman, Chiquitita, Thank you for the music, Move on, Me and Bobby and Bobbys brother, Cassandra, I wonder, and others
When you are listening to them, you truly feels alive, this groups song always made me a little cheer up and sad at the same time.
To be a little more objective, I must say that music commonly has interesting effects on human - it can make you happy, sad, relaxed, crying, sleeping and god knows what more. Sometimes you can find it as popular 70' group, sometimes as classic music, othertimes even as anime original soundtrack (I would greatly recommend Aria and Haibane Renmei). Where is the source of power, that the music has? How is so that some vibrations of air can have effects like this? Really, I wonder, its frightening what music can do with you. Even so I think I definitively should say one sentece:
Thank you for the music!
P.S.: Not only by music ones life is living. There are also some really nice to stories, that have to be read yet.
Music has affects on all sorts of things
It's not just humans, it affects other animals too and not just those associated with humans, like dogs and cats and farm animals. But then there is so much we have to learn about the emotional and physical abilities of the other denizens of this planet - who'd have thought lobsters feel pain, but recent research tends to suggest they do?
It's the ability to see harmonies in non-human things that is so human, like bird song or the calls of whales. I don't think my cat enjoys birdsong, which might be why he slaughters so many of them.
It's also our ability to deal with abstracts which moves these things on, music, language, art, literature all of these things speak to both out cognitive and emotional systems. I once had to walk around for an hour after listening to a performance of Beethoven's 9th symphony, I was as high as a kite just as if I'd popped something.
Maybe it is to do with the vibration and our energy bodies or maybe it's purely psychological. Does it matter? I get a lift from lots of it, sometimes when I'm down or listless it perks me up or fills me with something special, and I'm glad it does and that I am able to hear it.
music and writing
When I sit down to write, I have to turn on my classical music. I have something like 71 days of classical music on my computer. classical music helps me to relax as well as helps put me in touch with my muse. When she is really stubborn, I have to add chocolate to the mix. but most of the time, Classical music will put me in the mood.
sorry if that sounds like a ramble..... I'm tired.
Classical and jazz
I use classical music the same way with some jazz mixed in. I have another mix I use to help me sleep which includes some pop songs. I can't write if there are lyrics to listen to, usually, but I can sleep.
Right now I've got my morning mix of hard rock and country going to wake me up. :)
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Ditto on not being able to write when lyrics are being sung..... Hard rock, classic rock and alternative, is what I listen to when surfing the web,cleaning house, or while in the shower........ of course I listen to rock all day at work, too.
when the mode of the music changes
I'm not too big on Plato, but he did sum up the power of music pretty well way back when, when he said "Music hath charms to soothe the savage beast", and "Music hath alarums to wild the civil breast",
and "Music makes the bourgeoisie get funky........"
And in the course of a writing session I'll cycle through rock, jazz, old time country, blues, classical; fine tuning my mood; taking advantage of huge differences even within these catagories- the giddiness of Barber of Seville or the grimness of Death and the Maiden, toe tapping early jazz with banjos or abstract cerebral Miles Davis, the doleful pedantic Doors or those infantile punk smart alecks The Dickies.......
Lyrics don't bother me when I'm writing, thank God. IF I am familiar with the material, have had it six mos.
or a year. Anything newer and I can't hear my own writing voice over the singer. And melodic singing is less disruptive to my thoughts than talk-singing. I have nothing really against rap but there's no way in hell I can write with someone barking in my ear like that. I have the same trouble with a Woody Guthrie style "talking blues" song. Anyway I sure like my music when I'm writing. And sometimes, yes, it's Abba (My ninety year old dad went nuts over Abba after seeing Muriel's Wedding, you shoulda heard him sing along in his creaky old voice. It's a good memory of him...)
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Not ABBA, Nooooo!
ABBA has sooo many bad 1970's connotations for me I can't and won't go into.
Maybe it's a phalic thing. They first hit the charts -- with some acapella song -- at the same time as a huge straightline wind from a summer squal line blew down a 1000 ft radio/TV tower in Brookfield WI that suppostedly was built for 150 MPH winds. Somebody was wrong on their enginering calculations. All this occured right when I was REALY noticing girls. You don't suppose ...?
Though, there is that one Simpsons episode with Burns about to storm a house with a police battering-ram tank and instead of The Ride of the Valkyries, we get Waterloo because Smithers taped over it. Now that was a good use of ABBA.
Swedish rockers? Give me Roxette.
Oh, the thread here ... Music can help or distract me in my writting. Lyrics tend to distract, jazz, clssical, intrumental even rock, do not. I write best when I cam tune out the distraction of everyday life. Some music inspires me, sometimes remarkably so. My sister NEEDS a TV on or a DVD/tape going to write, weird. But then she is a natural blonde.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa