I just read about a transexual politician Michelle Bruce that won a seat is now being seud by the looser because she ran as a woman. They say because she ran as a woman fraudulenty, that gave her an unfair advantage.
Its extremely troubling because if a transexual in transition cant run as her identied gender, that would shut out transexuals from any public office. That is what these people are trying to do. its bigotry at its highest level on the same as the third reich and jews. whats next, they cant go to school, vote, hold any jobs.
I live in the US and im a transexual and starting to wonder just how safe i am living in the US.
It's Called Politics
Politics is not pretty, but it's no reason to wonder about your safety in the United States. The fact that a TS won an open, fair election is a great things, not a troubling thing when the loser yells "foul."
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
She stated her constitutants knew she was a transexual and voted for her. So there doesnt seem to be fraud going on.
But the truth rarely matters in court. what if They win
Silly Suit
If it was so easy to win fraud suits, we wouldn't have 5.8 ounce toothpaste tubes being sold in the same sized box as for the "old" 6.5 ounce one, and labelled "New!" The advertiser, should the case ever go to court, simply says, "We wanted a new, easier-to-lift tube, which we thought the consumer would like." Case closed. Any reasonable, or even theoretically plausible explanation suffices as a defense against fraud.
I wouldn't worry about that lawsuit too much. If there is any justice in the world, the plaintiff will end up looking remarkably silly, not to mention a sore loser, plus have to pay court costs and attorney fees for both sides.
Of course, for every justice recorded, there is some group of morons who will protest it, but like they say, you can't have everything.
Fraud U Say?
To prove fraud you must prove intent, which is extremely difficult.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Lawsuit thrown out - Michelle Bruce defeated in runoff
The Lawsuit was thrown out just like every other sour grapes lawsuit usually gets thrown out. Here is the Atlanta Journal's coverage:
Suit Vs. Transgender Ga. Pol Thrown Out
Michelle Bruce was defeated in the Run Off election which was allowed to proceed becasue the lawsuit was dismissed.
Ward 2 Council Race
Wayne Hall 308
Michelle Bruce 223
All my hopes,
Sasha Nexus
All my hopes
Ariel Montine Strickland
More Info on Michelle Bruce
If you would like to read a full report on this for yourself,
In Southern Voice, an Atlanta LGBT friendly newspaper, has an article titled:
Transgender candidate accused of fraud in election lawsuit
In the Atlanta Journal and Constitution is both an article and a poll:
Transgender candidate misled voters, suit alleges
And also in the Clayton News Daily appears the article:
Unsuccessful candidates sue to overturn election
The Associated Press provides a video concerning the story:
Did transgender candidate mislead?
Michelle Bruce is a sitting Riverdale councilwoman who has been in office for 4 years and is running for re-election.
All my hopes,
Sasha Nexus
All my hopes
Ariel Montine Strickland