For the month of April, all of my books are at, in most ereader formats including EPUB, Kindle, Nook, iPad, and others. And they're reduced! The "On The Road-Again" series is $2.99 per book, and the other books are $4.99. While it lasts!
You'll have to turn off the "Adult Filter", or search by title:
Fashion Class
Fool Moon
I Should Have Known
The Haight
The XY Axis
On The Road-Again: Parts One through Four
Just had a quick look, Karin and found all your books here
btw I think it's a horribly designed web-site which never the less seems to have a huge number of books available and so I recommend it for that alone.
About Smashwords
I agree with your comment about the horrible design; yet it's allegedly the top-rated site of its kind for publishing ebooks, and especially for distribution to the "Premium" markets: Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, iBookstore, Sony Reader, Kobo, and other sites. Every writers' conference I attend, if there's a session on ebooks, it's all about Smashwords. So maybe they're so busy they haven't revamped their design? Lulu also ties in with some of those markets, but only a few of my books have trickled out to Barnes & Noble through Lulu and it's been months. Thank you for posting the link!
PS: I "unpublished" the book "Fool Moon" and am fixing some grammatical bugs that always ...bugged me. It should be back up in a day or two.
I bought a few
I bought the On The Road - Again series.
The site design is... interesting... It's kind of like BCTS in a way - unintuitive, but once you get used to it, it's like an AHA!
Honestly, I can't think of a place to buy books or read stories in other formats that has a truly intuitive design for hosting fiction... perhaps it's just not possible, in which case, I wish everyone would at least just settle on a single interface for it and stick to it. Then again, perhaps they're all trying in their own ways to find that impossible dream - an intuitive way to host books.
Anyways, signed up with my "Abigail Drew" pen name as "Drew" being a last name, when I originally envisaged this name, it was as first and middle and just not even use a last at all... but the site doesn't have an option for that.
Abigail Drew.
I really like Fictionwise's ebook site. They have a wide assortment of books and formats.
I have purchased titles from Fictionwise that were produced by Synergebooks, Smashmouth, Champagne Books, Wings Press, etc
I purchased the "On The Road - Again" series
"May you live in Interesting Times" is a promise, not a threat!