Hi everyone.
In Berlin a transphobic court has admited the transgendered girl Alex into a mental institute. Apparently there was a custody battle between father and mother and the father used the youth office to seperate the transgendered kid from her mother, since the mother "induced" transsexuality. A youth worker decided that the transsexuality had been "induced", after talking to the kid for about an hour. In the process neither the child, nor her doctors nor independend experts were heard.
Please help to stop this case of obvious state sanctioned abuse and abuse of judiciary power. We can't accept that transphobia gets to be an acceptable basis for court decisions.
Please help by subsribing to a petition to Berlin's mayor. He's homosexual, so he might actually listen.
The petition is here: http://www.change.org/petitions/mayor-of-berlin-stop-the-ins...
Further information:
A german article by an independed newspaper (TAZ):
Please help by subscribing to the petition and spreading it. Please help stopping this madness.
>hoort het in Keulen donderen< Is that still going on??? Signed a few petitions last year (I think it was last summer but not sure). As did almost every LGBT-youth group and a few of the adult one and there members in western Europe that I know of. Although I don't think the petition was for the mayor of Berlin (Who legally can't influence a court decision anyway. He can however ask the police or some higher up in the judiciary foodchain to have a 'look' at it.)
But ... signed and deliverd :d,
Gdmn, I'm getting pretty cynical when I read the above :( >sigh<
Well what can you do? The
Well what can you do? The mayor can at least force to investigate against the court. If they're obviously biased against transgendered people they can't be allowed to judge anything involving transgendered people.
They applied to the supreme court and hopefully they'll interefere fast, but that isn't something I'd rely on. It's not like those judges really will see any consequences of their bigotism.
Constant dripping wears away the stone, so I hope this will help.
Independent unbiased psychologists must be given a chance to assess the child and BOTH parents.
This will most likely prove that the child and the mother are not mentally unbalanced, and the father is.
Of course!
It's done. I hope it helps!
German court case about health care for a transgendered child
Unfortunately we still have mostly only the information from the TAZ press release. It seems like they are a little bit selective in their way to simplify that story.
The court didn't admit the child to a mental institute. The current case is still "just" about the transfer of the health care responsibility to the social services.
The right to determine the place of residence is currently still with the mother, so social services cannot admit the child to any institute without approval from the mother.
See also: http://translate.google.de/translate?sl=de&tl=en&js=n&prev=_...
“We have met the enemy, and she is us.â€
It saddens me when I see a story such as this. It tells me we, as a community have a great deal of education and outreach yet to do if we are to be allowed to live our lives as we see fit.
But as sad as this fact is, it is the knee jerk reaction so many here and throughout the TG community react to a story such as this that irks me. Without taking a moment to think, without waiting until more facts, (yes, those inconvenient little things called facts), are known, many here rush out onto their lawns, grab their tikki torches and charge off to storm the castle and kill the alleged monster.
Let’s take a moment here and think. The story provides the barest of facts. The father of a boy, who identifies as female is petitioning the courts to have his son committed to a mental institution. The mother supports her child’s choice. The case is being reviewed. Can anyone else provide more facts?
What do we, the readers of this story know of the child? Nothing other than the bare bones information has been provided. The child could have suicidal tendencies or be prone to self-destructive behavior, issues that sometimes accompany and complicate transgender behavior. The mother may not have the ability to control the child’s behavior, allowing the child to behave in ways that are dangerous and potentially harmful such as drug abuse, promiscuous behavior or unbridled anger, behavior that has nothing at all to do with gender identity but need to be dealt with by professionals.
Then there is the knee-jerk reaction to the assumption spending time under close psychiatric care would be bad for the child. Why can’t the opposite be true? This just might be what the child needs to confirm or disprove her assumption. The people at the institution, after all, would be far more switched on to how to deal with a TG child then either parent. The child just might receive exactly the sort of treatment and guidance she needs in order to undergo a proper and stress free transition. After all, I serious doubt if the child is going to be put in a straight jacket and locked away in a padded room. As much as some people think the Germans are barbarians, as evidenced by at least one comment here, having worked with them, I know otherwise.
Some of the comments to this piece tell me far more about many in the TG then the story tells me about the child in the story. Some of the comments tell me far too many in the TG community share the same knee-jerk reaction those they rile against; vicious, unthinking and uncompromising intolerance. Far too many people on both side of this issue demand compassion and understanding, yet are incapable of showing any to those with whom they disagree. Why is it so many are incapable of having any tolerance of those they disagree with while demanding it from others?
In recent years I personally have experienced something of a reversal of fortunes. When I started transitioning and working in the TG community in the late 1980’s, my detractors and critics were those who felt I was a miscreant and a certified perv simply because I did not conform to their standards. Today, as recently as Southern Comfort 2011, I am viewed by many in the TG community in the same way because I do not follow, lockstep, the political rhetoric being spewed by the self appointed leaders of the TG community.
So who, I ask, is the real enemy? Those who dislike us because they are ignorant or have not thought things through? Or those who have been the victims of intolerance and feel they have the right, nay the duty to retaliate in kind?
I have borne witness to what intolerance can lead to, both in the streets of my own country and along a stretch of highway that reeked of burned and rotting flesh. Intolerance and hate, no matter how you dress it up or who it is its author is still intolerance and hate.
Nancy Cole
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
German social services in Berlin
The people at the institution, after all, would be far more switched on to how to deal with a TG child then either parent.
One of the problems in this case is that all information looks like the social services already have decided to send the child to the Charité in Berlin. There they have a very traditional view about being able to "cure" transgenderism with reparative therapy :(
Mission Accomplished.
At east I got one person to stop and think before gnashing their teeth and rending their cloths. That is all I ask people to do. THINK!
Nancy Cole
(Now, where did I put that Tikki torch at the end of last summer?)
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
You're right with your
You're right with your objections. The Taz certainly isn't the most neutral newspaper in germany. Actually it's straight left - something that would be called socialist or communist in the states.
The whole thing isn't as bad as I thought first, but it isn't much better either. They can't admit the child yet, since the mother still has the right to designate the place where they child stays. The Berlin youth office apparently tries to get that right for themselves.
There is another german blog that explains the situation better: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&js=n&prev=...
It's no forced therapy yet, but a judiciary scandal of the highest order. The court apparently plain ignored the information of the mother and called the centers specialised on gender disorders biased and thus not capable to asses the situation of Alex correctly.
Comment 10 and 12 on the linked blog have more information about this case.
I was willing to cut them some slack first too, since it seems kind of strange that the Youth office, which tends to be filled with Feminists, suddenly fights against the mother. On the other hand, many older german Feminists are conservative as hell, so they'd probably see transgendered people just as madmen who have to be corrected.
What you describe about the escalation of hate an group think is a phenomenom that is part of all social movements. The radicals start to fight the moderates and treat them as "traitors". On the other hand a minority movement can't get its aims if they fight the majority and preach hatred. I think you're right about being cautious, with judgements, but I think this is a pretty obvious case of abuse of power by bigots.
I quite happily signed the petition
having read as much as I could about the case. As the child was receiving therapy from an accredited institution already, I thought it safe to add my signature.
I don't do knee-jerk when it comes to signing of petitions, but it seems I did more research than one complainant here.
The petition page...
seems to be broken for me. It won't let me sign.
Abigail Drew.
Strange... the link works for
Strange... the link works for me. Do you have some script blockers running, or what is your problem?
Youngest TG to get surgery.
I don't understand this. Wasn't a German pop star one of the youngest to ever get the surgery at 16 years of age, just last year? Well, I hope that the child eventually gets her rights.
Well the thing is it depends
Well the thing is it depends on where you live. In Hamburg or Frankfurt they apperently have centers for gender disphoria. The kid has the bad luck to live at Berlin and the even worse luck that both the youth office and the court apparently see her transsexuality as a mental illness to be cured. That the Charitée seems to be ultra conservative about gender disphoria doesn't make anything better.
So it isn't really a issue of laws, but an issue of abuse of power by both the youth office and the court. Apparently personal opinions of people about gender identity are more important than the happyness of the child.
The youth office declines to let the child be treated at a center specialised at gender disphoria, since those are "prejudiced".
Press release of the court ruling online
Now we finaly have the official press release of the ruling the Superior Court of Justice of Berlin
(Google translates "Kammergericht" to "Supreme Court", but afaik Superior Court is a better translation)
This confirms that the "taz" article was almost pure selective sensationalism.
You're partially right, but
You're partially right, but that doesn't change the fact that apparently the "Ergänzungspfleger" declined to let the child be treated by a center specialised on gender identity disorder. The whole situation is going on for two years and the child is starting puberty. The problem is that the "Ergänzungspfleger" and the local Doctors are delaying treatment.
The judgement affirmed the right of the youth office and the "Ergänzungspfleger" to organize the health care of the child. The fact that they are apparently opperating on outdated believes about gender identity disorders didn't matter for the judgement of the court. The court decided that everything stays as it is, meaning that nothing really happens about the situation.
As far as I can tell from all the records is that the youth office intents to have her treated stationary at the charitée. They can't do that for now since the mother still has the right to decide the residence of the child, but the youth office is already trying to get that right for themselves which would allow them to order a stationary reparative treatment for the child - if the doctors would agree to it that is.
The taz article may be slightly hysteric, but apparently the youth office stated such intentions.