LG Tales -- Updates

Hi Everyone!
Cat and I have been working very hard on adding some new features and "usability" additions to LG Tales.

Probably the "biggest" and "newest" update to the site, is our new "Table of Contents" feature.

In the image provided you can see that the story "For My Princess" (a clickable link that takes you to the first chapter of the story) by "Cat Lochley" (a clickable link that takes you to Cat's story page) is available not only to read online, but also to be downloaded as an ePub ebook. You can see that the story was last updated on the 16th of Febuary, 2012.

Cat has provided a nice summary, and book cover image for her story. You can see by the table of contents that "Chapter 1" is a 'clickable link' that will take you to that chapter, that there is currently "1 Review" for that chapter (also a clickable link) and that chapter 1 is 2704 words long.

You can see that the story takes place in the Pre-Victorian era (sometime before 1837) and that there are no content "Warnings".

The primary Attributes of the story are "Caught with Consequences" and "Sweet and Sentimental" and that it's currently rated for "All Visitors".

While the story is currently "Not Completed" you will see that it is over 48,000 words long already, and has had over 13,000 reads.

I hope this little primer has encouraged some of you to come visit our site, and experiance some new stories, for those authors out there, please don't forget that we currently have a Story Challenge running!

And last but not least, for all those littles that feel lost here @ BigCloset, don't forget that we have a full Bulletin Board / Forum for you to discuss your Story Stuff , Inner Thoughts , or just Random Stuff too! (but you need to Register and Login to see most of the Forums )


P.S. incase I didn't mention the url enough above, here it is again :) LG Tales -- Stories