Hi everyone,
I'm kind of stuck with my writing. I'm currently writing four stories at once, two others abandoned somewhere in the middle and one more or less finished, but I'm kind of unsatisfied with it.
I have to write a sex-scenes for my new werewomen story and totally no motivation for it... then I need to write another sex-scene for my "Tomgirl Revolution" story which explores a world where sex reassignment surgeries are available for everyone, but most people just switch the sexual organs and keep everything else the same.
Then I need to write a sort of sex-scene for my "tentacle monster from space" tg story... yeah ultimate fetish fuel.
And I'm plotting a sf story that should be a hard sf, space opera tg story, but I'm not sure how to proceed. Well I'm more like brainstorming at them moment so I'll be able to put it together into a decent story - writing in other peoples universes is kind of neat imho. You don't have the trouble of inventing all the stuff yourself ^^
Then my aftermath of a genderwar story is stuck in creative limbo. I have an idea how to end it without a tragedy but no idea how to write it without boring the reader. The other thing is my Ines flowers story, which I abandoned because it was more an authors tract and venting frustrations than a decent story.
And last my actually finished story "Elf struck". I really need to edit it - the beginning is probably too long, but I need some opinions. If you like to read a sf story, maybe it is something for you. I'd be thankful for some harsh/long reviews/critics.
I guess I started too many stories, but if I didn't I'd probably just forget the ideas...
It doesn't sound like you mind, though
But remember one of the principal rules of writing: if you want to write something really really good, you have to write a lot of uninteresting crap first.
It's like cleaning the pipe. So write the awful next scene, throw it away, write it again a little differently, throw it away...
Eventually you will see how it's supposed to go.
That's what I do, anyway...
If you aren't motivated?
If you aren't motivated to write the sex scene... does it really belong?
Sex scenes should almost roll off the fingers... You know the motivations of the characters you know what they like you know what they want out of the encounter...
If you can't bring yourself to write it... maybe you should leave it out.
Well it sort of does, but I
Well it sort of does, but I really wasn't in the mood... And it's prostitution and one of the characters is an empath. That really complicates stuff. But you're right, I'm thinking about just cutting it.
What is writer's block?
I write pretty well every day. Writing is a skill, it usually improves with practice. Arguably that doesn't apply to me, my scribbles are still awful but I don't have writer's block nor have I ever suffered from it.
Writer's block
How far is Writer's block from Speakers' Corner?
Well you need to cross the
Well you need to cross the Artist's Street :D
What's the problem with writer's block?
I sure as hell want someone to block for me!
Love, Andrea Lena