Cycling Speed

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So I am watching the site and the number of fics being uploaded and I am just stunned at how damn fast things are cycling through. It seems like a story stays on the front page chart for a day and a half, on average. That is insane. That is both good and bad.

It is good because that means that we have a lot of authors providing a lot of stories for people to read. This ensures that there is enough of a spread of literary styles and topics that everyone should be able to find a fic that fits what they are searching for, whether it is a one shot, a series of short chapters or a novel or a huge fricking serial. This is all good.

The bad is that things move so fast that is people do not check the page everyday they are liable to miss stories they are interested in. This could be problematic for people who have computer issues or home troubles limiting their ability to access the site and get the stories. There is so much fic generated in a week that it would take a while to sort through it all to find the stories you might want, if you only have once a week access.

This also means things like 300 Rains will be gone later tonight or by tomorrow afternoon. Personally that saddens me because I want more people to read the whole story, but I guess more fic is better than less when it is all said and done. Besides, the overall quality of the fic here is decent so its not like the reader is getting too screwed.

Perhaps I should stop whinging. I just want more readers. Is that so bad?



No. I don't think you're wrong. More readers is a good thing. It's just there is so much going on on the front page that space is limited. Even checking a couple of times a day like I do, it is easy to miss things. I often go to the top of the page and check the last three days or even the last 100 posts just to see what I may have missed. But if you don't think to look there, or even know about them, even those keys are easy to miss.

Yeah... those are easy to

Yeah... those are easy to miss. It is just crazy. I kind of wish that Erin or someone turned around and put some of the novels into e-book status or something and maybe help push people that way as well. Develop writers and then help with online publishing. It might be a thing.


We are the change that will save the world.

Funny you should mention that...

erin's picture

Notice how I haven't been writing much fiction lately? Piper, Cat, Samfa and I are working on something special. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Wanting more.

Wanting more readers is something all the authors on this site want.

Just be thankful for whatever you can get. I think for most of us, comments are more valued even than kudos and those can be scarce for some.

Write on dear lady and damn the worpedoes. (WOrd-toRPEDOES)




In my opinion

The more people writing on BG, the more people are reading on BG. I do quite a bit of both! And it seems like people are noticing my work. And trust me, I never miss any of your works.

If BC cycles too fast... post to Stardust later

Stardust, Bob Arnold's old site, is much quieter and deserves some new material.

I'm sure Erin woulkd love to see it better utilized.

If it is non-TG stuff try her Fictoneer. Another good site that is under used.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

hey, great idea

Raff01's picture

I thought it wasn't moving that fast till I looked at all the new stuff.

I think this is where. People like Bailey, just as an example, are smart. Have 7 or so on going stories so when you see one you read it then wonder if any of the others got updated so you check them too