When I was bringing my mom to the trainstation (ok with 2 stop in between, getting petfood for the cats and one very long one in the café :d) I had a GP passing by from the external health service of my employer. Checking up on me. Ok that's twice in not even a week that I had a check-up. What are they going to do??? Contradict their own firm/collegues??? >first one confirmed my leave from work till the summer which is officially sick leave while I'm NOT sick)< Grmbl so here I am. Been up since 05u00 to get things like walking the dog and freshening up out of the way, to go to the the reply to the summons >if you aren't at home they summon you at a timerange of their chosing< to go to the GP's office ... Hope their aren't going to be a lot of other peepz there 'cause it's general consultation hours. Hopelfully I'll be back home around noon but not to sure about that ...
Sorry about me rambling again and again over the stuff with work. They are just p@$% µg me of :(
addy 2
Sounds like RED TAPE
May Your Light Forever Shine
addy 2
Nope. To me it sounds like harassment. Find yourself a legal type.
second one
Second also confirmed my sickleave (??? when I'm not even sick ...) and it took him only the time it took him to read his assigment sheat ...
Spend the day fixing some paperwork, going to the hairdresser (hence the new haircut and the pic) and buying ABL (Armeé Belge/Belgisch Leger) 'kistjes' (combats). Going from one place to another in the province by bus (that's the reason it took most of the day but hey can't blame me for using the one advantage (a free regional buspass) that my ASD gives me).
Seems I'm butching up again out of some kind of defens mechanism. At least the new haircut is easier on my then the previous one with a long poneytail. lol but don't think I'll ever fit the boi image of yor again :)