I settled down to reread some of my stuff, partly to keep a consistency in the characters I am writing. In 'Ride On' I refer to a Vanessa Redgrave film, 'Second Serve', and as a bear of little brain I had never looked it up.
It is on You tube.
I had a copy of this years ago
loaned it to a friend and...
Although it was made for TV (not TS then), I thought she acted out of her socks. Where she got that deep gravelly voice from, I have no idea.
I still find it sad that whenever they do film or TV where someone transitions, they use female actors, why can't they use TS actors, there are plenty of them.
The you tube link seems to stop at part 7. As for TS films, I would offer you "The Soldier's Girl", which I have not seen, and "Different for Girls", which I have. Both girls played by genetic males.
Soldier's Girl
There's a clip on movie internet base, pity they didn't have the 'girl' speak with less of a male voice. Don't think it's one for me - too much violence.
Different for girls - I've got a copy here somewhere, too busy watching Rupert Graves to notice Steven Mackintosh - oh why did they have to show the worst photo of him on the cover, with an off the shoulder dress which makes his shoulders look huge and his hips small?
You complain they use genetic women to play transwomen, and then you complain the men they use are too butch! You've heard my voice; I don't think I sound too baritone, but it's the voice I've had since puberty.