The Ten Plagues: The First Four

The ancient rabbis said that the ten plagues were plagues against the Egyptians and against their "gods." The plagues were also there also to teach humans something.

Here are the first four plagues in Exodus:

1. the river (Nile) turned into blood. (7:14-25)
a. the fish die
b. river becomes "foul"
c. included all water in Egypt including vessels to hold and drink
d. necromancers repeated the same "trick"
e. Pharaoh's heart was strong
f. lasted seven(7) days.
Human element: G-d told Moses had Aaron stretch out his staff

2. frogs on the land. (8:1-11)
a. necromancers repeated the same "trick"
b. Pharaoh agreed to let Israel go until plague ended
c. frogs died and made the land stink
d. Pharaoh recanted the "liberation"
Human element: G-d told Moses had Aaron stretch out his staff

3. dust became lice(8:12-15)
a. lice on man and animal
b. sorcerers tried to repeat the same "trick, but failed"
c. sorcerers called plague "finger of G-d"
d. Pharaoh's heart was strong
Human element: G-d told Moses had Aaron stretch out his staff

4. swarm of wild beasts [usually translated as flies](8:16)
a. all animals effected except
b. Goshen,where Israel settled, was spared
c. Pharaoh agreed to let Israel make offering in Egypt
d. Moses refused because Israel's offering (lamb or baby goat) was an Egypt "deity" and feared Egyptian reaction
e. Moses suggested three day journey
f. Pharaoh said, not that far
g. Pharaoh's heart was strong
Human element: G-d told Moses, who was told to rise up early


1. What are G-d's teachings with each plague?
2. Was the human element important?
3. What was Pharaoh's reaction?
4. How were Pharoah's magicians important?
5. What is the significance of Pharaoh' repeated reaction?
6. Other than the fear of Egyptians stoning what was "wrong" with Pharaoh's "compromise?"
7. Egyptian animals were normally hereded in Goshen, yet Israeli herds didn't suffer. Why?
8. What was the significance of Moses getting up early?
9. Does man control nature? Is it major? Is man control of nature always positive or negative?

Finally was it "fair" to "harden Pharaoh' heart?

Next week: plagues 5-7