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Subject says it all. Play nice or get sent home.

Hugs to everyone,


Low Life!

I was brought up with this motto:

If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all~

I try to live by this motto, and encourage others to do the same!
I know that we will fail to do so occasionally, even I fail at times. but to pm some one with abuse.

Then you ain't nothin but a low life!

Thats my story and I'm stick'n too it!



It is okay to have strong opinions but please separate the opinions from the person. In a PM you can be more forceful than you can in an open comment but even in a PM common courtesy demand politeness even if you think the other's position is dead wrong.

From my own experience you will be far more likely to get me to give fair consideration to your opinions if you treat me with courtesy. I hope I always treat others here that way. If I ever offend please politely tell me.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

You mean I can open my PMs now! Giggle, giggle...

I've always just deleted them myself, but I sure have received more than a few of those! Giggle, giggle.

Yes, I giggle about them now, but really folks, they were not pleasant things to receive at the time.

I actually pulled a bunch of my stories because of the PMs I was getting and deleted all of the comments I had left for others and even all of my blog entries.

Mom (Erin) stopped me before I just packed it all in and just stopped posting for a while.

What you say or write to and about others in the comments section for their stories, in blogs, PMs, and even chatting to others in chat rooms can hurt deeply. I know, I've been through all that. Some of my stories are controversial and it brought out some very strong opinions others had and they shared them as forcefully as they could! Giggle, giggle...

A person said some very nasty things that were not true in a chat room about me, even though he believed them to be true. Just think twice before posting or sending anything hurtful to one another. If you're angry, don't send it! Wait until you calm down some first. This rule has helped me keep from posting some rather strong replies.

Thank you Mom, once again you have made things better here at Heavens Big Closet. Now where did I put my feathers? This IS a big closet!

Huggles All

"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"

Alternate to PM

erin's picture

My email address is joyce at


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.