Just wanted to leave a little note here that the projects I'm involved in will be a bit slower for awhile. Specifically stories I'm co-authoring with Ashly (DarkKitten) or editing for her might be a bit backlogged, as I'm currently recovering from oral surgery. Every day is hit or miss. Like tonight I felt great, and helped her edit Punisher 1 in no time :-) But last night and this morning I could barely see straight. :-)
I've got some good painkillers though, and HOPEFULLY recovery should be pretty quick, but I just wanted to post a li'l update that I'm not being lazy or anything. :-P So look for ESWS some time next week maybe, and the rest I'll try not to slow Ashly down too much on :-)
Zoe sweetie, Lay off the pain
Zoe sweetie, Lay off the pain killers and whiskey. :P
Your the writer of Sarah, I'm just your idea girl, and I post it for you :) *hugs*
The other stories I extremely appreciate your help with them :) Just take your time an recover ok? :)
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Have a mew of a day!
Whoops. Not to imply that you write Sarah's story, just that hers will be delayed a bit more than the others. ^_^
But as I've said from the getgo, without you Sarah's story would've ended with Boys Don't Cry, and that would've been it. :-) You continue to keep me in great ideas for keeping her story going rather than just folding it into Robin (which has enough characters to keep up with... *giggle*)
Hopefully I'll be okay in a few days though, once this blasted swelling goes down :-D
Love ya!
*hugs* I knew what you meant
*hugs* I knew what you meant I was teasing you hon *hugs*
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Have a mew of a day!
The penguin...
... and the cashew put you up to it, didn't they? ^_~
Hope you feel better
Hope you feel better soon.
Lizzie :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p