

Today begins Daylight Savings Time in the U S.

1. What is time?

2. Why was the first “thing” that G-d sanctifies was time and not a place such as a mountain or river?

3. Why is time the most mentioned “thing” in the Torah?

4. Physicists tell us that there are more than four dimensions (length, width, thickness and time). These dimensions are subatomic and curved. What is G-d telling us?

5. The first word in the Bible is “breesheet.” It is translated as: “In the beginning...”, “At the beginning…”, “It begins with…” a function of time.

a. Does time create space?

b. “Breesheet is related to the Hebrew word, “rosh” which means “head.” Is there significance?

“Everything has a season and a time for everything under heaven:” (Kohellet [Ecclesiastes] 3:1)

This is a starting point for the discussion. As I mentioned before any source, including what is between your ears is acceptable.

Future discussions will include: Shabbat; Passover; The Sinai Experience: Yesterday and Today; and Pirkei Avot (Wisdom of the Fathers). You ay suggest a discussion.