Today begins Daylight Savings Time in the U S.
1. What is time?
2. Why was the first “thing” that G-d sanctifies was time and not a place such as a mountain or river?
3. Why is time the most mentioned “thing” in the Torah?
4. Physicists tell us that there are more than four dimensions (length, width, thickness and time). These dimensions are subatomic and curved. What is G-d telling us?
5. The first word in the Bible is “breesheet.” It is translated as: “In the beginning...”, “At the beginning…”, “It begins with…” a function of time.
a. Does time create space?
b. “Breesheet is related to the Hebrew word, “rosh” which means “head.” Is there significance?
“Everything has a season and a time for everything under heaven:” (Kohellet [Ecclesiastes] 3:1)
This is a starting point for the discussion. As I mentioned before any source, including what is between your ears is acceptable.
Future discussions will include: Shabbat; Passover; The Sinai Experience: Yesterday and Today; and Pirkei Avot (Wisdom of the Fathers). You ay suggest a discussion.
TY 4 posting
May Your Light Forever Shine
Answers to questions...
....the whole idea of waiting; somehow answers don't come quick enough even if they're delayed a lifetime. I suppose as long as I have life in front of me as well as behind, the lyrics to Only Time apply?
Who can say
where the road goes
where the day flows
only time
And who can say
if your love grows
as your heart chose
only time
I wish I knew, but I'm not alone on this road. Too much to think about and all the time in the world, as well.
Love, Andrea Lena
Bereshit is the first word of the Torah: 'In the beginning of.'
Bereshit bara Elohim et hashamayim ve'et ha'arets. In the beginning God created
heaven and Earth.
One of the things that frightens me most about writing, is my lack of world
experience. They say to write what you know, and to write from your experiences;
which is why, I suppose, that Ian Fleming had to write James Bond's novels.
James was far too busy being a spy.
For me, it's far easier to explain how a black hole might work, than to understand
that whole finding a beautiful woman in your hotel room. That's why I thought it would
be fun for someone to put up some information on Hebrew rituals and meanings, because
it would give me a chance to learn a little more.
I find many fascinating things when researching things like this. For instance that
the EVE they tried to explain for me, was actually, according to the old scrolls a 2.0
model. Or, that the god Horus, who seems to have popped up around 2500 bc, was born of
a virgin (Isis). When his living manifestation died, he became Osiris, who existed before
him. He was baptized in the river, he had twelve disciples, and he raised the dead in the
name of Asar (which some contend is the name for Osirus or El Asarus in latin.), which
translated into Hebrew comes out with 'Lazarus.'
Perhaps you recognize some of that, but as he was only one of about fifteen gods who started
out that way, it's easy to confuse them. There are many, many other similarities,
even if you throw out a lot of the things on the various lists of similarities what seem
a bit... contrived.
As for the physics, I can understand that a little better than the... logic, behind some of
what you wrote, but I can hardly claim to understand it well. Newtonian era though did indeed
identify the four dimensions that we all can see, and many school texts will from time to time
add in things that we can measure, like luminosity, or sound levels. However, in the way you
are referring, dimensional M-theory, it seems that string theory settles on about eleven dimensions
that may tie the whole thing together. There was even a paper, well received at the time but from
so long ago that I can scarcely remember it, that suggested the number was actually 21. At that
level, however, where testing becomes impossible, it's really hard to say. Perhaps some day,
when the standard model gets worked out, we can turn from particles to the interactions of space
time. For now, I'll just keep wearing my 'cronons are cool' t-shirt, along with the paper I wrote
on syncopated or quantum time. It still makes me chuckle.
I would still love to see something more. Something that could act as a guide to writers
who might some day incorporate the basic ideas into stories. It would be nice if you might
compare to other texts and paradigms. Perhaps, if you intend to devote time to this, you could
give us a comparison between five or six different creation myths? To me, that would be so much
more useful and interesting.
Oh well. Just a thought. Either way, good luck with the project!
Sarah Lynn
Someone smarter than me said, "Time is so everything doesnt happen at once."
ah... but even wiser men have said...
That time is merely the way we temporal beings comprehend a dimension that is in fact, just as fluid as any other...
This posits a notion that, in fact, everything DOES happen at once. Meanwhile, here, is also there, at the same time. Now is also back then, and several years from now.
Put into this perspective, when, really, is "In the beginning" REALLY referring to? Perhaps, rather than a simple notion of temporal measure as we would generally recognize it, "the beginning" actually refers to a specific arrangement of many dimensions... "The Beginning" could refer to, perhaps, a singularity.
Abigail Drew.
I Wasn't Going to Mention This Now
... but a physicist recently mentioned that the event horizon of a singularity could be like a hologram. Also, looking at the very small molecule and atom level the appearance is a series of dots. Maybe we are a hologram?
In quantum theory
everything does happen at once.
Are the same things, two sides of the same coin.
I'm hoping they discover more dimensions than the 4 we already have.
I love science
While I have religious views, I find myself arguing with people who are convinced they have all the answers (out of the Bible) quite a bit. As Heinlein once said, it is like wrestling with a pig. You get dirty and the pig likes it.
Creation Myths, Physics
I had a humanities course at MIT; yeah, a bunch were required, even for scientists and engineers. Anyway we read some of the old testament and translations of older mid-east writing, Babylonian and the like. Some of the "In the beginning" creation myths were very similar to those of the Israelites. OTOH, one, barely pieced together from fragments, was about some demigod or hero spraying semen around, creating things and causing things to happen.
Per Sarah Lynn, I also like physics a lot. I'm interested in (word) explanations of new theories and observational and experimental findings. It surprised me a lot, as a frosh at MIT, that the calculus and higher maths, were very hard for me to understand. Up thru HS, I was always tops in my school at math. This development stopped any ambitions of going into physics; I chose the engineering program that had the least math courses required.
>> Also, looking at the very small molecule and atom level the appearance is a series of dots. <<
Maybe you are referring to crystal X-ray diffraction patterns, which are an array of dots.
Atom sized objects do not have a real world appearance. We see light radiation; the wave lengths of visible light are many orders larger than atoms. Perhaps you've seen scanning-tunneling (can't remember the term, exactly) electron "microscope" images of atoms on a smooth crystalline surface. I think an IBM lab did this first and published images. There is a probe made of a metal whisker, a long thin single crystal, only a few atoms wide and high, that can be moved with extremely high precision. When the probe gets to a few atomic diameters from the exposed atom, (sitting on top of a crystalline plane of (a different element [?] atoms) the electron shell of that atom repulses the electrons in the probe. Either the force of this repulsion or a voltage/electron motion (electrical force) is measured. The probe is scanned back and forth over the substrate; the force recorded at each location, higher near an exposed atom, can be computer mapped to show atoms; not surprisingly, the images of the atoms look round.
This type of probe can also push atoms around on a surface. Again IBM, I think, just showed an image of the world's smallest transistor, a groove in a construct of only some small number, 20 - 30, of atoms.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Time is linear on this plane of reality (3rd dimension) because this is how we, as humans function. I would suppose that as we move into higher dimensions it becomes more unified. We can see examples of this when we dream, in dreams anything can happen, we can be at more places at once.
It is also a matter of perception and how we choose to view the world. I had an MVA when I was a child and was in a coma for about two weeks after that I became clairsentient (like clairvoyance but with emotions) and I found that I had the ability to feel the emotions of others. Over the years as I became involved with and going to metaphysical workshops and communities I found that the way I viewed the world had changed and things began to just fall into place for me.
I found myself able to look into other realities and existences. People may say it's imagination and I would agree. However once you begin living your life in a certain way imagination becomes creation and it's easy to see the unity of everything, linear time ceases to exist and we begin to see that time doesn't exist. It is a fluid concept.
I'd say without time there is
I'd say without time there is no meaning. What would be creation without time? Can there actually be something without time? I doubt it. On the other hand, time is what happens when something changes. So you need to have "creation" to have time. Or maybe god... To have time you have to have something that can do something.
It would make more sense along the lines: "God was and then it began" - because how can there be a beginning without the existance of something? You'd either need a creative intellect (aka god) or just matter that changes into the beginning of a universe.
I wonder what explanations science will find.
Can there actually be something without time?
In fact, this is an interesting question that lead to some equally fascinating conjecture.
In the universe that we can see, and experience with our natural senses, we feel that we
have the ability to move freely through the three physical dimensions, but that we have no
control as we are drawn inexorably through time. Relativistic physics tells us, however,
that this is in fact, an illusion. Velocity, in a given frame of reference, can effect
time. We've all heard of the thought experiments, and of the fictional journeys by siblings
at the speed of light. What few people realize, though, is that the effect is very real,
extant, and is probably used by a device in your pocket right now. Your phone.
GPS, at it's heart, depends on stable orbits of satellites, and very precise timing signals.
The precision, which largely comes through timing, actually depends on a correction factor being
included for the different relative rate by which time passes between the satellite and
the receiver on the ground, due to their different velocities. It's the Lorentz transformation,
which I'm sure everyone here knows quite well! (I'd post it, but I don't want to look for
superscript and Gamma!)
What is more, there is also an effect of the space, and the relative positions of the two
timed devices, due to their relative proximity to any nearby substantial mass. Such as, the
Now! I told you that, so that I could tell you this.
The only place that we've ever been able to identify, or been curious about, where we think
the basic rules of the Universe might not apply, might well be within the Event Horizon of a
black hole. [ I hope you'll forgive that this statement is horribly imprecise; and nay, even
a little misleading, because we scarcely have the mathematics to describe the natural laws of
the universe when we look at sub-nuclear space, or the expansions/waves/vibrations in the scale
of the known universe. Let alone, view what we find there as 'familiar.' ] Beyond the Event
Horizon, you no longer have the three degrees of freedom required to move in any direction, other
than that defined by the shortest path to the singularity! But... In that 'moment,' the very time
that we feel that we can only perceive due to entropy may not have that same form. If it were,
indeed, even possible for some kind of consciousness to act in such a place, the loss of the freedom
of movement through space, may well be replaced by a greater freedom within time... for however
long that moment actually lasts.
The whole description of GPS, anemic though it surely is, is included to point out that
these time effects are quite extant, and in the right circumstances, perhaps even perceptible.
Good question.
Sarah Lynn
I know that velocity can
I know that velocity can affect time, but without time there can be no velocity. You can read that out of the time dilation equations.
T'=T0*(1-v²/c²)^0,5 - once you void one time variable the rest of the equation becomes irrelevant. That's what I meant when I said that matter has no meaning without time.
The effects of velocity on time are actually meassurable on earth. When sunlight hits the atmosphere instable atoms are created that fly towards earth. They can be meassured on the ground, although it shouldn't be possible since they ought to have broken down when that happens. The reason is that the breakdown time hasn't elapsed in the timeframe of the atom/molecule (I'm not exactly sure what it was)