I've been noticing that the counts, comments and kudoes have been decreasing as each story segment goes up, and I'm wondering if the story is moving too slowly for a lot of you. I know there's been a lot of exposition and conversation within the story, but I thought it would be a good thing to let the heroes get to find and begin to know one another, and for you, the readers, to get comfortable with them as well.
Was I wrong? Is the story moving too slowly? Remember, we are dealing with 5 very different writers here, and I don't want to stint any of them, creativity-wise. Remember also that this is an experiment, both in writing and in co-operation among the writers to try to put together a story from 5 different POVs.
So, are we doing it right... wrong... or what? Are the story chapters too long? Too short? Are we boring you... or frustrating you?
Let us know what we can do to make the story better, or if you like it the way it's going. I know I'm having fun with this story, and I know the other writers are as well, but it also needs to be fun for you readers as well.
So TELL US! Is it fun? Is it boring? Are we wasting our time? The only way we know if what we are trying to do is working, is for you to COMMENT! So please, please, comment, good OR bad.
Hit rate etc
You will find that such a fade away seems to happen to all stories posted here, with one obvious exception. It is just the way of things.
Don't Worry About It
As Cyclist said, this is a pretty normal thing. You will get a lot of hits early, and the number of hits will drop off as those not interested in the story don't come back. I find with my stories the number of hits drop to about 40% or less of what was received on the first posting. I just have to get used to it.
as already mentioned...
It's perfectly normal... I for one am loving what you lot are doing (can't really say girls, cuz grover's in there too...)!
Anyways... just keep doing as you've been doing and you'll retain the readers who are actually interested in what you're doing, and the rest were never really interested in the first place.
Abigail Drew.
hit rates and story interest
Yes, I too have noticed that the number of hits seems to change downward as people read the first chapters and move toward the last.
In the case of this particular story -- I continue to return to read simply because of the novel nature of having multiple writers offering portions which as a result give each of the characters their own unique viewpoint toward both the other characters and toward the conditions of the world/universe/story itself.
While interested, I also have some difficulty with the story for the same reason.
In general, a story written beginning to finish as a collaberation of authors has a little of each of those authors present within each and every page of each and every chapter. An author, whether they are aware of it or not, places a 'bias' for lack of my thinking of a better term at the moment, into everything they have written. It becomes the 'flavor' of the words placed upon the page and gives us, the readers, a sense of continuity.
With an entire chapter each written by a different author that 'flavor' seems to be altered and thus we can feel that as we read.
I don't know if it is simply my imagination causing this or if it is real but it is a part of the reason why I like to read stories by one author and not by another despite the two being quite equal in talent, presentation and writing capacity.
I suppose I would find fault even if Heinlein and Bradbury themselves each wrote the same story with the same title and the same setting and characters. I enjoy both those writers but I'm equally certain that if I were presented with two "identical" stories that I would pick one over the other simply because of the way a wordsmith places their words for public consumption.
I know, it makes no sense but thats the way many of us are when we read for entertainment.
I enjoy the works of each of the authors who are writing within this universe... it's simply the 'flavor' tends to be changed chapter to chapter. A bit like mixing vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and grape ice cream together. I like each separately but the mix might be a bit much for me.
Anyway, thanks all.... I'll keep reading
I am very intrigued with the story
I love where it's going, and can't wait for the next chapter. I think the choicew of authors was inspired, and the dsifferences in their styles just make the story that much better.