Same things old and nothing new...
...heartaches borrowed, feeling blue....

But Just Not Me!
...a sad reprise of a sad song to reflect a very sad day in my state indeed. This brought me to tears, as lives once again become fodder for politicians. As they say, the definition of democracy is two foxes and a chicken deciding what to have for dinner. It would be funny if it weren't so fucking sad. Sorry about the language.
Dear Mr. God, listen, you,
Never tell me dreams come true,
Just try it, and I'll start to cry.
Mr. President don't you dare,
Ever tell me someone might care,
My heart is broken over words unspoken.
Don't want to hear from any well meaning folks,
Who tell me love will find a way; it's all a big joke.
They're letting some folks wed, but just not me,
An exercise of love, but not for me,
Having almost no hope it's true,
I find my prospects growing blue,
Since nobody I know could guarantee.
I was a fool to think we'd find a way,
Our hearts grow sad and dim most every day
Although I hope things change,
I've no pow'r to arrange,
I guess she's not for me that way?
We had such hope back then but now that's through,
A promise once but then not me and you,
We're sad while waiting now,
For our own marriage vow,
Maybe someday our dream will come true?
Based on But Not For Me
Words and Music by
Ira and George Gershwin
Performed by Linda Ronstadt
Maybe we'll have the good sense to see our state officials override the veto, but I won't hold my breath waiting for that to happen. Any 'right' that a state may grant can also be one that they revoke. Doesn't smell too much like the Garden State right about now. Sigh!
It will come
People like Christie are only postponing the inevitable.
And What's Really Scarey
... is that he is being considered as a prime candidate for Veep.
Why do I do that?
I scroll down to the comments...
A question for you transpondian folk: you live in a federal country, each State having the right to pass some very wide-ranging laws, including, it appears, in the field of gay marriage. Now suppose a couple turn up in the proud state of Mediaevalia, where same-sex unions are illegal, but their wedding was in Sensibilia, where the law is fully in favour. They are, in other words, legally married. Does that override the local law, or is there some odd balancing act? As an example, a couple live in State A, but get married in Stae B. They have, say, married people's health insurance but they have moved to a state that denies they can marry. What then?
Unfortunately, we have a federal law called the Defense of Marraige Act that states that in the state that it is not legal, it does not get recognized.
So yes, in this country, if you get married in NY, and move to Alabama, and happend to be in a same sex marriage, as far as Alabama and the Federal Government are concerned, you aren't married.
This means that even though NY recognizees the marriage, they can't file their federal taxes as married, are not entitled tto social security benefits that marrieed couples are entitled to, etc. And when they move to Alabama (or any other state that does not recognize their marriage) they lose all of the other legal rights of a married couple as in joint property, survivor rights, next of kin access in hospitals, etc.
it is a long slow march, and I'm ashamed of the govenor of our state, but then I voted against him. And that is all I will say on that because it gets into politics.
Unfortunately, we have a federal law called the Defense of Marraige Act that states that in the state that it is not legal, it does not get recognized.
So yes, in this country, if you get married in NY, and move to Alabama, and happend to be in a same sex marriage, as far as Alabama and the Federal Government are concerned, you aren't married.
This means that even though NY recognizees the marriage, they can't file their federal taxes as married, are not entitled tto social security benefits that marrieed couples are entitled to, etc. And when they move to Alabama (or any other state that does not recognize their marriage) they lose all of the other legal rights of a married couple as in joint property, survivor rights, next of kin access in hospitals, etc.
it is a long slow march, and I'm ashamed of the govenor of our state, but then I voted against him. And that is all I will say on that because it gets into politics.
Maybe I'm naive...
The Supreme Court of the United States of America has already found that homosexual acts are NOT UNLAWFUL.
If consenting adults engaged in a fully legal practice decide to formalize their union in a well established manner that has FEDERAL ramifications (Social Security, taxation and retirement benefits, for example) that is allowed for others, then anti-discrimination laws already in place would be fully applicable. In other words, same sex marriages are just as valid as normal marriages are in all 50 States, by FEDERAL law, which supercedes all State law. Any State which does not recognize said marriage would be in violation of Federal Anti-Discrimination Policies.
Am I wrong with this? Why is this even a topic? It's just political CRAP.
Being and acting aren't illegal...
...but that doesn't necessarily endorse or recognize the spiritual and legal consummation of the relationship; that's a matter of definition. The painfully hard thing to deal with is that depending on to whom you talk on any given day in any given place, the Constitution of the United States within the framework of the fourteenth amendment either protects against discrimination or doesn't protect against discrimination. And it doesn't matter who the Justices are, since they've all come down on both sides of the issue on more than one occasion. And it also depends upon which day and date you seek redress in regard to reciprocation between states. Go figure.
As far as the Defense of Marriage Act, Nearly two thirds of the party you'd have expected to be against this bill voted in favor of it. 22 Representatives didn't vote at all, having the foresight nearly sixteen years ago to recognize just what a political hot potato this would be, since expedience seems to trump conscience on an altogether too frequent basis. Again, making it possible for human beings to decide the rights of other human beings seems a bit unfair. But to paraphrase the Duke, "I only gave you one girl's opinion."
Love, Andrea Lena
Lutefisk, Lime Jello and Love
Oh Golly! Lutherans, who invented 101 uses for jello and mayonnaise, are hootin' and hollerin' for Gay Rights.
They voted last night to oppose the Minnesota proposed state constitution same sex marriage ban. They mainly hoped to send a symbolic message.
In contrast, the Catholic Minneapolis diocese contributed over eighty percent of the funds amassed to support the vile amendment.
Ole: What does ya call a crowd with hate signs telling people how to live their lives?
Lena: A buncha idgits. Next thing ya know they'll demand that we keep the doors open to our ice fish houses. I say what happens between two adults over a hole drilled in the lake . . . is only their darned business. You betcha!
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela: To see what Ole thinks...
See my comment! As for Sven, Bjorn, Vermund and Einar, ya gotta ask them, Ya? And who, I ask ya who, could speak against Lutefisk? What next Aebleskivers, doncha know? Is nothing sacred?
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
But not confused. I was amazed that so many LGBTQ groups actually thought that Christie would sign the bill. I mean, fer cryin' out loud, people!! The man was a possible Republican presidential candidate! Anybody here that thinks a Republican candidate is going to go on record as supporting AND signing a gay marriage bill, please PM me. I have some lovely oceanfront property in Florida, complete with the historic bridge of your choice, that I need to sell quickly. It's priced to move so call now before it's all gone! Anyway, y'all need to lock away all those rose-colored glasses, and put away the Kumbaya music, this is the real world out here.
BTW, I have been saying this all along on some LGBTQ forums I'm a member of, as well as the Dallas Voice website, Rick Santorum is the most dangerous Republican candidate out there. I've been watching him for several years, and the man makes O'Reilly and Limbaugh look like card-carrying commies by comparison. Just a word to the wise.
So, legal gay marriage in all fifty states and territories - I'll be very surprised if it happens in the next fifty years. I'd certainly give odds that it won't happen in the next twenty years. There is still a very long uphill road to be traveled to get to that point. Wishing will not make it so; hard work and a realistic vision will be required.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Getting Santorum stains out...
I've been aware of Santorum since he tried to get all that creationist language in No Child Left Behind passed. I wasn't really surprised when I learned how homophobic and transphobic he is.
If he becomes the Republican candidate, it will either guarantee Obama's second term, or backfire if he actually becomes president (after Bush getting two terms, I'm no longer so sure the US population is smart enough to vote) and the USA becomes a religous fascist state on Planet Earth.
"If This Goes On . . ."
Ever read the novel "If This Goes On . . ." by Robert A. Heinlein? Becoming too likely for my nerves!
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
If This Goes On...
I've read some Heinlein, but not that one. I'll keep my eyes peeled.
Originally done in 1940s, later revised; it was his first novel. I remember a collection, Revolt in 2100; think the long version's in there.
[Holds hands up as big RAH fan]
Nehemiah Scudder
I completely agree. Rick Santorum is way to close to Nehemiah Scudder, and the really scary thing is that as per the Heinlein timeline, Nehemiah Scudder was elected in 2012, and no elections were held in 2016 or beyond.... how freaky is that.
If Santorum gets the nomination, and somehow this country votes for him, be very, very afraid.
God save us...
From the politicians, bigots and other charlatans. Don't they know that you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!