This video has gone viral; so, many of you may have seen it already, but if you haven't, it's something to see. This is Washington State (Republican) Representative Maureen Walsh's heartfelt remarks on ESSB 6239 (same sex marriage in Washington State) during the recent pre-vote debate.!
Just when you figure it's about over.
You find a good person in a legislature who is intent on doing the right thing
in it's own cause. Wow.
Sarah Lynn
Now, I feel like I went through a tear
in the space-time continuum. Did I miss something?
This is Bill O'Really:
This is Howard Stern:
I am dumbfounded. I don't like either of these people, and
in fact I actually dislike O'Reilly pretty intensely, but this
is like two video's in two days that he actually sounded like
he understood humanity.
I don't know what else to say.
Sarah Lynn
Bill's actually been being a good boy...
For quite a while now. He's been really open and surprisingly compassionate about transgender issues as well.
I've actually been watching this change start to take shape in the Republican party for a while now, there's still the wing-nut bunch, and probably always will be, but the Dem's have them too, but anyways, the more mainstream Republicans actually seem to be waking up and realizing that conservative government doesn't have to mean bass-ackwards thinking on moral issues. Just because the conservative government concept originated with bigoted slave-owners doesn't mean that modern conservatives have to be bigots too. I think it's great.
Abigail Drew.
Nice to see
Conservative Republicans are facing challenges as they find the issues they disagree with enter their own family. It has really opened up a few of their eyes to what the issue really is, instead of what the spin people try to make it out to be. She did a good job there. I hope her efforts hold out. I know it will be signed into law by the state governer in the next few days, but then conservatives will put it on the state ballot for all the people to vote on. Oh how I hope when that happens it is shown by a large margin that Washington State residents are open minded people. It is a divided state however with half the state being mostly republican and half being democrat. As a whole, things tend to go with how people around Seattle believe, so there is hope this law will stay in place.
You know if the people fighting against this issue across the country would put their money and efforts into stimulating the economy and helping others, what would that do to our economy and positive outlook on things. They are going to spend millions fighting this issue. May they loose with dignity.
Keep Smiling, Keep Writing
hearfelt sentiment.
I applaud this woman's hearfelt sentiments but I have to confess to the flaw in my nature that makes me the hardened cynic that I am.
Would this lady have been so compassionate and demonstrative about gay mariages and gay rights if her daughter (Whom she obviously loved and still loves, even after 'coming out'.)
In my long years of intergenderism (61 years since realising I was somehow 'different') I have met several sets of bigoted parents who have been forced, one way or another, to come to terms with their children's LGBT natures and then been forced to eat crow or lose all contact. In one instance I was instrumental in reconciling four parents to their daughters' lesbianism when they didn't even know they were grandparents. I knew these two sets of parents to be homophobic when I met them at an 'Ethnic Minority' fair in Cardiff. It took me a year to get them reconciled to their grand child, (Now grandchildren in Bristol.) The girls were one Asian and one Oriental. They were lovely girls and sweet natured.
The parents had been so censorious and homophobic to their daughters that the girls were terrified of going home and even more terrified that their parents would try to have the child taken off them.
I met the grandparents completely by accident at an Ethnic Minorities fair in Cardiff and suddenly realised who they were. They started haranguing me because I was 'dressed' as a woman until I managed to point out to them that I was every bit as much part of a minority as they were.
They had been listening to me asking the organisers of the fair why there was no section or stall set out to represent transgender people. (There wasn't even a gay stall.) Then I pointed out that there were LGBT people amongst the ethnics, they (the organisers,)slowly acknowledged my argument.
Then these people overheard me discussing the issues with the local authority representatives who organised the fair and they tried to shout me down for being a pervert. I simply waited for them to finish Ranting at me and then pointed out I was born intergendered just like the vast majority (If not all!) LGBT people were born thus; like me.
The two men stormed off but the two women finally got talking and they explained why their husbands were angry. Each of their daughters had 'Run away' to live with a girl friend and they had lost contact. As I was looking at the Asian women, I thought I could see a resemblance so I took a huge gamble. I asked her if her daughter's name was --- ---- ----. She looked at me shocked but fortunately, because she was a woman,so I didn't feel intimidated. After recovering her composure, she confirmed it was her daughter's name.
Then, because the other woman was from a different race that seemed to be the same as my other Bristol lesbian friend. I asked if her daughter was XXX XXX XXX. After I hazarded this other daughter's name to the other mother both women stared at me almost stupified. They must have thought I was some sort of plant or spy but it was a totally accidental meeting. They had visited the fair in the hope of finding something out and they HAD!
After a long chat I finally convinced them that LGBT people were nearly always born LGBT (I believe every genuinly LGBT person is thus born and it's not a choice!)
I used the old argument by asking them; "Would I choose to dress this way just to incur the wrath and danger from transphobes?". Then and only then were they even remotely prepared to let me say just a few more very important words. (Mainly because they were desperate to find their daughters.)
I point blank refused to tell them where the girls were living and the poor women tried to get a police-woman involved to compell me. The police woman explained that as the girls were over eighteen, I was not required to give any information. Except to show good will, I gave my name and address privately to the police-woman. Then I agreed to meet the two mothers again when I was next in Cardiff and only after speaking to their daughters in Bristol. (It was only then I learned that --- was pregnant.)
Over the telephone --- and XXX agreed to accompany me to meet their mothers at a neutral rendezvous away from their father's anger.
On seeing that her daughter --- was pregnant the first mother broke down in tears as she seemed to reconcile herself to her daughter's sexuality. The other mother has also since reconciled but only after XXX became pregnant.
That is why I just can't help wondering if the senator in the vidoe was always tolerant of LGBT or if she's had an epiphany after her daughter's coming out.
Either way it's still an excellent thing that this legislator has expressed these views, but I think readers of this will understand why I'm such a hard-bitten cynic.
I work hard on behalf of the LGBT scene in South Wales but it's difficult when my own wife is paranoid about my 'being recognised' and I have to work behind the scenes to keep my own wife sane. I can never leave her, I owe her my sanity and my life from my middle years (Twenties to fifties.)
Beverly Taff. Intergendered Transvestite.
only after
I am sure this Republican only came to this after her daughter came out. Republicans in Washington State are usually very conservative and not open to different ways of life. One of the reasons this is such big news is the fact that she is Republican.
More and more high level government officials who previously preached one way of life have had to totally change their views when a child or relative ended up dealing with what they preached against. Because of the media now a days, they can't get away with switching views without the public knowing. This is causing a lot of conservatives and people in the conservative world seeing their leaders have to change views. In time this will eat away at these views and open the world up to the differences in everyone. It is a process, but it is happening. I really do not care how it happened, as long as we are seeing the changes publicly. The time of hiding these issues away in the closet or wiping an individual from the family tree needs to stop.
Keep Smiling, Keep Writing
Thanks for the Additional Insight
Only one other of Maureen's fellow Republican legislators voted for same sex marriage.
It's really difficult to change an attitude that has been ingrained since early childhood. It's especially difficult if the people around you express the same opinions. It often takes something strong like the love for your child to make you even bother to reassess what had been given to you as rock solid truth.
Alas, even the love for a child isn't enough for some parents.