I think I'm getting stronger, and I dont mean physical strength. One way I'm getting stronger is the ability to stop beating myself up over mistakes. For example, yesterday I started to regret getting my hair done. I realized it was not the best use of the money I had gotten for my bottles, that I had other things I should have done first. But rather than spend hours calling myself names, which would have been my response before, I simply filed the whole thing in a mental box called "stuff to learn from", and let it go.
There is only one downside to this kind of progress, and that's the chance I could get spiritually proud. Gonna have to keep an eye on that.
Some times you need to take care of yourself and your psyche
Dear Dorothy
Sometimes you have to treat Dorothy to something that is for her only. Once in awhile forget everything and soothe your own needs. It heals the soul and the mind. Those two organs need to be fed as much as the stomach.
I contend
I contend that even though there may have been more materially necessary uses for that money, you did in fact use it in the best way possible.
Sometimes we need to treat ourselves to something we don't actually need, but makes us feel good. This seems especially so for girls, which is where ideas such as "shopping therapy" comes from which seems so alien to guys.
Abigail Drew.
Just keep calm and carry on. ^_^ If you get proud, so what? It never did ME any harm. :)
One thing about being short of money is budgeting. The trick is to budget for one regular treat, so that you have something to look forward to.