Extremely exciting news for transwomen

Perhaps many of you as I have, tried desparately for many years to find the why. We know about the MRI transgender wishful connection, the knowing when we are born, the always dreaming of being a woman and all that stuff that makes us wonder if the heart of our desires are born in a fantasy world.

Well, I was talking to my step sister and my brothers wife last night I had not seen my step sister in years. She is an extremely successful biologist and researcher in Canada.
She told me about a study that is well documented. I was so shocked that I did not get more information. I know this woman, who essentialy raised me. Her integrity is absolute in my eyes.

In the statistical study, it was found that there was a very high incidence of the third male being transgendered or at least effiminate. The theory behind the data is that a woman who has two boys has her resivior or testorsterone depleted so that when she produces yet another baby, if it is male, it often is transgendered because the fetus does not get sufficient testosterone to make the full conversion. Both my brothers were very masculine and from the hour of my birth, I always knew I was a girl. I did not find out until after I was walking and talking that I was not a girl and I stubbornly remained attached to the belief. It took a terrible beating and just lots of painful harrassment to make me stop talking about it and I firmly hated my step father from that day until he died.

Just thought that it would be a comfort to some of you.

It makes me feel really validated.

Many blessings to you all.
