Woo Hoo! :D

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Woo-Hoo! :D

I have been here at BC|TC for slightly longer than 12 weeks and have over 2000 'Kudos' for my stories...to me that's a really big deal and I appreciate them! I only hope to continue to produce stories that people here want to read.

Anon Allsop


Colour me green with envy

First: let me congratulate you on getting so much in the way of Kudos - long may it continue.

Second: I'm dead envious.

I've had stories that have been live here for five years and haven't got that many. I must be doing something wrong.

Oh well; back to the drawing board.

Congrats again.

Nick B

I don't just look it. I'm totally envious

Not Your Fault, Nick

joannebarbarella's picture

It's easy to forget that before "kudoes" there used to be "votes" and these all vanished in one of the site "upgrades".

So any of your stories posted in the days of "votes" went back to a zero record of appreciation and now have to earn a new record of "kudoes" but, of course, have already been read by most of the BC audience so only attract attention from a small minority of latecomers.

Shame, innit, but we still love your stories,


Awww. That's so nice

I doubt I'd have 2,000 of them though!

Nevertheless, thank you for making my day :)

Big huggles


I don't just look it, I'm like totally feelin' better now

I don't just look it...

Andrea Lena's picture

I'm totally in admiration of Nick B!!!! And Anon Allsop, too!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena