Sometimes, I get the urge to write dark stuff, but on occasion, I worry about causing people here pain. For example, I've been noodling a sequel to "You" where we see what happened to cause this act of vengeance. But it would be hard to tell it without some real darkness that might upset some people. Opinions?
Keywords are Key...
I guess the starting point is - does it conform to site rules. If it's a yes, then I'm a big believer of tagging a story with the right keywords.If it's a flat out "CAUTION" you know it's going to be bad as a reader. If it's a different user defined keyword then you can make a judgement as a reader. And finally, the writer can add to the synopsis just before / after the break if necessary (i.e. 'this is going to be difficult for some readers becase xyz'). I think other than that, it's context and down to the reader. As long as the reader can make an informed judgement you're fine.
I know there are things I won't read as a reader and the keywords when applied correctly help steer me to / away from the things I want / don't want to read.
Just my few pennies worth anyway.
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Speaking as someone who doesn't read "tough stuff"
Speaking as someone who doesn't read "tough stuff", I have to say write it. Don't flinch. If that's what you have inside you to write, write it.
If anyone has a problem with that sort of thing, well, no one is forcing them to read it.
You have to know that you're not the only one who has those feelings, and if you write it out, articulate it, paint the pictures -- as awful as they may be -- someone else is going to read that and say, Jesus Christ! Somebody knows how *I* feel!
My wife, for reasons of her own, watches Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. I can't bear it. When it's on, I leave the room. I don't give her a hard time about wanting to see it, and she doesn't give me a hard time about not being able to take it.
Post it
Go ahead and write it up and post it. Just put in the cautions that pertain to the "darkness" so that those who might have qualms about it can be warned.
Go for it!
But fair warning from personal experience, people get upset it you don't tag it properly...
I look forward to it!
Go Dot!
I often write darker stories...
I often write darker stories, it depends on my mood at the time. I have a story that I created not long after a young child I knew personally, that child had committed suicide and her death really knocked the wind out of me. I had posted it on another site and was 'raked through the coals' by reviewers.
I'm okay with that because when I'm upset I write, it helps by acting as some sort of catharsis in healing my sadness. The story I wrote wasn't about her, but I did mention in the 'preface' that I was writing because I was upset about her death and because I spoke up, was accused that I didn't know what real pain or anguish over death was. Excuse me? I was flabbergasted at that reviewer's comment...My own sainted mother died beside me when I was only 22 years old of a massive heart the heck is a 22 year old kid supposed to tell his father that his wife of 48 years died while I was trying to get her to the hospital? I didn't know what to do...let alone, I had to relay the sad news to all of my brothers & sisters. And this a-hole says to me that I had no clue on real death?
I'm sorry, I get worked up when I recall all of those past events in my life...but I would say that if it tells an important story to it. Harness that emotion and write it with passion.
Sincerely, Anon Allsop
Anon Allsop