Ragnarok Rising letdown & Dark Realms story

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Ragnarok Rising Letdown

As much as I hate to do this. I need to step back from Ragnarok Rising for a while. I do still plan on finishing the final story, but I've lost some of my enthusiasm for the story and I need to take a break so I can return to it with a fresh perspective.

But that doesn't mean I won't be writing. Far from it. In fact, I contacted EnemyofFun last night about writing in his Dark Realms Universe and he's agreed to let me write on a 'new' type of Unseen or 'monster'.

Sorry if that means you have to wait longer for the final story in the Ragnarok Rising Trilogy, but I want to assure it lives up to my vision and I don't rush through the story and end up ruining it.


As noted by my name on here...

I do have a vested intrest in Ragnarok... (just kidding... I am Loki, after all). ;)

Take as long as you need to finish Ragna. If that's what you need to do to do it justice, then we can wait. Until then, and hopefully after as well, welcome to Dark Realms. ^_^

Peace be with you and Blessed be


I am very interested in seeing where you take this monster thing OH how exciting someone has a new idea and branching off in the DARK REALMS UNIVERSE-- HUGS RICHIE2


Daniela Wolfe's picture

Thanks hopefully you'll like it. :D

Have delightfully devious day,