Here is a link to the article. I'm not sure my response is printable.
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
Here is a link to the article. I'm not sure my response is printable.
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File as ill informed rant.
The writer of this article is an organic food specialist with a thirst for publicity because of his book which is about organic food industries.The transgender article is a personal opinion based on smug misinformation(alegedly) with a touch of macho ego thrown in.Read it ,laugh and bin it.Its not worth worrying or getting upset about.
The only organic boloney I have every encountered is words on a page. All the boloney sausage around is machine-made from dubious remnants of what is claimed to be meat.
For the avoidance of doubt, I am strongly in favour of organic food; but this specimen of organic food 'on the hoof' is fit only for species preservation of the Siberian Tiger.
As for organic baloney of the treeware variety, I would say that the book appears to be a good source, except that in this context 'good' appears to be an oxymoron. (Is that related to the Canadian moron referred to above?)
The guy has a crust to earn having ceased employment as an Organic Inspector (I wouldn't want him inspecting my organs...). One is inclined to wonder why he 'gave up the day job'. Perhaps it was actually vice-versa?
degree in history
The article states at the end, "Mischa Popof has a degree in history". Please people this isn't an article with experts talking, it is one woman giving her opinion.
I can see fear in this article, the fear of someone who is having their veiws about what they've always believed questioned. The majority of humanity has this fear, all we can do is let opionion, whether public or otherwise let them look a different way.
A degree in Histrionics?
Er, I mean History?
Oh PLEASE. What the fuck is THAT worth on an article about TRANSGENDERISM?
Has this Mischa actually MET any Trans-People? Somehow I very much doubt it, or else we wouldn't be seeing this idiocy.
Consider The Source
This is the local rag of some town in inland British Columbia, a couple hundred miles from Vancouver. The William R. Bennett Bridge, named for a living ex-premiere of the province, and the only access into the town from the populated coast, is most unusual for having two lanes into town and three lanes out. Tells you something, doesn't it?
Letters to the editor there routinely have demands to kick all the Canadian French speakers out of British Columbia.
Mischa Popoff, the author of the rant, who lives in an even dinkier place, Osoyoos, BC, home to the puzzlingly-named nature reserve, the Anarchist Protected Area, holds a place of honor on Family Security Matters, a right-wing website, and is a bit of a conspiracy nut himself. Oh, his address is on the page, if you want to write him, but if arguing with an idiot is a waste of time, arguing with an ideologue isn't much better, in my humble experience. Judging from his article, though, he's more of an idiot than an ideologue. The Canadian education guidelines for young children don't talk about sex at all, only about gender, affinity, and diversity, the goal obviously being to get kids to treat themselves and each other with respect and understanding, and to not bully kids who are different. I pity this man's children. He reads like the classic shoot-first/aim-second hot headed jerk.
If a picture is worth 1000 words, this is at least part of my story.
Being from BC myself, I totally agree!
Kelowna is where British Columbians send their their most brainless conservative morons so they can live like the primitives they are (or profess to be)
I know, my ex-wife (a yank immigrant now abusing the Canadian system for her own greedy purposes) has been hiding out there for a few years now, and has brainwashed both my kids, formerly free-thinking types, into this twisted way of life.
btw.... for those really interested, I started transitioning because normally BOTH my kids support the idea of being your TRUE SELF no matter what.
Given time, all morons like this will either exterminate themselves or upgrade to reality. In the meantime ignore the morons behind the curtains. They don't actually matter and free (liberal type) thinkers do actually outnumber them by a very STRONG majority.
What... A... Doofus
'Nuff Said.
History is often written by ill informed morons who ignore both sides and report only one side.
If read history of the war of 1812 as reported by American sources, you would find a TOTALLY different motivation and back story than the other 2 countries involved. (Canada and Britain)
Historians are no better than fiction writers for the most part.
"I know transgendered" is a moronic statement in this case. I know assholes too but I don't profess to know what makes them tick. This person seems entranced by the information allegedly spread by the transgendered. IF she TRULY knows any of us, then she will ALSO know that we do not generally support the pre-pubescent decisions made by people that barely know why they have to stand up or sit down to pee!!
I know for a fact that I was questioning my own gender up to the point where I became a functioning adult and even THEN still endured the suffering until I was 44! Hell, truth be known, it was DUE to closed minded jerk offs that taught me that girls had long hair and boys had short hair - so naturally as I was allowed to have long hair at a young-ish age ... well you can just imagine... there was no mention of genital differences because the CONSERVATIVE mind set of the day refused to teach kids the differences, or even acknowledge them.
When you see a book's cover and never allow it to be opened and read, you will undoubtedly find a plethora of differing ideas of what that book may contain! So conservative minds, keep that book closed... don't you DARE learn anything about reality and STAY within your cold dark cave huddled around that magical item you only know as 'fire'. With any luck at all your progeny will never learn to stand upright, develop language skills or use tools...
**insert evil sarcastic wink here **
"Article a bunch of baloney"--according to this transgender kid
Haven't read the article, probably won't because I don't need the aggro at the moment. I just thought the title of my comment would be an appropriate response to the title of your blog post. Disproof by counterexample as it were. :P Take that, article writer!
this is why
I hate the umbrella term 'transgendered'.
The word isn't the problem
The problem is the usage of it.
I regard myself as transgendered rather than transvestite or transsexual, for me it's not an umbrella. In general none of these T words comes with any derogatory connotations but that doesn't stop anyone from trying to use them in a negative way.
You can't choose your relatives but you can choose your family.
Stop using "Transgendered"!!!
You know a Kariotype test is about to become cheap. I urge anyone who can to get one because the results to that test can pull your problem solidly into the realm of legitimacy. Just saying.
So, the dude who wrote this article, trace him back to his roots. If he is one of those fundi folk, or a homophobe, just walk on by and forget it. There is a full and ripe abundance of assholes in this world. Just be kind and loving and let them be miserable. They will likely die mean too.
according to a Kariotype test
I probably come out as a typical XY male. Just saying.
The Germans---yes THOSE Germans---had a lovely saying...
Same shit, different bag. Sigh...
~~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Dayna, Gwen
Transgender, Transgendered, Transgender, Transgendered, Transgender, Transgendered, Transgender, Transgendered, Transgender, Transgendered
It's a word, nothing more. I've seen multiple terms come down the pike, some stick and some fade away. Use it or not, that's your choice. And mine. And everybody else's. We all get to choose for ourselves, but not for anybody else.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Evidently the writer's been talking to the wrong people and Did Not Do The Research. I count point out specifics, but we all know what they are. Needless to say, if he actually spent any time in a school teaching sex and relationship education or talked to the teachers providing it, he'd probably find his fears were largely groundless (unless he's a proponent of the "don't teach them anything about sex, relationships or puberty until they've finished puberty" camp). He also appears to object to human biology videos that show the naked human form... (I wonder if he'd object to prepubescents being shown statues or painted artwork of the naked human form?)
Oh, and unless my browser settings are blocking them, there doesn't appear to be a comments section on that article, so there's no opportunity to publicly correct him (for what good that would do).
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
this person is an idiot.
He also thinks the world is flat.
I empathize with the author
I empathize with the author to a degree. I adhere to the construction of gender, that there is no innate feeling of being a gender and form of one's self identification is essentially composed of vague cultural investments. I do not dismiss (and empathize greatly with) others discomfort at living a certain way and the will to change, but it is a lot more complicated than the idea of a female trapped inside the body of a male. I recognise posters here can be extremely sensitive to criticism or doubt, but of course there are times when it is justified!
Wow, that's an incredibly arrogant dismissal, basically a complete erasure of trans-ness and an expression of outright contempt for the intelligence, insight, and thoughtfulness of most everyone here. I can't help but think you must be deliberately trolling, to post such a thing here, of all places.
On the off chance that you're not, please respect that others with more at stake than you apparently have, have fully considered this position in depths you couldn't begin to approach, and found it... lacking.
Not a dismissal, but bones to pick
I appreciate a non-essentialist identification as a gender. As I emphasized, this really doesn't outright dismiss ones struggle to achieve change.
I am not trolling. Gender theory has been an obsession for me for a while now, and my relation to the community is from the perspective of erotic masochistic feminization, which a bulk of the literature caters for. I have no wish to affirm a sense of gender, just a desire for discussion and sexual gratification. If you disagree with something I'm more than happy to discuss things, but without the great hostility that is consistently received from anything that conflicts with the air of patronizing indisputable gender affirmation here.
my desire to change my gender
has very little to do with "sexual gratification". In fact, in doing this, I will have removed any chance of being gratified at all. So I cant help you with that part. If you wish a serious discussion about what this IS about for me, you can PM me.
uh... I'm not even sure exactly what you meant to say...
But... seriously? You may feel that's all this stuff is good for, but let me tell you, if you are actually in our shoes, I can assure you, sex has very little to do with it overall.
For me, personally, yes, a part of it is about sex - I can't ever see myself having sex as a male. Ever. I can see myself having sex as a female, indeed, I dream of it almost every night. Fantasize about it even when awake sometimes.
But, if I never actually get to experience that aspect of being female, I will still want to be female. Period.
This is who I am, as intrinsic to my self identity as you being (I assume, your comments sound very male) male is for you.
I understand now that cisgenders can never understand. So please, stop trying to fit us into your own mold. It's not at all the same thing. Not at all.
And for some, nay, probably most of us, accepting that we can never be "normal" to the rest of you is very very hard to do.
Don't make it harder.
Abigail Drew.
Pray tell?
I fail to understand just what you mean to prove? I already find your tone condescending and dismissive no matter your protest to the contrary since your presentation already presupposes that you know more about me and my identity than I do. Patronizing indisputable gender affirmation seems a tad loaded as an expression. Can you give me examples that helped you arrive at that conclusion?
Have you discussed this issue about my fiction with me? Have you ever asked me to what I aspire when I write? Have you had conversations with any of the authors here that would lead you to make such a conclusion? You speak of 'great' hostility? Because someone disagrees strongly, does that necessarily make that disagreement hostile? Discuss all you want, but my view of myself isn't up for debate; I've enough to deal with regarding these issues in real life without having someone visit 'out of the blue' to dispute our regard for our own issues. I'm sorry, but I just don't understand.
Love, Andrea Lena
Non-essentialist theorizing and erotic gender gratification
Have you tried putting dogs under your shirt? Some find that helpful...
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
now this, this is wonderful
thank you, Laika. best response to a silly remark yet :)
not as think as i smart i am
Put Down Those Bones
... and stop picking them!
To each his own. You're quite welcome to enjoy your erotic forced femme reading. Just don't assume that's all that goes on here. As a masochist, you have a strong investment in your own condition, and an enjoyment in suffering. Personally, I can't read any of that literature. It causes me great anxiety and discomfort. I far prefer stories of approbation and self-affirmation.
The only thing indisputable here is that everyone is expected to either get along or keep out of each others' way. Throwing verbal bombs and then whining when someone takes umbrage is hardly even trying to fit in to the community.
Respect others and maybe they'll respect you. Your views on gender identity are perhaps applicable to your own psyche. However, they certainly don't have any universal application. If you read any of the modern scientific or psychiatric literature you'd know this.
As for "patronizing," I suggest you look in the mirror if you'd like to see a good example of it.
I would strongly advise you that if these posts are typical of the types of comments you have, you concentrate on your reading and not waste your valuable time sharing your opinions with others.
If a picture is worth 1000 words, this is at least part of my story.
"Your views on gender
"Your views on gender identity are perhaps applicable to your own psyche. However, they certainly don't have any universal application. If you read any of the modern scientific or psychiatric literature you'd know this."
-Not for the sake of conflict, but could you recommend any sources that propose an innate gender identity?
The the extent of aggression here for the most part was accidental. It now seems that although this site contains a large amount of fetishistic literature, the community seems to be composed wholly of those wishing to affirm a gender identity. As I said I empathize with the struggle, but not with the idea of an essentialist gender identity. That it is vague (but not dismissive) when someone states they "feel" like a gender.
Is there anyone here who enjoys both fetishistic literature as well as gender affirmative literature? It is quite strange that this site caters for both. I must admit that I get disappointed when reading a work, where the femininity emerges as a site of gender affirmation rather than masochism.
Recommended Research
In answer to your question, "Not for the sake of conflict, but could you recommend any sources that propose an innate gender identity?," THIS is a good starting place [click here].
i don't want to defend the o.p.
... but wow, that's a vast wasteland of useless google results there. the first page of links is nothing but people parroting opinions based on research that doesn't stand up to any scrutiny at all.
not as think as i smart i am