I am mulling a short story idea over and over in my mind. It would involve a young M2F trans girl and her estranged father (mother is no longer in the picture - not sure why yet). In the story, she (the trans girl) desperately wants him to attend her 'life wedding' but he is 'hung up' on her being a trans person...he can't get past the thought of her once being his son. Continued...
What I'm having trouble is reasons why he would not want to attend...so far, the main reason is that he cannot get past the 'girl' that once was his son. Where should a wedding like this take place? Should they be bitter toward each other? If the dad was so upset about his son transitioning, what would be the reason he would leave him and his (deceased?) mother?
I want the father's last recollection of his 'son' to be of him at the early stages of 'cross dressing' and I want enough years to pass in their estrangement to allow 'her' to transition...but I'm unsure how long that even would be.
I am usually known for writing 'sweet and sentimental' stories and would really like to stay on that path. I would like the father to be a decent man albeit misguided in how he relates to the 'girl'. I want the daughter to be somewhat of a free spirit but down to earth in her skin. I think I want her 'husband' to be a genetic male who loves the 'girl' for who she is and not what she once was.
I know that I've thrown quite a lot of things out there but I really like to cover all my bases prior to writing anything...I guess this could be called more of an outline than anything. It has just been niggling my brain for many days and when I get like this, I HAVE to write it out or it will consume me.
Warmest wishes,
Anon Allsop
perhaps his mother was accidentally killed trying to break up a beating by the father.
perhaps the father craves to go but is ashamed and his guilt keeps him from admitting his love for his daughter
1st Thought
Archie Bunker...
There are volumes that can be written from those two simple words. Of course, I'd be more subtle than Archie was. :)
Anon Allsop
Story input
The father has two older brothers who has already had children to add to the family linage. When at the beginning of high-school his son started to cross dress in their room at home. By accident dad discovers what is going on and is very disturbed by it and tells his wife to handle it as he did not want to hurt his child which he felt he would if he had to handle it him self.
Mom after talking to their son / daughter makes the call to get help and supports her child's choice as the mother has insights into the child that the father does not.
Fathers Brother calls him at work to tell the father that his dad has had a stroke and needs the fathers help their aging parents to get through this disaster. He moves in with his elderly parents, becomes more distance with his wife and Daughter until the wife dies in the manner of the authors choice.
The daughter Goes to collage finishing her transition has her SRS on a summer break. Graduates goes to work and falls in love with the bosses son who cannot have children due to mumps.
I was tempted to say that she studied Dormice but I don't want to get shot or be sent a poison pen o gram. yours to use delete ect ect ect.
Misha Novawoman AKA Novawoman99
The only bad question is the one not asked.
Formulating a story idea...
what if the father was beaten by his father for dressing in his moms ot sisters stuff?>
May Your Light Forever Shine
Great Suggestions!
I really appreciate the great suggestions! My muse is slowly formulating a story and telling me she is about ready to begin creating. :D
Anon Allsop
Anon Allsop
Just an idea
Perhaps Dad is angry that his only(?) son has removed his chance of reproduction, thus ending his branch of the family tree. Maybe the loss of his "future" makes him feel like he didn't do enough to carry on the family name, and that would have disappointed his father, or maybe broken a promise to his father?
Story Ideas.
Some story ideas.
Dad and son had always been very close. They were involved in Boy Scouts, sports, camping, and other activities. The son was never, the "effeminate" boy, but was always involved in normal male behavior and had never given any hints that he was "different". At least none that the father saw. Mom on the other hand, had an inkling that her son was different. When they were alone, the interaction was different then a normal mother son relationship, but nothing to the extent, that he acted outwardly female to her.
Mom gets a form of cancer that leads to her dying quickly and unexpectedly. The final conversation between the mother and son, has her asking him what he is hiding, and the son admiting to her that he thinks he is a girl. She dies.
Both the father and son are devastated. The father can not cope with his wife's death and begins to withdraw from the world including his son to some extent. He feels the world has deserted him. The father while being religious and some what conservative, is not a bigot. He does not condone gay marriage, but takes a benign view to legal rights for gays. He knows nothing about transexualism and thinks cross dressing is moraly wrong.
The son is also devated by his mom's death. He sometimes goes into his parents room and justsits there. Eventually, he smells her clothing to realize her scent and closeness, which then leads to his first experments in cross dressing. He dress in moms clothing. He continues to do this and becomes more adept. The father discovers him, and has various emotions, "his wife has returned'. He then realizes it is his son, and reacts badly. Curses the son and throws him out of the house. The son goes to live with his mom's sister, who is willing to take him in, and is quite liberal in her thinking, as are her husband and children. His cousin, a girl of the same age, begins to help him through the transition. The son initially can not understand why is loving father, his buddy has rejected him/her.
Dad cuts off all communication, (Too proud to admit he might have been mistaken)but continues to support his child financially. He still loves his son, but cannot accept what the son has done. HIs feeling is of total abandonment from those he love(s)(d). His brother-in-law, keeps him advised of what is occcurring whith the boy and his transition, but does not send pictures, etc.
The son, starts to transition, and at 18 inherits money that became due to him through an insurance policy on his mom. He uses that money for the final SRS.
She is aware that her father has supported her, and is aware that her uncle has been secretly keeping her dad posted about her life. She is aware that dad still loves her, and she remembers how close they were. She also understands that her father feels that she betrayed him and abandoned him in his grief.
She has gone to school graduatd with high marks, has a career in the same field as her dad. In fact she went into the field, becasue as a teen, she then he went to work with him on occcassion. In fact she is a rising star in the field. Dad knows of this and has mixed emotions. He has pride that his "son" has accomplished so much, but is saddened, by the fact that he cannot enjoy it.
She meets the man she wants to marry. They get enganged. Etc.
She knows that her wedding can not be complete without her father walking her down the aisle and mentions this to her aunt
Low and behold, her aunt remembers that she the aunt got married in her sister's wedding gown, and the gown was preserved in cold storage. She decides to present this as a gift to her niece. The niece remembers pictures of her mom in the wedding gown. She agrees to use it.
The uncle is still communicating with the dad. He tells him she is getting married and dreams about him walking her down the aisle.
He sends him a picture of the child in his wife's wedding gown. The similarities are amazing. You can tell it is not the mother, but just barely. Other then pictures of her in a magazining clipping, this is the first he has seen of his child as his daughter.
There is no anger between them, just saddness and biterness of what each thinks is a betrayl by the other.
The wedding should be in a church that accepts gay marriage. It should be as tradional as possible.
Does his heart melt? Does he attend the wedding???????
Variation on a theme...
OK, here's a plot by numbers (horrendously clichéd because to a large extent it's been lifted from numerous other stories on similar themes):
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!