Due to a couple of comments left for my 'To Make A Wish' story I've been unable to add any more to it as they have given me writers block :(
Part of me thinks the person leaving the comments just didn't understand or follow the story very well, but then another part started to wonder if maybe they were right and I'm just not very good at telling it, so since then I've been unable to add any more to the story, and can't see me ever being able to in the near future either, as every time I try to add to it, I just start second guessing myself and have to give up.
I think if you don't like the way a story is goig, then walk away and don't bother reading any more of it, but to leave comments that force the writer to start second guessing whether or not they can actually write does nothing to help anyone in my eyes. I was having fun sharing my little trip into the fantasy world of magic and vampire's, but now I just feel ill every time I try to add more to it, so thanks a lot for taking all the fun out of my writing.
SamanthaK has three more parts to post for me, but after that it's anyone's guess as to whether there will be any more in the future.
Any advice on how to cure this case of writers block would be helpful.:)
I'd also like to thank everyone who took the time to read what was posted and for sticking with it this long.
Comment related writers block :(
Sara, I myself enjoy your work and you should tell Erin about whoever hurt you. If I have, let me know
May Your Light Forever Shine
Stop talking silly Stanman :)
Now you're just talking silly Stanman :) You're way to sweet with your comments to be taken any other way, and I love it when I see you've left me one when I post a new part to each and every story part.
I'm also not looking to get anyone in trouble, they may be right about my writing for all I know *shrug*
I'm more looking for some kind of help or advice on how to get past this self doubt I've been left with, which is now stopping me from adding to the story.
Hi Sara,
Stan's comment is spot on. Erin is there for you; from the posts I have seen by her, this has been a particular sore spot in the past, so please take the time to write her and get her help.
And take the time you need to clear the thoughts out of your head, and when you can, please continue.
Hi Sara
i do hope you can carry on with this story line i do love it , as with all your writings i have enjoyed each and every chapter from all your books, i just wish i could i could write like you do you make the characters so believable and the storylines are excellent, please keep up the great work .
I Love This Story..
and I totally get what you are doing with the story. Trust your instincts and don't let someone's ill informed opinions about it persuade you in how you write it. I really hope you can gt beyond the writer's block, because I love the story exactly as you write it!
We all
Tend to second guess ourselves at times, Sarah. I've been following the story, though haven't read the last few chapters as of yet, which I will get around to doing as I, too am enjoying the story.
There are always going to be critics around, and some aren't all that pleasant about how they tell people things. Not knowing what the comments are, or were about at this point I can't really point much out other than someone is always unhappy with how you do things. The important thing here is that is your story, not theirs. They can't take that away from you unless you let them do it to be honest.
My advice would be to just sit back and let things cool down for a bit (not too long, though since it is a good story. please.)
My own comments back to people like that, and yes Erin, done in private, were simple. "Think you can do it better? Then write your own story."
People can be cruel without actually intending to be, too. If this particular person does it consistently then there is a problem there that should be seen to one way or another.
Wish I could tell you a formula to get over this kind of writer's block, but all I have is not to give up on the story.
I think you have to write to please yourself
Comments come is all sizes, good, bad, useful, stupid...etc. There is not way to please every single reader. If that is your focus and what you aim to do, there is no chance of being successful. If you have 10 comments, and 9 are good, don't dwell on the 1 that is bad. Some stories get few comments if any, so good or bad, you have the person who left the comment interested enough to read it and comment.
I've only written a few stories. In my case it was to try and get an idea across. Sure I looked to get comments, but wasn't going to change anything based upon them.
Just write your story for yourself, and if you are satisfied and happy with it when you post, you've done well. The rest is gravy :)
Right you are, my dear!
...or...(with a tip of the hat to Ricky Nelson?)*
I went to a Fiction Website
And I found some readers there
For the most it was good
since I wrote like I should
and hardly gave a care
But then my story took a turn
that got some readers upset
Trying to fit in
I found I couldn't win
and it made me really fret
Singin' it's alright now
I learned my lesson well
Since you can't write for everyone
Ya gotta write for yourself!!!!
Dear Sara...you rock the house. Keep up the great work!!!!
* to the tune of Garden Party by Ricky Nelson
Love, Andrea Lena
Writers block...
...hits us all from time to time. I got a bad case - for a whole year - and it was followed by some serious illness which took me months to recover from.
Through that time, I focussed, not on the block, but on the things in life that were totally unrelated. I love other parts of England so dreamed of being there, with the freedom to do what I wanted.. and that included writing. So I started formulating story plans..... like "mind maps" if you know what I mean.... I did several. And then I would put the mind map away for a few days, and come back to it and continue. On the mind map, I put characters, with details of their links or relationships, then I put physical descriptions of each together, so I could picture them in my mind. Than a plot emerged to string them together (think: if she said this to him... if he said that to her.... if she wanted to get close to him, if he wanted her to help him (dress)..... It can all lead towards an outcome...
Then, and only then did I start writing the narrative.
I was having fun sharing my little trip ... you say.... and this says it all. ignore the negative commentary; write for yourself and if it pleases others, so much the better!
Hope it makes sense..... try it, if you understand what I did.... It worked for me!
Ginger (UK) x
There's enough space here
For all tastes to be accommodated. Whilst it may be tempting to 'slam' a story that you don't like, that's not fair. Someone has put some effort into it.
You open a closet and select an outfit to wear today. That doesn't mean that the other outfits aren't any good; they just don't suit your mood.
There are many people who love your writing; please continue.
Hope ya get unwriters block sara.
While I haven't read your make a wish story I have read an love you have it all wrong series. Like maggie said if someone said your writing sucks then just tell them you think you can do better than write one yourself.
I really hope it wasn't me!
I love this story, and if I've make a bad comment, I sincerely apologize!
On the writer's block problem, I usually go back thru the story and try to see what my characters are trying to tell me. Sometimes it takes me a little time to integrate my thoughts into the story, but I can generally do it. (I'm actually reading the blogs trying tom shake loose and a few thoughts on my own story!). Sometimes getting away from mym story helps, but honestly, it usually doesn't work.
Best wishes!
Learning from mistakes...
Over the years, I have read a number of interviews with some of my favourite authors -- professional writers, some of whom make a *lot* of money doing this. One thing that I recall from many of those interviews is comments about those authors' early works. Comments that often are of a wry nature, putting down their early stuff -- or at least, pointing out that they are much better now than they were then. Similarly, some of those professional writers have mentioned being part of writing "groups" early on... a bunch of would-be authors getting together and tearing apart each others work -- sometimes rather ruthlessly, from things mentioned in those interviews.
Personally, I have always interpreted that to be a sort of learning experience. A hint from the pro's, on how to become a better author. We *all* make mistakes. We are only human. One of the differences between the pro's and the amateurs, though, is that the pro's LEARN from those mistakes. WELCOME "constructive criticism". We can only learn from our mistakes if we KNOW about those mistakes, after all.
Okay, so you received a "less than flattering" comment. Rather than letting it demoralize you... thinking "I have made a mistake / I am no good at this / I should not do this anymore", instead, focus on the positive. "Okay, I made a mistake. What can I learn from this? What did I do wrong, and how can I improve so that I don't do that again... or at least, not very often?"
Sigh. This site is nice and friendly, which as a former site moderator/administrator elsewhere on the web I can certainly see why the admin's here want it that way. But having said that... there is a downside to the "keep it friendly" approach. Yes, it helps encourage new authors... but do they actually learn much, that way?
I was actually HOPING some people would make negative comments about my own first story. Why? Because I KNOW I am an amateur, still learning a new skill... and like ANY new skill, it was inevitable that I would make mistakes. The ending of my story, for example, was something I had in mind from the beginning... but was not at all certain that it would work, and I was sort of hoping people would let me know if it didn't...
I work in fields where mistakes can kill people... a detail that has made me a perfectionist. If I make a typo... a wrong word choice... a poor plot decision... whatever -- I want to know about it. I WANT to learn.
Shrug. And that is an attitude that I would suggest you try yourself. Not because I think that my way is the "only way" to do this thing... but simply because, by being *willing* to accept criticism, actually *hoping* I will get it (as a way to improve my writing)... I put myself in a frame of mind in which such criticisms do not negatively affect me. Rather, I look at them as advice from "older and wiser" people in my new "field" of endeavours. Helpful comments from those who are best suited to teach me my new hobby.
If we don't get negative comments occasionally, how can we learn from our mistakes? Do you really *want* to keep making the same mistakes over and over again... or would you rather learn from the stories that you tell, so that your work continuously improves? [No, I don't actually want you to answer these questions here... they are just things to ask yourself, in the hope that they will help you move beyond your writer's block...]
Shrug. I have not read your "To Make A Wish" story... and I have no idea what comment you received that has taken the wind out of your sails. [Nothing personal about not reading your story, by the way... I just seem to remember the assorted tags on that story adding up to not one of my preferred story types...]. But whatever the comment was... I hope that you manage to overcome this, and "get back on the horse".
Good luck.
I couldn't agree more...
I couldn't agree more with that argument. That's how I've always felt about 'comments'. It's very difficult to comment on this site because I have to constantly edit myself. Some authors like only happy comments, some like honest comments, some want constructive feed back, some want future event and character speculation (while others hate it), some hate when you compare them to other authors (while other enjoy it), some dislike when you mention non-story stuff relating to their work (while others ignore it or enjoy it), etc., etc., etc. It's very difficult making comments when you have to tailor it specifically to what you think the author can handle or want.
Many authors seem complain that people criticise their work while at the same time they criticise the comments that they receive. They complain they don't receive enough comments, but when they do, they complain that the comment isn't what they wanted.
Writing a comment, to me, is as hard as writing a story. I think about what I say, I put my heart on my sleeve when I write it, I re-read it constantly to perform edits, I re-arrange sentences for coherency (I even delete some lines for expediencies sake), and I try my best not to offend.
I can spend anywhere from 30 seconds to 15 or 20 minutes writing a single comment or a PM. This comment I've been writing, thinking about, and editing for about 15 minutes now just to give an example.
There are several 'thin skinned' authors I avoid on this site simply because I know they couldn't handle criticism (no matter how mild). I do so because I sometimes feel that criticism can be warranted. If I'm not free to say something then I try to avoid putting myself in a position where I feel I'm driven to saying something.
It's quite disheartening when you put so much effort in to your comment merely to be told it's 'crap'. You'd think authors who complain about the exact same thing for their stories would be a little more tolerant of the comments they receive.
Well I know I am one of the people who does comment regularly
... on your story.
As far as I know there is nothing there in your story that is bad by any means and the only suggestions when last seen were that Sara and Sheana needs to be a bit more circumspect in using their powers around other kids and stuff. If it will help I really suggest you selectively PM and air out what is causing your block. The story is still fun and I look forward to your chapters. I have not seen the last 4 comments however.
Hope you get past your writer's block.
Publish and be dammned.
This story is a magical story so anything goes.
Don't let some myopic dogmatist impose his criterions on your universe.
Your writing is pretty okay kid. Don't let unkind comments get under your skin, remember good ol' Abe's words ... Yuh' can please some o' the people some of the time, ........ but yuh' can't please all o' the people all of the time.
By the way, writer's block comes to us all. Taking a break often helps.
Love and hugs.
Sara you're a great writer,
Sara you're a great writer, as you know you've been a favorite of mine since I first joined BCTS. I'm sorry that some people have potentially ruined you experience of writing.
"To make a wish" has become one of my favorite stories, I've been enjoying reading about Sara and Sheana's adventures. I've been hoping Sandy and Prue would get together as I reckon there's potential there. I've also enjoyed Jo's transformation to Josie and his feelings about that.
Please ignore those who feel the need to critisize your writing, especially when those critics dont even write themselves. I've had critics question things myself, usually they jump in questing how the story can work when this or thats missing, or A) should be like B), etc etc etc.
Everytime it has happened it's been because instead of just enjoying the story for what it is, i.e: another individuals imagination, they're busy imagining their own versions of your stories.
The ironic thing is they'll probably never write their own version down most likely from fear that it will be critisized by others.
So please dont take those critisisms to heart, you have a lot of people who really enjoy your stories and can't wait form more.
Please find your muse again, I'd be really sad if you stop writing especially if you stop writing TMAW, I've really enjoyed reading the new chapters since you started writing it again.
Here's hoping you'll write more
Lizzie :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
I have no idea what the comment was or whether or not it was 'out of bounds' in terms of rudeness as you haven't said what it was. Comments, at least to me, are not constrained to unreserved praise.
If a person becomes invested in the story or the characters I feel they should be allowed to speak their piece. That being said, comments along the lines of "your writing ability is terrible" shouldn't be made. I would agree that if you dislike an authors writing style you should just put the story down and walk away. Whether or not you like the author's ability to write should be evident within the first paragraph of the first page.
I do have to wonder though, if that comment was enough to cause you to second guess yourself does it have any merit? Or, is this shaking your confidence because you're afraid of receiving criticism in the future?
Don't give up writing because of what happened. Examine it, think about it deeply, argue both sides out, or even attack the poster's position. If you do any of those then this experience could help you grow as an author (and a person) as you critically examine the situation. If you really think it through it'll help you either A) dismiss the critcism and move on or B) incorporate the criticism and change your writing style, thus moving on.
Either way you'll free yourself of the self-doubt and be less affected in the future. It's something worth considering.
I concur
I wish I could've said it as well as you have.
I've been there, sweetie!
You can't worry about what people write about your stories.
Write them for you, and don't worry about what anyone says. I'll never worry about that again.
You're a great writer and people enjoy your stories. That's enough. Don't let one or two ill guided people rob you of your joy.
Go get em, girl!
your wrighting block
I have to say i don't comment much on what i read.
i tend to stick whith compleatd works
however i must say to let another hold you back from doing what you like in a story
is just wrong. you yhave the right to be your self in body and mind. it is only up to you where your wrighting takes you.
how many hits do you get
how many positive comments do you get
how many negitive comments do you get
do you feel good about your story
do you want others to run your life because you story telling is part of your life
to that end consider this
opinions are like butt holes we all have them and they all stink.
Publish and be damned
Like you, Sara, I get too easily discouraged by negative comments. In ten years of writing, I have loved the glowing praises that many readers leave, but always take the criticisms too seriously. In that time, I've had a few criticisms which have been useful - mostly pointing out occasional spelling or grammatical errors, but the vast majority of them are useless. Even so, they still upset me.
So I have turned off comments on my most recent stories. Readers can still PM and some do, but so far only those who like my work. I enjoy the Kudos and the hits.
But what I enjoy more than anything is my writing, and knowing that lots of people are reading it and enjoying it.
I'm not certain if my words will help with your current story, but I can only say do as I do, and publish and be damned!