There are a lot of documented cases of walk-ins, like the 16 year old girl in Watseka, Illinois who went out to the porch and came back in a different person. The body is a shell the brain is the processing system that runs it, the soul /spirt is the operating system, when you go in to another body all of its memories go with the spirit that left and you bring your own set of memories with you. I am not going to go in to a long explanation, lets just say if you jump from being a boy to girl and have no way to access girl memories you have to re-learn it, unless you can access past lives ( yes reincarnation dose exist and no you will not reincarnate as a animal or plant) Thats the nut shell version. If you have any questions feel free to ask, but don't just take my word, the truth is all around if you just put it out there and listen to your inner most heart (If you find someone with all the answers Run). There are a lot of tomes out there and if you seek it will come. .
Heres one you can work on I give it freely to you.
A boy is born and knows he's a girl but like me his parent are totale aginst it. his sister is older and goes along with mom and dad. He's so miserable and so stays away from the house. They live in Wheaton, Illionis. In Wheaton there is a place called the theosophical society and the grounds are beautiful the boy find a place to retreat from his tormenters. While there he meets a elderly women and she helps him buy showing him the grand library there. He loves reading and in discovering all the wonderful thing there he finds books on and about walk-ins and studies every thing he can find on the subject. His sister is suppose to be gone for the weekend so late at night he sneaks in to her room and dresses in her clothes. she comes home unexpectedly and sisters screaming at him he's in heels and so trying to run trips and goes head over heels down the stairs. seeing the blood from him hitting his head on the way down she passes out her spirt leaves her body and his is all ready out so he dives into her body and since she has no were to go she goes in to his. He has his boy memories and she has hers. He is ten she is 17 so how dose a 17 year old girl deal with waking in a 10 year old boy body? And what about the boy having no experience in a 17 year old girl body. Remember the only memories ar those you bring with you. Walking-in dose not work that way but it make you think.....
Love and Hugs
I Don't Think So...
I think there might be a soul/spirit that survives a body and can be reincarnated.
However, one's brain holds all knowledge, memories, emotional reactions, ways of thinking, solving problems, creating, etc. Drugs can stop memories being made; that part is all physical. The brain is the hardware and the firmware and the wetware, the OS is the DNA. The brain grows as a humyn brain, each is different, but each stores memories in the same way. Memories are stored in different places (somewhat) and may be accessed through different senses or emotions or by the conscious mind. The soul might have these same memories, but this has not been demonstrated in any reproducible way.
I also don't think a mind/personality can be placed into a brain in any way. Everything that happens in the brain happens because of synapses between parts of neurons. The brain grows this way. To have a different mind requires a different physical and chemical set of synapses in different 3D locations, in other words, a different brain! A brain might have different minds/personalities, but these have all grown/developed over time.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
A chalenge walking in
I am game
May Your Light Forever Shine