I do not believe in winners or losers that's society's programming/brainwashing. It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to profoundly sick society, those words from a very wise teacher saved me from myself. I learned not to listen to what society wants but to follow my own inner voice and love me as I am. I went thru hell as a kid but that hell forced me to study and learn As I think I am I am, Quantum physic's taught me the same. As I waded through all the religions/arcane teachings of the world the messaged was the same, to put in familiar terms as you sow so shall you reap i.e.: that you think and act upon you become. The mind is a computer if you program negative /if you program positive you get what you program. So how do you program the mind, easy, it called positive affirmations. You simply write a positive statement like: 'I love me,' and say it before you go to sleep and when you first wake up, just keep it short. I does work but you cannot miss a day if you do you are starting all over again and you will see change in 30 to 60 days depending what it is. People are not taught to think for themselves in school/life it's the go along with the herd mentality that is taught, it is possible to break free but it's up to you to do it. If therapists or AA meetings taught this they would be out of business in a short amount of time.
Love and Hugs to all
I think you'll find
that therapists use positive affirmation, or I did when I was counselling, in the three models in which I trained, person centred, cognitive behavioural and NLP, and also with hypnotherapy. It depends upon what you're trying to help with, but low self esteem is one area. Sadly some people are so distressed they need to be stabilised before you can do such things.
Another one I used was to explain that all matter in the universe originated in stars and as we are all made of this matter, we are all children of the stars, or made of star dust.
I used to do quite a bit of visualisation in my practice and although non-religious, I often had clients link to a particular star in the sky and to draw down its light to use to heal or protect themselves. Most found it helpful occasionally spectacularly so.
Yes I love that..
Yes I love that, Angharad. Carl Sagan said We are one species. we are star stuff harvesting star light.
I have not look in to what therapists did in al long time, Thank you for that.
Love and Hugs Hanna
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be
Validation comes from the most unexpected sources. The two of us , and many others, have walked different paths that have shared many of the same landmarks. We both ended up in more or less the same place. For the longest time I believed in the principals you outlined in your blog. But after the events of my last 2 years of living, I now KNOW that they are correct full stop.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
Know Thy Self
I love your comment. If more people learned we are one family both teacher and student and we took time to help one another validate one another Love one another the world would be at peace.
I love this:
The only power worth having is that over your self.
The only stupid question is the one not asked.
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be
No Winners or Losers
Yes, if you can not love yourself, how can you truly be happy enough to be able to love others?
May Your Light Forever Shine
Sending you Love and Hugs
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be