For the past three nights I've had problems accessing or uploading Bike to the site - it took four goes last night and then I lost connection so couldn't do the continuity link. It seems ironic that because of the numbers of readers, the authors can't actually post stuff. I may have to rethink when I post or browse the site.
This isn't a criticism of the management because it's outside their control, but I do wonder why we're suddenly so popular apart from the genius of the writers and the friendliness of the site owner. I hope there's nothing sinister going on as well.

I was here till about 2am GMT this morning and the site was in and out. It had 'internet explorer can't find', and then 'check connectivity', a partial load, and then on and off again.Thankfully, I was just reading rather than trying to post.
then there's...
... sitting down here at the bottom of the world, forgotten, unloved, ignored... unable to log in or do.. whatever.. comment even... Sometimes... forced to face the day sans Bike because it aint there before you have to be out and at em...
I call that cruel and unusual, though I hesitate to place blame and I am in general awe of the almost daily postings but... It is bloody hard to log in sometimes so maybe some of the fantasy types should send out cyber agents with raygun thingies to zap the unwashed that cause trouble. Except sometimes that's us.. damn this crap is tricky when you touch on morals and stuff. I dunno... just go away when I wants to be here...right!
Problems in posting
Have you thought about e-mailing it to Erin or an administrator if you have trouble?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Please read Erin's explanation of the connectivity issues
She and Piper are aware of the problems, and are working in it. But even the work required adds to teh connectivity problems
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.