By Anistasia Allread
A chill ran down her spine. If she could only see two, where was the third? Could he be behind her?
Savage, bloody scenarios began playing through her head. Should she call security? She had a direct line to their office. A small button under the piano alerted the security department of trouble. During Christmas she was even fitted with a small ear piece and mic. So that she could help them catch shoplifters. At this time of the year shoplifting wasn't as prevalent so she didn't have use of the ear piece.
Episode 3
Nikki's heart stopped. Not just skipped beat, but stopped. She almost pounded on her chest to get is started again. Adrenaline raced through her body. A cold sweat broke out on her forehead, neck and between her breasts. Oh God, She thought. Oh God, he is going to kill me.
Nikki forced herself to swallow and take in a deep slow breath. Should she flee? Should she act as if nothing had happened? Oh God, what should she do? She took another slow deep breath and touched the ivory keys.
A few bars into is she dared to look up. Lil' Foot wasn't there. She quickly scanned the area and found him in a different part of the women's section. A trampy looking woman in a too tight skirt with too much cleavage showing was modeling for him. It had to be his druggy girlfriend. Why would his druggy girlfriend be shopping here? Shouldn't she be shopping at Victoria Secrets or Fredrick's of Hollywood? This store was a few class levels above where she should be shopping.
Nikki swallowed another lump as Lil' Foot glanced back in her direction. Nikki dropped her eyes to her sheet music. She didn't need to see the notes. She had this piece memorized so well, she could play it in her sleep. With her head down, she looked with just her eyes. Two of Lil' Foot's body guards could be seen in different parts of the store.
A chill ran down her spine. If she could only see two, where was the third? Could he be behind her?
Savage, bloody scenarios began playing through her head. Should she call security? She had a direct line to their office. A small button under the piano alerted the security department of trouble. During Christmas she was even fitted with a small ear piece and mic. So that she could help them catch shoplifters. At this time of the year shoplifting wasn't as prevalent so she didn't have use of the ear piece.
If she pushed the security button, a security guard would come to her. Would Lil' Foot take that as a threat? Would he then come for her? Perhaps wait for her outside of the store when she was done like he did for Vic?
In most situations like this, she wanted to be male. Nick was stronger and more confident when it came to confrontation. As Nikki, not so much.
"Are you all right?" a voice sounded from behind her.
Nikki nearly jumped out of her nylons. Her hands came off the keys abruptly ending the piece she was playing.
She looked up to find Darlene looking at her with concern. "Fine. You scared me. Why do you ask?"
"You're skipping around from song to song. You don't sound like you." Darlene told her.
Nikki looked at her questioning.
"You started out playing something Russian and not even half way through, switched to Mozart or something, then to another piece. At first we thought you were not sure what you wanted to play. But after we recognized four or five different pieces I peeked down the escalator and saw you looking funny."
"I - I - I was just thinking." Nikki's gaze darted from Darlene to the area where Lil' Foot had been shopping and back, not seeing him.
Darlene looked in the direction that she had looked. "Someone over there causing trouble?" She asked.
"No." Nikki stated a little too quickly. "No." more calmly. At least she hoped it sounded calmer.
"Why don't you go home, Nikki?" Darlene asked. "You've obviously been through a lot and you are hiding something from us. Go home and relax."
Nikki just stared up at her friend for a long moment not knowing what to say. "I'll be fine. I just drifted a bit."
Darlene looked at her skeptically. She nodded. "If you start 'drifting' again, I'll have security escort you out of the store."
Nikki looked abashed.
"You and I are going to have a long talk." Darlene stated. She leaned closer. "You know I don't have the authority to have you escorted out, but you are too.... too..... Well I don't know. Too something to realize common sense."
The truth of it suddenly crashed over Nikki's mind. She could feel her face turning red.
"I'll be back in a few minutes to check on you." Darlene warned. She spun and walked over to the escalator and took it back up all the while keeping her eyes on Nikki.
Nikki took a deep breath and scanned the store. No sign of Lil' Foot. She closed her eyes and rested her fingers on the keys for a moment to picture as well as hear the music in her head before striking the keys.
A few bars into the music. She forced herself to open her eyes and smile as an old woman assisted an even older woman, perhaps her mother, past. Nikki looked up the escalator and saw Darlene watching her with a firm smile.
When she looked back down, her heart skipped a beat as Lil' Foot, with his hooker girlfriend stood watching her. She nearly lost track of her place in the piece that she was playing and looked down at her fingers to gather her concentration before she did something strange again.
"Isn't there a dude that usually plays the piano?" a voice asked.
Nikki looked up into the smiling face of Lil' Foot. "I'm sorry?" She asked trying to cover her startled nerves. Her heart pounded so loud, she could hear it in her own ears.
"Isn't there a dude that usually plays here?" Lil' Foot repeated.
"Yeah, I guess so." Nikki's palms began to sweat. Should she push the security button? "He couldn't make it in today, so they asked me too." Oh God, he knew that Nick played the piano here.
"He call in sick?" Lil' Foot inquired licking his lips.
"I guess so." Nikki hoped her voice wasn't quivering as much as her stomach.
Lil' Foot stood staring at her for a moment. His eyes scanned her up and down lingering on her cleavage.
Her fingers struck the final chord. She relaxed her left hand while her right hand slid a little closer to the security button.
"You know him?" Nikki managed to get out of her dry mouth.
Lil' Foot shrugged. "Someone told me that he was good." He looked her up and down again. "You play for parties?" he asked.
"What?" Nikki didn't understand the question.
"I'm looking for a piano player to play at my Gran's birthday." Lil' Foot clarified. "Do you play parties?"
"Not really." Nikki was confused by this line of questions.
"Come on, sweetie, I wanna get to Victoria's Secret before we go." his hooker girlfriend whined.
Nikki took the distraction to scan for his body guards. One was by the mall entrance, the other just a little ways away.
"The party is at her folk's home." Lil' Foot explained. "They already have a piano. I'll give you two hundred to play for four hours Sunday after next. She likes that old dead guy music."
"I'll have to see about my schedule." Nikki blurted out. Two hundred dollars for four hours? That was way more than she was making here.
"It's quick, easy, cash money." Lil' Foot stated. "Tell you what. I'll give your fifty now. The rest at the party." The drug dealer peeled off a fifty from a wad and held it out.
"Sweetie?" the girlfriend wearing too much make-up whined again.
"It's at the Azalea Garden Home." he stated as he pressed the money into Nikki's hand. "One o'clock."
"Okay." Nikki was hesitant but didn't know what else to say.
Lil' Foot nodded a smile, wrapped his arm around hooker-girl and turned away.
Nikki relaxed her hand and let out a long slow breath.
Lil' Foot turned back towards her. "Oh, if you see that guy who usually play's here, let him know that I'm looking for him."
If she had been standing, her knees would have buckled. Thankfully he didn't watch long enough to see her face turn white with terror.
"Psst!" a voice from above her sounded.
Slowly, Nikki raised her eyes to see Darlene glaring down at her. Nikki just stared at her blankly.
"Is there something wrong, Nikki?" a voice sounded from behind her. If it had been a man's voice, she probably would have screamed and jumped atop the piano.
She turned to see the store manager looking concerned at her. "Darlene said that you aren't feeling well." She stated. "And I tend to agree. Come with me, hon."
Before she had realized, Nikki was following Mrs. York into the back room of the store. "You have had quite a shock last night." She said looking Nikki up and down. I'm sorry to hear what had happened last night. I really am. We are having security walking employees out to their cars now. Poor Vic. But you saved his life." She rambled on. "I want you to go home, Nikki." She ordered. "Go home, take a bath and relax. I don't want to see you for a couple of days."
"But Mrs. York?" Nikki protested.
"No buts, Nick - I mean Nikki." Mrs. York slipped with her gender. "If I have to, I'll call your parents."
"No." Nikki sighed.
"Good. Go home and relax." She repeated.
Nikki nodded.
Nikki was standing in front of her car before she realized that she hadn't changed out of her work outfit. Not wanting to hassle with going back in and facing Mrs. York or worse, Darlene, she slipped behind the wheel of her bug.
Before she could even start the vehicle up, an unmarked police car pulled up behind her, blocking her in.
"Keep calm, Nik." She told herself. "Keep calm or you'll wake up on the wrong side of the bed tomorrow and Landon will see you for the freak that you are." She took some deep breaths and tried to still her heart.
A man in a suit stepped out of the car pulled out a badge and showed her it through her window. "I'm Officer Estrada, Miss. with the local drug enforcement. I'd like to ask you a few questions."
Nikki rolled down her window. "Yes, Officer? I just got into my car. What could I have done wrong?"
"Please, Miss." The officer gentled his tone. "You aren't in trouble. I just have a few questions for you."
Nikki nodded.
"Do you know a drug dealer that goes by the name of Lil' Foot?"
Nikki swallowed a large lump and nodded.
Officer Estrada smiled. "How well do you know Lil' Foot."
Nikki shrugged. "He's a dealer in the area. Most everyone knows him. I don't do drugs officer." she defended.
"I didn't think you did." he assured. "My interest is in why he gave you money?"
"He wants me to play for his grandmother's birthday party next week." Nikki tried to keep her heart from sounding like a rabbit's.
"Miss......." he paused.
"I'm Nikki."
"Nikki, I really need your help." Officer Estrada pleaded. "Could you please come down to the station with me? I'll bring you right back."
"Um, officer." Nikki felt a shiver race down her spine. "Could we go up stairs to the break room? I don't feel comfortable with going someplace else."
Officer Estrada thought for a moment then nodded. "Let me park my car." He stated. "Do you know where the security office in the store is?"
Nikki nodded. She had only been there after she had reported watching shop lifters to fill out statements.
"I'll meet you there in a few minutes."
Nikki nodded. She waited until the officer had gotten back into his car before unlocking her door and getting out. She locked her door and hurried back into the back door of the store.
The store security team were surprised to see her at their door. Nikki started to relax a little when the security officer warmly greeted Officer Estrada on sight before ushering them into a private room.
"I'm sorry if I alarmed you, Nikki." Officer Estrada apologized. "But you did right in not just climbing into a strange man's car. Even if he did have a police badge."
"What is this all about?" Nikki asked cutting to the chase.
"You haven't had any other contact with Lil' Foot other than this afternoon?" he asked.
Nikki shook her head.
"And he just came up to you and asked you to play the piano at his grandmother's party?"
"That is what he said."
Officer Estrada studied Nikki for a moment. "I'd like you to help me out." he stated finally.
"Doing what?" Nikki asked.
"I'd like you to pay attention at the party. See who he talks to, who is there, what he does. That kind of stuff."
"You want me to spy." Nikki affirmed.
"Think of it as an informant." Officer Estrada nodded his head.
"I don't know." Nikki was tentative. "What if he starts asking questions?"
"You are just the entertainment." Officer Estrada shrugged. "Just there to play music."
"I'll have to think about it." She stated.
"That's fair." Officer Estrada stated. "I'm just trying to get a drug dealer off the street." He stood up. "I hope you'll give me a call." He handed Nikki his card. "I just want to know a little information. That is all."
Nikki nodded and slipped the card into the wallet of her purse.
"How can I help you officer?" Mrs. York inquired as they left the room.
"Just wanted to ask Nikki some questions." The officer smiled. He turned to Nikki. "Thank you. I hope you'll help me out." With that he walked out of the room and disappeared down the hall with several sets of eyes watching his back.
"What was that all about?" Mrs. York asked.
"He wants me to help him out with a case." Nikki shrugged.
"Does this have to do with poor Vic?" Mrs. York inquired.
"No." Nikki shook her head.
"James, could you walk Nikki to her car?" Mrs. York asked.
"Not a problem, Mrs. York."
"I'm fine." Nikki protested.
"I want to make sure you leave this time." Mrs. York stated.
James was a large black man who had played college football before too many concussions forced him from playing professional. He was a great security guard. His size alone intimidated people. Few people realized that he was just a big teddy bear.
"James, how well do you know Officer Estrada?" Nikki asked as they left the store.
"We see him now and again. He's not a patrol officer anymore, so we don't see him as often."
"Is he a good guy?" Nikki asked.
"I'd say so." James nodded.
Nikki unlocked her door and looked up at the security guard. "Thanks, James."
"Not a problem, Nikki. When am I going to hear you play your sax again?"
"Soon." Nikki promised. She slid into her car and waved to James before realizing that she had again left the store without changing out of her skirt and heels. Mrs. York would have a fit if she went in again. She started up the car and drove out of the parking lot.
Before she had realized where she was, she was pulling into the hospital parking structure. Nikki shook the fog from her mind and parked. She must need to be here if she unconsciously drove here.
She knew the hospital fairly well, having spent a lot of time here when she first found out that she was a gendermorph.
The clicking of her heels echoed down the hallways even though it was fairly busy. She stopped at information and got directions to Vic's room and made her way up. Various memories of her visits here flashed through her mind. The endless blood draws, the CAT scans, MRI and the grand piano.
The hospital was probably one of the only ones in these parts that had a piano in their cavernous lobby area. It was there for patients and Doctors alike. She was surprised when she had ventured out once to use it and found a surgeon sitting at the bench playing. When she had questioned him, he explained that many doctors, who play, use it as a way to relax.
Nikki knocked on the room door and was greeted by a frazzled looking woman in her sixties. "May I help you?"
"Hi, I'm Nikki. I work with Vic." She greeted.
"Hi Nikki." The woman's smile barely raised the corners of her mouth.
"Who is it, Mom?" Vic's voice called.
"He was resting. You may as well come in. Just don't stay long." VIc's mother pleaded. She turned into the room leaving the door open just wide enough for Nikki to squeeze through. "It's Nikki. She works with you?"
The room smelled like it had been closed off for a week. The odor of sweat, un-brushed teeth and antiseptic filled her nostrils.
"Nikki?" VIc slowly turned his head to look at her. His confused face changed to one of delight. "Nikki!" he greeted with a big smile.
"He's on pain meds." His mother warned.
"Mom, this is Nikki." He introduced. "She is the one who saved me last night."
"I thought you said it was Nick, the guy who played the piano?" She questioned.
"I'm a gendermorph." Nikki explained. She hated having to tell people, because their reactions were usually not good.
"Oh." His mother surprised face suddenly became plastered with a fake smile.
Reactions like that.
"Looking very nice. You dressed up for me?" Vic's eyes scanned her.
"I left work without changing." She confessed.
"Well we haven't seen Nikki around for quite a while." he observed. "Are you going to stay for a bit?"
"You need your rest, Victor." his mother was over the top fake sweet.
"I meant is you going to stay Nikki for a while?" Vic lightly shook his head.
"I don't know." Nikki was honest. "Stress is my trigger, and I've been under a lot of it today."
"Yes, Victor?" his mother almost jumped to the bed.
"Could you see when dinner is?" Vic asked. "If it isn't for a while, could I get some pudding or ice cream?"
"Of course, dear."
"Smooth." Nikki smiled.
"She's a bit much at times." Vic rolled his eyes.
"How are you feeling?" Nikki asked.
"I've got pain meds." Vic held up a button that administered medication. "Oh, and a chest tube." he grimaced. He pulled back the blankets to reveal a tube of reddish colored fluid disappearing under a bandage in his side. "The Doctors all said that if it wasn't for you and your quick thinking, that I would have bled out." Vic met her eyes. "Thanks."
"Sure." Nikki shrugged. "Listen Vic, I saw who shot you."
Vic's complexion turned even paler.
"I haven't gone to the police, because he saw me as he drove off. I mean he saw Nick."
Vic looked frightened. "Don't say anything around my mom." he pleaded.
"I don't plan to." She assured. "I don't know what I should do."
"I told everyone that I didn't remember what happened." he hissed. "You can't tell, Nikki. Please."
"What happened?" Nikki asked.
Vic turned away. He grimaced as it pulled at his stitches. "I don't remember." he stated.
"Vic?" She pleaded.
"Here you are, Sweetie." His mother re-entered the room. "Oh, you're still here." She tried to make it sound like a gentle, sweet surprise, but Nikki knew better.
"He needs his rest. I'll visit another day." Nikki smiled back at his mother.
"Get to feeling better soon, Vic." She said and exited the room. Nikki made it down around the corner of the hall and leaned against the wall and took several deep breaths.
What was Vic doing with Lil' Foot? Why wouldn't he say anything to the cops or even the medical staff?
Nikki grunted with frustration and stalked back down through the hospital.
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Glad I woke up to find this
Thanks for writing another chapter so quickly.
Really Gripping!
This is a great story! I love the premise, a really cool idea.
Can't wait for the next episode.
Thanks for posting.
The web you weave
Okay, we know gender morphs are somewhat discriminated against and hated by a few. Yet other tolerate, even treat them as normal, even love them. We even have the odd cases of one girl who only is close to Nikki and another who likes both Nick and Nicki but treats them as separate people ... which in many ways they are oddly enough
BIG Q, what is Vic involved in? Why was he shot? And his mom is a piece of work, her rather cold mixed with not so hidden hostile reaction to the person who saved her son's life. Unless she is a bigot who assumes since Nick/Nicki is a gendermorph her sweet innocent son got shot because of some perverted dealings of that *freak.* What illegal scheme was/is Vic involved with? Internal theft at the mall or...?
The neighbor is a bastard too.
And I agree with others, Landon gave off all sorts of vibes he is also gendermorph OR has a gendermorph sibling or parent and is either ashamed or it caused their move, IE someone attacked them.
But on the potential of their romance. Even if Landon is a Lana would she like Nick or Nick like her? And could they still like/love each other when same sexed? Would two gendermorphs be an ideal couple or their own worst nightmare? Nicki/Nicks dad/other mom is very lucky to have found her., someone that loves or at least is close to both of her/his sexes.
Mom is right, I think it was mom, that when Nick and Nicki get their minds in tune, then the switching will occur less often and they will be happier. Hum, I assume her dad/other mom had it bad for mom . The stress of an intense romance might trigger the shifts?
Hard to catch my breath reading this.
So how to get out of the Lit'l Foot/Vic problem? Is the cop really a good guy and can she safely take the *gig* to spy on L'tl Foot? and what of Nick/Nicki's love life/social life.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Lil' Foot
this sounds like seriously bad news. I'm shocked a cop would ask a civilian to risk themselves like that, but I guess they are desperate to do something about him.
Dorothycolleen, member of Bailey's Angels
actually Dorothy the police quite often have informers who happen to
be civilians so I do not find this perhaps as surprising as I think you find it &
sometimes the police choose someone to be their informant right from the
kind of scenario this author mentioned, I love your stories too and think your
just as wonderful as the author to this story
There is a movie called Zerophilia that has about the same gender bending theme, changing sex when having an orgasm (No, it is not porn :P)
Movie is kind of boring though.
I like this story so far, interesting to see where you will take it :)
Please, not Nic on drugs?
So, I wonder why Nic got shot? I hope that he was not doing drugs.
Nick Didn"t Get Shot...
Vic did. We obviously don't know the reason, but apparently we can now eliminate the possibility that Vic was shot because he'd gone to the police; at least, I don't think he'd have told Nikki that he'd claimed to have repressed the whole thing. (After all, if his cover was already blown there'd be little reason to mislead Nikki on that.)
So the most logical answers are either that Vic was in on a drug deal (either as seller or buyer) that went wrong, or that Vic responded to something Lil Foot said by threatening him with exposure. (Not a very intelligent thing to do to someone with three bodyguards standing by.) I think Vic is more likely to have been a supplier than a user; killing a customer isn't good for business, unless he's prominent enough to serve as an object lesson, which from what little we know of Vic doesn't seem likely.
How can she make sure to be Nikki on that day?
She already took the fifty dollar and Nick cannot appear there to play.
M - I am I
Lil' Foot
This is really intriguing! The world you're building with it's feelings towards Gendermorphs as well as Nikki's own problems with her condition is very interesting. Telling the story the way you are is great! We have Vic and Lil' Foot with poor Nikki in the middle. Terrific job!
Super spy
So Nikki gets asked to play Jane Bond while Nick may well be in deep trouble if lil'foot is looking for him. I've got to wonder if with this degree of stress she's ever changing back to Nick!
Looking forward to seeing where you take this engaging story. You've created a very interesting world and set of characters.
"Just once I want my life to be like an 80's movie, preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason. But no, no, John Hughes did not direct my life."
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
The Way I Read It...
...the change under stress works both ways, so continuing stress wouldn't leave him as Nikki but have him alternating from day to day. (We've been told, though, that the stress effect isn't predictable.)
...if Nikki thinks that Nick will be shot on sight, why wouldn't she involve the police in some more proactive way? Can't be scarier than the alternative.
Presumably Lil Foot chose to visit that shopping center in order to contact Nick, and it probably wasn't to offer him the weekend gig. But I still think it was to threaten him, not to kill him. In the latter case, there'd be no reason to give him a further warning, and he'd probably want to do the deed at some time and place less conspicuous than midafternoon or early evening in the central area of a public mall.
Interesting story, and well put together so far.
Under the Bed
What does it mean when you wake up under the bed? Heh.
I'm really enjoying this, but there's one thing that's bothering me. I would've thought Vic's mother would've been more conflicted between her prejudice against gendermorphs and her gratitude for Nick saving her son's life. Just wonderin' is all.
I hope we get to see more of Nikki than Nick. No offense Nick!
Thanks and kudos.
- Terry
It happens in real life
Things like that happen in real life. Prejudice can be blindingly, disgustingly strong. There was a story in the news some time back of a man who was saved from drowning. He never said a word of thanks or acknowledged his savior, ever... because the man who saved him was black.
The Wrong Side of the Bed 3
Will Lil Foot learn that Nick and Nikki are the same person?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
nikki must not be right in
nikki must not be right in the head to accept a job offer from the guy that wants to either threaten or bodily harm her other half, if she goes through with the job how does she know that lil foot hasn't or won't figure out that she is nick too. this could all be an elaborate set up to do away with nick/nikki so they won't talk.
I’d be surprised if she doesn’t wake up on the other side of the bed.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna