J Edgar Hoover

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A very interesting story about a strange and complex man whose talent for double dealing and perfidy knew no bounds yet who seemed to persecute those who shared his sexual proclivities to avoid attention to his own. A thoroughly wicked person, and not one mention of vacuum cleaners - unless one relates it to Tricky Dicky's comment!

I'm sure this isn't news to our readers in America, I suppose it isn't to me either, except in the amount to which his corruption permeated the US government. As one psychiatrist said, Hoover would have made a first rate Nazi.



Angels in America

Puddintane's picture

A lovely play and television "miniseries" featuring the more or less real Roy Cohn, a closeted "homosexual" lawyer who also persecuted "homosexuals" on behalf of the right wing (there were, and still are loads of them, because it's a really cushy gig, well-paid, "respectable," and one can still have boyfriends in for sleepovers, because one's audience and employers (those who pay one's salary) tend to be just about as dumb as a box of rocks.)


Both the HBO DVD and printed playscript versions of the two plays are readily available on amazon.com and amazon.co.uk , as well as in many local shops and online venues.



A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style




A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style

The common denominator

How does one keep others from seeing who he or she is, they do it by deception. the first thing is to hunt down those who are like them and then make it look as though they are totally against what it is they are persecuting. Its self preservation, do unto others before they do unto you. In the military its the norm to persecute so one will not be looked at themselves. careers blossom and die quickly if one is discovered to be like his or her adversary.
I am not proud to admit it but my survival instincts were to out others so I would not be discovered ( a short term objective), I had a military career that was flawless one inkling that I had the desires to be feminine and my career was over. I did my best to avoid the witch hunts my closet was full of bones that I had hidden. I learned that outing someone was not conducive to ones own life not being scrutinized. I remained in the background and never added fuel to the fire. I watched men ruin their careers by not being discreet.
My first wife outed me while I was on active duty, fortunately my career was solid and my superiors let it go as a spurned wife looking for revenge. I went deep into my closet and did the best I could do be the best sailor possible.

Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.

Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.

Hypocrisy lives

It is hardly a surprise. I also suspect there are a lot of closet trannies who are probably publicly some of the worst ravening haters of trans-people. Self preservation is important no matter what it does to other people. It is probably more prevalent in the conservative South of the the US.


I knew, until his death, a

I knew, until his death, a person who was an FBI special investigator for 10 years. He grew so tired of the paranoia in the agency that he transferred to a real plum job and less stressful, a Border Patrol officer and agent. His direct interaction stories about Hoover were, well they were unsettling.

For instance, Danny was willing to testify in court during the James Earl Ray trial (the man who was convicted of killing Martin Luther King) that he rode in an elevator in the FBI building with a man that looked EXACTLY like Ray but in a suit and tie and escorted by one of Hoover's body guards, two weeks before King was killed. My friend exited the elevator before the apparent Ray, three floors below the floor that contained Hoover's office. He offered to testify, and the prosecutor told him frankly "I'm too young to die." when he asked why he didn't continue that line of investigation. He died (from cancers caused by Agent Orange)certain that Hoover had Ray assassinate King. He also believed it was more than possible that Hoover either knew or had a hand in killing Kennedy in Dallas, as he hated his family from back in their bootlegging days (Daddy Kennedy fronted the money, didn't get his hands dirty), and he had designated Oswald as the sole assassin within an hour of the killing (Danny did not know that for sure as he was not in the FBI at that time, but his partner in the agency was disquieted by that occurrence and HE was an agent during that period. He also said he had been a part of an investigation to try to prove King was a communist.

Danny also said, as an example of Hoover's own paranoia that came to permeate that agency, that if you were on an elevator, and Hoover intercepted it to ride up or down, you had to leave it even if it contained only you and Hoover and his ever present bodyguard, and no matter what you were working on.

Another agent we met was "retired" even though very young, had been in an investigation of major crime figures, undercover. We "Vacationed" for 7 summers in a row in an area of the Rocky Mountains adjacent to a National Forest with lots of hiking trails and a part time contract job for me as an archaeologist through the Forest Service that more than made up for the income used for vacation. I was free to set my hours and do the job I contracted for, and write a short report of the results of the archaeological sites we found. We rented one of the three houses from Ron, the agent in exile, for the duration of the vacation and contract, and used to BarBQ with he and his wife. (Grilled and smoked venison is good if you know how to do it!!) According to Ron (when he got to know us and after more than a few beers), at the conclusion of his investigation where he got the goods on the crime figure(s), instead of a trial, he was told he was being reassigned, and sent to a four building "town" community out west in the Rocky Mtns. where he ran the one of the few general stores left, with everything from tires to straight pins, spices to meats and canned goods, ammunition for hunting to charcoal for grilling, with 6 room motel attached. He was given title to the land and houses for nearly a mile around the "town", and he could see anyone approaching by road for at least three miles from the north and west, and for 10 miles to the south and east. He remained an FBI agent on full pay until his retirement about 10 years ago, and wouldn't talk details about the investigation. He did say if "they" thought he could be found, he and his wife would be dead. They raised a family after he was assigned there and he rarely went more than 50 miles from home. They got the kids away as soon as possible after graduation, and they were home schooled until the last two years of highschool, when his wife would move to the nearest town through the school year with the kids. He carried a weapon always, and had others scattered about the store and the house they eventually started living in (they lived over the store for the first 10 years). For some reason, he was able to relax after Hoover's death. He used to say that Hoover believed he was the power behind the throne, and that he thought he was a king maker. We ceased going there for vacation for health and economic reasons so I don't know if they remain in sanctuary (or exile). They really came to love the place. They did start to take vacations after hunting season to see the grandkids, something he did not do until after Hoover's death.


