A couple of months ago my MS took a swing at the optic nerve in my left eye, blinding it. This wouldn't normally be disastrous except my right eye has always been very weak. I haven't been able to read since except by a magnifying 300 per cent on the monitor. I have regained a small amount of sight in my left eye, but all that's done is given me doubled vision.
As I'm unable to read, I'm on indefinite sick leave, with endless time to write. I thought using speech recognition software would be easy, but whoever wrote Microsoft's must really hate people from South Wales- it's like pulling teeth. I'll probably treat myself to dedicated software for Christmas.
Nevertheless, I have managed to start writing again, although it's painfully slow to not only dictate, but aurally proof using text to speech software.
So far I have a couple of chapters of a new story written, and I wondered if anyone fancied having a stab at visually proofing it. It's a bit of a strange tale, that starts out like eight forced fem story, has French maids uniforms, differing views on civil servants, some quaint names for clothing and whatever other wackiness occurs to me as I'm talking to my computer.
Look into...
You've probably done all of these things already, but on the off chance you've not...
Look into dedicated readers and/or other tools out there. My mother-in-law suffers from severe macular degeneration... And she has a device that helps her read books again... Sadly, it's not portable.
Another thing to look into is a brighter monitor... (With flat screen monitors they are sharpest at their designed setting, but you can zoom text to readable size with that crispness.) The greater brightness can help with poor vision as well. Also - try working with lights ON - indirect lighting is usually best as it doesn't tend to produce screen glare.
If the vision gets worse - some of the "readers" out there (kindle, etc.) have modes that read the text to you... If you can handle the accent of the reading voice. And, there are higher end voice recognition software packages available... Some even support "training" so they'll get BETTER with time in recognizing your accent. (We all have accents... It's just what our ears have been trained to hear. Those that sound like us "don't" have accents, anyone else has an accent.)
Best luck/wishes,
southern wales.
Interesting accent dear lass. Microsloft is written for north american accents. Including the dreadful norleans accent which drive even other people in the states batty. Kentucky uses many r type words, and tennesse is again different. ie 'How yall dooin Irm from Memfis tannasee."
Ive done phone service for all of north america there is a broad range of accents here that take quite a bit to understand.
Northern europe is just as varied and none of them are in any way simular to the ones in north america. I would suggest trying a voice recognition software from nokia which is closer to you. They make phone software primarily but with text messaging I am fairly confident they have something for people with visual disabilities.
that said. I understand they type of story you wish to write, I am not into bondage type stuff and cannot think in those terms. There is many other writers here who can. I know I know its not really a bondage story but If you have another term for it id be glad to hear it.
I actually tried to get into the Kink scene years ago, but quickly found that I could not do the sex part. LOL
I could do the rest of it, the costumes, the chains, the ropes, the leather and the spankings (done properly), but not the promiscuity. Well, to them it was like saying, I can ride a bike, but will not get on it. They were unimpressed.
Some of us have deep psychological needs and to me the being tied up was like being wrapped up in my blanket by Mom, the spanking was a touch and in my youth was mostly the only kind I recieved. So, done gently, spanking meets the need to be loved. Oddly, when it has happened, I feel utterly repentant, shattered, and willing to do anything to please the A person in my presence.
Well, I understand all that now, so it really has little hold on me. I am 65 in March, and starting to show my age a little, so I seriously doubt that there will ever be a man that will come into my life to make me feel those things.
Much peace
The main problems the
The main problems the software has with my accent,are the flat-o (which is also why I can't order coca cola in England), soft aitches, and the way we Welsh split diphthongs to create two syllables from one.
I've tried a few text to speech programmes, but I think I want too much from them. I really want everything read by Richard Burton.
I'm not very good at forced fem stories. Mine always turn into romantic comedies after of chapter or two. In this story the protagonist is already feminine, and one character tries her best to talk him out of admitting it.
Other than that? Well, I do have a bit of a 'thing' for old fashioned foundation wear - sometimes just saying their names; stays, roll-ons, step-ins, and all the other words it found in dictionaries during my prurient teens.