This popped up in my Twitter feed today: Juliet Jacques in the New Statesman examines My Transsexual Summer, while also taking an opportunity to comment on media coverage in general of those on the transgender spectrum. The article also links to several other reviews of the series so far.
New Statesman - My Transsexual Summer: The trouble with television
Thanks for that
She makes all the right points; so rare a thing.
Not very nice to MtFs
It took a lot of fiddling about to get onto that channel since I live in the colonies of North America. However my URL anonomiser finally did make it happen. The traffic was very heavy, so the vid did not play well; working for two seconds and then stopping to load for about 2 seconds and so on.
I thought that they portrayed FtMs in a sympathetic light, but not the MtF trans folk at all. I think that many "New Women" really try to blend into the fabric of society but this vid showed trans women dressed very inappropriately. I'd have been mortified to go out in public in a mini dress so short that my front bottom was nearly exposed. Voice is always a tough thing for t folk, and I would have thought that if the makers of the program were really wanting to help her, they would have given her a lot of voice instruction. Instead, I felt as if they purposely made her a spectacle. But, that is just me.
Much peace
Big Brother with Surgery
Found it on YOUTUBE and watched the first part of the first episode.
Pretty standard reality show (some reviewer called it "BIG BROTHER with surgery",
I've never seen Big Brother, it looked pointless and horrible, so I wouldn't know);
God awful production and music; the requisite "dressing up" sequences
and Oprahesque confessional sound bites; something oddly apologetic about it all;
Doing what they can to not scare off the cisgender viewers and to make
these trans people accessible, someone they can find commonality with.
I guess it's the show it HAS to be given the public's current state
of awareness, and I suppose it could be a lot worse.
I'm not into the reality show genre at all but I'll probably keep watching
until I get bored, or something about it pisses me off,
or it gets pulled from Youtube for copyright reasons.
~hugs, Veronica
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.