giving myself a deadline

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Well, I'm considering giving myself a deadline for my "Quest for the Silver Cleric" story to get me motivated to get moving on it. Anybody ever try this?


Deadlines should be called lifelines.

Yes, and it unfortunately

Yes, and it unfortunately hasn't ever worked.

I'm very good at not doing things, fairly poor at doing them.

oh ya deadlines help

Deadlines and a work schedule help sooo much. Along with point form outlining of the whole plot, then a detailed outline for each chapter. seems to help a lot for me anyways

Douglas Adams

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."

Douglas Adams

I couldn't...

I couldn't help but laugh a little when I read your post! :D

Greetings from British Columbia!

Hugs from British Columbia! :D

In order to make this work

In order to make this work however, you must promise yourself some form of self flagellation should you not achieve your goal...

Yes, the weird author with the boob fetish.

Yes, the weird author with the boob fetish.

Story competitions

Story competitions certainly force a deadline, and with just one exception (Up the Maypole - well worth a read!), I have always missed it. (Sometimes I manage to finish the story in time for the same event one year later!)

I think what can motivate is knowing exactly where you want to get with your story, and then working towards that point. So many of my stories start off with good intentions, but I lose the way forward because I don't really know where it's going.