I just noticed, I've been a member here for six years, 26 weeks. That's six and a half years!
It's true, I haven't been crowing about my milestones here, so why this one? I'm not sure, really. Maybe its just because I'm amazed how long I've been hanging around? Maybe I'm just looking for a pat on the back. Who knows? I've been in a crummy mood lately, so maybe this is just me, reaching out somehow.
I've had a lot of reading pleasure here, over the years. So let me just thank all the authors who contribute their time, effort, and creativity to crafting the stories that make this site what it is. I've also had a lot of learning here, about writing, and particularly about me writing, and the problems I have with it. The reality is, not everyone can tell a coherent story, and overcome the challenges in wrestling it into words that others would want to read. For the most part, I've had to come to accept that I can't, at least in my current permutation. Things change, of course, so who knows? There may come a day when I can write decently, with a tiny fraction of the effort it takes now, when I won't be fighting myself with my internal team of editors and a virtual Greek chorus of self-critics.
I've also had to accept that I not only can't read every story posted here, but I don't want to. I've cut back on my reading quite a bit of late, maybe a half hour a day, maybe less. I find I tend to read authors who I know write in my comfort zone, with an occasional stab at something new. But, to everyone who writes, I say, "Keep writing!" It's such a pleasure to know that it's there, available whenever I want. Thank you, all!
Hey there!
This is your old girlfriend Cathy, reaching out to give you a pat on the back, a warm hug and a kiss on the cheeks, to let you know that you are appreciated and loved. I know we don't talk much anymore, but you are always in my thoughts and my heart, my dear BFF. I still have, and wear, the wonderful red heels you sent me, and every time I even so much as look at them, it reminds me of how happy you made me and how nice a person you really are. Times change, sites change, we move on, but there are those, like you, who always give me a warm feeling of being cared about, even when we don't talk.
I've also told you, in the past, that reading one of your stories is like being TOLD a story by a dear and trusted friend, face to face. You do just fine, sweetie.
Oh, by the way, I've been here on site for 7 years, 2 weeks! My GOD, times fun when you're having flies..... or something like that.
Love and huggles and all kindsa good stuff,
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Pippa! I've always enjoyed your stories of your experiences. It is very much like Cathy said, like sitting down with a dear friend catching up on new stuff. There's and easy familiarity in your writing that makes it a joy to read. However like you said, it's impossible to read everything here these days. I used to read nearly every comment and most of the stories. The comments were often great road marks to the 'Good Stuff!' There's just too much now days to even begin to try that.
I also remember one the first ones to welcome me to Story Site and here. Your comments are always welcome because they are insightful.
Big hugs and congratulations on your 6.5
Happy 13/2