Box Full of Badness: Being a Vampire Sucks

Box Full of Badness: Being a Vampire Sucks
Lilith Langtree

Someone should really write a book entitled, Being a Vampire for Dummies, it's the only way Pandora will be able to make it in her new world.

Author's Note:Kudos to djkauf for betaing this for me and EOF for the Universe. Pic Credit: Zeniby Fajnie
This story takes place the week after the Delta Beta Zeta party described in "Life is Precious" by EnemyofFun. A little warning: this character isn't the most mentally stable of individuals. Disclaimer: There were no sparkly vampires harmed during the making of the story. Additionally, there is blood drinking and very mild erotica in this episode.

I was sitting up, habitually ducking my head so I wouldn’t hit it on Edward’s bunk, before I realized I hadn’t just had the most realistic dream of my life. Sitting next to me, holding onto my shoulders in a supporting gesture was a girl I only knew as Josephine.

She was the girl in the robe. The other one, the one whose eyes I’d probably never forget thinking about, was gone, and Edward lay in a crumpled heap, unconscious on the floor.

“How do you feel?”

My hip didn’t hurt anymore, but there was one thing that was obvious above everything else. Looking down, it was hard — impossible might be a better word — to miss my breasts. I’m not talking about the B-cup falsies I used to pad my bra. These were at least twice the size of those if not bigger.

“Sorry, I had to tear your bra off or it would have exploded,” she said with a bit of amusement in her voice. “Your body changed a lot. I doubt that any of your regular clothes will fit, but we can sort that out later.”

I did what any person would probably do at a time like that when faced with such a drastic growth on their chest. Raising my hands, I cupped the bottom of my breasts and felt their weight.

“They feel so real,” I said and then stilled at the sound of my voice. It wasn’t just female, it was really high pitched, almost sounding like a kewpie doll or some annoyingly cute girl whose voice never changed in puberty.

“They are real, sweetheart, you’re a girl now, a very special girl like all the other Delta Betas.

Running my tongue across the top portion of my teeth, I felt two pronounced differences.

“It really happened.”

My eyes tracked to Edward, on the floor, and centered at his neck.

“I’m thirsty.”

Josephine chuckled. “That’ll be your instincts to feed kicking in right on time.”

One of her hands moved to my jaw, gently turning my face to her. She smiled. “Oh, you’re going to be a heartbreaker once we get you cleaned up. But first you need to feed.”

My eyes widened at the thought if what that meant. “You mean blood.”

She smiled and nodded. “Follow your instincts. You’ll know what to do, but only drink enough to slacken your thirst for now. You can easily kill him by drinking too much.”

Gritting my teeth, I looked back down at his crumpled body. “I want him to die. He lied to me and hurt me.”

The strength she used to whip my head back around was considerable. “Not by blood loss,” she said sternly. “We have a secret to conceal. If you want, I can always break his neck and put him by the bed so it’ll look like he fell out of the bunk.”

That didn’t sound nearly as tempting or satisfying. “Can we make him forget? I want him to suffer first. Maybe I can come back later and make him hurt?”

Josephine raised an eyebrow at my declaration. “It’s always the innocent looking ones that are the most vicious. Carmilla was right again.”


“Carmilla, your maker, your sire, the lady you will be serving for the next sixty years or more. However, since you are newly made you must call her Mistress only until she gives you leave.” Dropping her hand from my cheek, she smiled. “That is for later. Drink now and then I will introduce you to your new life.”

My throat felt so dry, and my mouth parched.

“Come, little sister; to your knees. Bite lightly and drink.”

I didn’t have to be told again, because there was a sudden rush of need for something that only Edward and those of his kind could provide. With a blink, I was already across the floor, bending over his neck. My fingers a mirror of what Carmilla, my Mistress did to me, pulling his hair and head back to stretch and clear the way. I couldn’t think about anything else, but sinking my new teeth through the skin and into a vein or artery for what I needed.

The thought of blood didn’t turn my stomach, it did the opposite. I had the feeling I was a starving girl presented with the tastiest steak imaginable.

Then I did it without thinking anymore. In my teeth went as I instinctively made a vacuum seal with my mouth. As soon as their job was done, I felt my teeth remove themselves, retracting back into place, and a hot squirt of blood shoot off into my mouth.

A loud moan from me was muffled while I leaned back, pulling Edward’s body effortlessly to me as I swallowed mouthful after mouthful. Nothing could taste this good and I knew for a fact that I could drain him dry in one sitting. In fact, I wanted to do just that, but knew Josephine would be angry with me.

“Now, run your tongue along the wound. It will seal the punctures and heal the skin. Do it now,” she commanded.

Another sound came from my throat, a whine of sorts, but I complied, licking him over and over, not leaving any trace of luscious blood behind to waste.

I want to pause here in the retelling of the events after my initial change to note that blood doesn’t taste like I remember as my days as a regular mortal. We’ve all, at one time or another tasted our own blood through an inadvertent injury like a paper cut and the like. I remember it having a salty, copper tinged flavor that was slightly tangy, but not overly distasteful. As a vampire all that was altered.

Blood, for me at least, is like the most potent energy drink imaginable. It is indescribable in its taste as there was nothing that I’d ever eaten or drank that was remotely similar.

“Very good, Pandora.”

My eyebrows bunched together as I continued to lick my lips and then came to a stop. “What did you call me?”

A smirk rose on Josephine’s face. “It is your mistress’s right to rename you. She chose Pandora.”


“No,” she corrected me. “There is no but where she is concerned. You will follow her orders to the letter. If you have questions or concerns you may come to me only after you have followed her commands.”

I frowned at the name. Anne Rice, the writer of the Vampire Chronicles, had a girl who was called Pandora and frankly I was bored to tears reading about her. I liked Ivy much better.

“Why Pandora?”

Josephine stood and offered me a hand up.

“She has been watching your former self. You’re lucky, little sister. You were almost passed over and would have been if not for the punishment of our newest. We needed someone to replace her and you had already been vetted.”

I blinked and felt anxious that I’d almost missed the chance. “Why didn’t Car… Mistress want me?”

“Your mouth.”

Self-consciously, I reached up and touched my lips with my fingertips.

“Not your lips, Pandora. It’s the topics you choose to talk about, and how you view yourself. You’re much too caught up in a fantasy life. Carmilla chose Pandora as a name for you, because every time you open your mouth only badness comes out.”

My lips bunched up in a pout and Josephine giggled at me. “Not to worry, little sister, I’ll help you fix that. For now we have other things to concern ourselves with. What do you want done with that?”

She pointed down at Edward. “Carmilla said the choice was yours since you were the injured party.”

I frowned at him. He was still so handsome, but the bitterness of his personality had made him ugly in my eyes.

“I want him to suffer like I suffered, and to know what it was like.”

Josephine smiled at me. “An eye for an eye? Yes, Carmilla was right about you. Very well. Stand aside.”

Moving out of the way, I crossed my arms over my naked breasts and watched as Josephine knelt beside Edward, pried his eyelids up and peered into their depths. After a few moments she grinned mischievously and then let his head drop with a clunk to the floor.

“We’re done here.” Taking off her robe, she handed it to me. “Put this on until we reach the house and get you some new clothes.”

As I was tying off the single knot at the neck, my new big sister waited by the door. “Say goodbye to your old life, Pandora. Ashley is dead and you may not return to her or him, ever.”

Turning my head, I looked down at Edward and then over to my favorite books lining the wall, with sadness. So much of my existence had been spent in pursuit of romance and fantasy that I felt a large amount of loss. I also knew that books could be bought again if I ever wanted to return to them.

Walking over to my closet, I found a pair of sandals that would get me to wherever we were going. Sliding into them, I pulled my hood up and closed the cloak to start my new immortal life.


Quietly we made our way across campus, watching the various students go about their lives, drunk or laughing after leaving the various parties. Every time we walked too close to any of them, Josephine took hold of my upper arm in a tight grip. It was already obvious why. The thirst lingered.

Each mortal’s neck looked like an all you can eat buffet, and the longer I went without indulging, the more my throat burned for just a taste, a drink, to bathe in the their blood, and laugh at the decadence of it all.

“The thirst will ease after about a week,” she told me after I had to tear my eyes away from three guys passing and the scent of their skin hit my nose.

“Why is it so bad right now?”

She shrugged. “There are theories. I doubt any of them are correct by themselves, but I have an idea of my own.”

My head tilted so I could see her hard blue eyes without my hood getting in the way.

“Some say it’s because of the body’s need for sustenance after so dramatic a change. Once it’s fulfilled, the thirst ebbs. Others think it’s so you’re forced to live the lifestyle and not become one of those stupid emo vampires that think they can survive off of animal blood alone.”

Reaching out, I took her hand and twined my fingers with hers. “What do you think?”

She looked down at our hands and pursed her lips, amused for some reason. “Every vampire is different, in my opinion, but there are general groups I think they fall into; castes for lack of a better word. Some do better as leaders, while others are keen fighters, some are thinkers, and the weak are no more than servants. There are many others.”

“What are you?”

She smiled and glanced at me. “I’m a teacher, a trainer in various aspects of all that there is. That’s one of the reasons Carmilla has assigned me as your mentor. I will be the one to teach you all you need to know to survive and thrive as a sister of the night.”

That eased my mind. Josephine was nice to me. She didn’t judge my gender change, treating me as… well, not an equal, because she obviously knew a lot more than I did, but she didn’t belittle me.

“Do you know what I am?”

Another shrug brushed off her shoulder. “Time will tell, little sister, but I think Carmilla had you pegged when we walked through the door.”

“What is it?” I almost whined. “Tell me.”

When I bounced, my breasts did really weird things, unbound as they were, and it distracted me.

“Not quite yet. I don’t want to influence your training and natural growth.” At the look on my face, she explained what she meant. “If I were to say you were servant material, you’d sulk and barely try at anything I teach you. If I called you warrior you might neglect your studies in lieu of only physical activities.”

I frowned and looked down.

“Don’t pout, little sister. You will have a well-rounded education and then Carmilla will decide where you are best placed.”

We walked on in silence watching less and less activity around us as the night moved on.

“I’m thirsty.”

In truth, it felt like my throat was on fire. I was trying to hold it back, because I had already drunk from Edward less than thirty minutes before, but it was becoming too much.

“In the future,” Josephine said, “don’t wait until you are so parched that you become too eager. Without proper planning you can get sloppy and wind up with a shovel to the head and a stake in your heart.”

She knew I was dying of thirst, but didn’t say anything. “I’m sorry. Can I have something to drink… please? That girl over there looks big she could spare a little more than Edward gave me, couldn’t she?”

My mentor chuckled. “Fat does not equate to significantly more blood, Pandora. Additionally, we may only feed from male mortals.”

I blinked. That didn’t make any sense. What difference would it make?

“Our female bodies desire their testosterone as male vampires need estrogen in order to function properly. Remember that, little sister. The female hormones in our bodies interfere with the suggestion process. You saw what I did to your Edward?”

I nodded.

“The same could not happen with a female mortal. The suggestion would not work. If you are ever in the position where you absolutely must feed on a female then she has to die afterward, because we wouldn’t be able to wipe their mind of the experience.”

All movement from my mentor stopped and me along with her.

“Look. Do you see the legs?”

I followed her eye line to a dark shadow between a large bush and the science building. There, on the ground, was a pair of legs clad in denim. The rest of the person’s body was cloaked in shadow. Josephine looked around and then we proceeded to the side of the building.

The smell of alcohol almost knocked me over. It was obvious the guy was probably headed home only to make it this far before passing out.

“Drink, I will keep watch. Remember to limit yourself, Pandora. I will not warn you a second time without punishment.”

I nodded quickly so I could get to business. Pulling his head back, I felt my teeth pop out right before I sank them in his neck. Blood squirted into my mouth and I groaned at how good it was. After four mouthfuls were swallowed, and the worst of my thirst averted, I had to force myself to lick his neck and seal the wounds. My nose wrinkled at the stubble present. Some guys just didn’t know how to shave properly, but I wasn’t going to waste a single drop.

“You show good restraint for your second feeding, little sister. Once we get you to the house, you’ll have as much as you can swallow. Come.”

I pointed back at the drunk. “Don’t you have to put the whammy on him or something?”

She looked at me, somewhat disappointed. “Why? He’s unconscious.”

“Oh.” Stupid.

Ten minutes later we were approaching a large house on Sorority Row decked out really well with Halloween decorations.

“Delta Beta Zeta?”

Josephine grinned at me. “Where else are you going to find a very large influx of new blood every year? College campuses have the added advantage of being anonymous if needed, as well. If an accident happened and a student disappeared, there would be a short investigation and then it would be left unresolved. The pressures of college life make students do things they normally wouldn’t, you know?”

We entered the front door and I saw a few girls hanging about, chatting. They gave us a short cursory glance and then continued on, ignoring us.

“You really need to make it a few weeks before you’re acknowledged. We have to see if you can survive without being incredibly stupid in the process.”

I swallowed and looked back. “What happens if I’m stupid?”

Josephine looked at me and I was beginning to see that those intense eyes of Carmilla’s weren’t hers alone. “Do you really want to know, Pandora?”

Zipping my lips shut, I shook my head and she led me upstairs. “You’ll be rooming with me, at least until you get your sea legs, maybe a decade or so.”

I wasn’t really paying attention to where we were going so I couldn’t tell you exactly where we were. Eventually Josephine opened a door. Half the room was decorated in lots of reds. Antique knickknacks were scattered on her dresser and a nice double bed with expensive looking covers was in the corner.

The other side of the room was totally bare, with a camp cot and an old looking inch thin mattress.

“Don’t look so glum; it’s just until you are able to control yourself.”

“But I haven’t…”

“Shh. What did I say about buts?” When I looked properly chastened she nodded. “We aren’t undead, Pandora. We have our souls. We don’t die when the sun comes out. We sleep just like every other creature in the world. You’ve already seen how thirsty you were after only thirty minutes without blood. I don’t really want to wake up in the middle of the night with you attached to my neck…”

She paused and looked at me with a smirk. “At least, not yet.”

Leading me over to the cot, she pointed and I sat. From underneath, I heard a really heavy chain being pulled out.

“The refrigerator to your right is filled with bags of human blood. When you wake, if you can control yourself, enough to think that is, then drink your fill again. This chain will keep you from getting very far.”

I heard a snap of a clasp and cold metal being attached to my ankle before I felt tears starting to well up in my eyes.

“Don’t make a mess. If you do I’ll make you lick up every drop, though you’ll probably want to do that anyway. Sorry, little sister, the first week is a little disgusting when you think about it.”

Opening the refrigerator, Josephine pulled out three medical donation bags of blood and tossed them on the bed next to me. Without thinking about it, I grabbed one and stopped before it made it to my mouth.

“It’s cold. Shouldn’t it be warm?”

She shook her head. “Believe me, you won’t care.”

After kicking her shoes off and pulling a nightgown from her dresser, Josephine stripped in front of me. I stared at her while I stabbed at the bag with my fangs. She was taller than me; of course nearly everyone is taller than me. I guessed she was about five-seven in height. With long curly blonde hair almost to her waist.

She wasn’t very thin, but I wouldn’t even think of calling her fat. She had curves and they were classic and full. If she was a C-cup I’d be surprised, however her breasts were full and peaked with nearly pink areolae and small nipples. For the first time in my new immortal existence I felt a strange warmth and moist feeling between my legs.

I’d completely forgotten that I was a real girl and that meant there was no more annoying penis issues to deal with.

You may ask how could someone forget something that radically different about their own body. It was pretty easy when you felt normal dressed as a girl and don’t forget about my newest obsession, blood. Being able to cop a feel of my own breasts was fairly low on my to-do list.

When she was done, I marveled at how beautiful she looked in her red lace teddie. Her smile was seductive when she turned around?


I nodded as I sucked on the bag.

“Well, the longer you take to control yourself, the longer you have to be chained up, and Pandora? That chain doesn’t reach to my bed. Night.”

That was so unfair!

She clicked the light off and I watched the moonlight make love to her every curve as she crossed the floor and slid deliciously under her sheets.

I groaned as I finished the first bag and tossed it to the small trashcan next to my cot before grabbing the second. The edge had been taken off my hunger and the rest was hopefully enough to let me get a few hours of sleep.


Two thirty-six a.m. found me waking up on the floor trying to pull my foot free of the chain watching an amused Josephine looking at me. My throat was on fire and I could barely think. Panic was setting in. I had to have some blood but I couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong. There was a perfectly good neck less than four feet away from me, but I couldn’t bite it.

“Pandora. Where’s the blood? Can you remember? Are you so far gone that you’ll be useless to Carmilla?”

I whimpered on the floor, clutching at the knot in my stomach as I pulled into the fetal position.

“It hurts,” I cried.

Her eyes flashed to silver discs and then reverted. “Then do something about it. You know where the blood is, or would you rather feel my stake in your heart?”

My eyes dropped to her hand which was at her bedside table grasping a piece of sharpened wood.

I gnashed my teeth together and growled at her. With my kewpie doll voice it sounded utterly ridiculous, this made me stop and actually use my brain to solve my current problem. Eying the very thick links of chain and the shackle on my ankle, I knew I wouldn’t be able to break the links and take the blood I wanted from Josephine. Sucking in my lower lip, I bit down on it so I could think of something else but the gnawing hunger. Then I spotted the refrigerator.

Of course!

Again, I moved so fast that I literally disappeared from one spot and reappeared in another, pulling the door open and grabbing several bags at once.

I couldn’t worry about subtlety this time and simply forced the bag up against my fangs and tilting my head back. It was cold, but it was like sanity had returned to me. Seconds after the first drop hit my lips, I could understand everything again.

My hair was being pulled back as I dropped the first empty bag and sank my teeth against the next. Hot air brushed across my neck and I felt a teasing at my earlobe.

“Very good, Pandora.”

I whimpered against the bag when I felt Josephine’s hand reach around and cup my breast, pausing only to tweak my already hardened nipple.

“Drink, little sister. Drink and think of the pleasure we will give each other when you can control yourself,” she whispered huskily at my ear.

Another hand found its way around from my back and along my abdomen, dropping between my legs. A shiver turned into a small quake as I felt her fingers exploring something that I hadn’t even seen as of yet.

“You must wake and immediately go to the blood with poise and control. If I find you trying to reach me again, for your nourishment, you will be punished. Do you understand?”

When she finished speaking, both of her hands came to a stop. I groaned in frustration, because what she was doing felt really good. Without thinking about it, I tossed the second bag into the trash and grabbed a third.

“Don’t stop, please,” I moaned.

“Answer me then, Pandora. Do you understand that I will punish you if you try to reach me again?”


With my answer still on my lips, I felt her finger slip into me, dipping deep and swirling once before retreating.

Josephine pulled away and when I nearly came out of my skin at being teased like that I spun around to see her still in bed. I thought I’d imagined the whole thing, and I would have believed that except for the fact that she was sucking on her left middle finger with a smile on her face.

“You taste like peaches,” she said with delight. “I love peaches. So firm and juicy, exploding in my mouth when I bite into one.”

There was a different kind of burning going on within me, and it wasn’t anywhere in the vicinity of my throat. I’d never felt anything like it. The pure unadulterated lust that was trapped inside me swelled up and pulsed in time to the beating of my heart. The blood tasted good, but I needed to slake the other thirst I was craving as well.

“Please,” I almost begged.

Josephine slowly shook her head. “Not until you can control yourself, little sister.”

Frustrated beyond all measure, I finished a fourth bag and crawled back into bed, trying desperately to bring myself off, but nothing I did helped. It only made things a thousand times worse. It was an hour and a half later that I finally drifted back to sleep.


Five fifty-three a.m. found me on the floor, in the middle of the room again, pulling frantically at my chain.

Josephine sat on top of her sheets frowning at me. “I guess I’m not important enough to restrain yourself.”

My brain lurched and everything came into focus again, then I remembered what she’d said. The punishment!

Scrambling back, I hit the refrigerator and almost knocked it over. The door swung open and I grabbed the first bag I could as I watched Josephine’s eyes.

They stayed silver and the frown never left her face. Less than a minute later I had control of myself and wanted to make amends.

“I’ll be good,” I said, running all the words into one long one. “I promise. I w-was asleep. I didn’t know what I was doing. Please!”

“Drink, Pandora. Then you will have your punishment.”

By the time I was on my fourth bag, tears were running down my face and I was stalling as long as I could. Eventually, the bag had to run out.

“Get on your bed and lie down,” she said rather coolly.

Not wanting to anger her any further, I did as she instructed. More chains were added, one to each of my wrists and another to my free leg. When she was done, Josephina looked upon me. The only clothes I had on me were the panties I was wearing when I initially changed.

“Over the decades, whenever Carmilla decided to add to our little family, I’ve been given instructions to find some way to shorten the madness at the beginning.”

She palmed my face and then let her fingernails trail down my cheek, over my neck and across to my left breast, only to linger there.

“I’ve yet to be successful,” she said with an annoyed look on her face. “A deluge of blood, rewards, punishments, and isolation; none of them have worked, Pandora.”

She shrugged and then ran her finger around my areola in tighter and tighter circles until she was tweaking my erect nipple.

“This time I thought to try sexual release. A little teasing to build it up, and make you so incredibly horny that you would literally do anything that I asked, just for the eventual waterfall of pleasure that awaits.”

Switching to my right breast, she performed the same teasing that she did to the left.

“Perhaps I just haven’t worked you up enough.”

After what Josephine did to me earlier with just a few touches and what I did to myself afterward, all led to absolutely no release, I think I figured out what kind of punishment I was about to receive.

“No, please,” I whispered. “I can’t take anymore.”

She chuckled and smiled down at me. “Little sister, you haven’t even begun to feel what our bodies are capable of in terms of real pleasure. Your little frustrations at rubbing on yourself are simply a single drop in the bucket.”

Her hand slid down over and around my abdomen.

“I want you to keep one thought in your mind if at all possible. It is this. When you wake up, you will go directly to the blood supply and drink your fill, nowhere else.”

I nodded as quickly as I could. “I promise. I won’t try to attack you. It’s just that I don’t even realize I’m doing it…”

Josephine set a single finger against my lips. “Shh, I’ve heard it all before, little sister. Now, are you ready for your punishment?”


Three hours; that’s how long I was teased and brought to the edge so many times I thought I was going to go insane. I couldn’t believe that she could do it for so long and how I would never get sore anywhere. That’s when I learned exactly how our rapid healing was both a blessing and a curse.

At the end, she fed me and then unlocked the chains, all but the one on my ankle before retreating to her bed once more.

My body just vibrated. There was no sleep for me this time as all I could think of was what it would be like if I could just get a reward, just one. I do whatever it was so that I would not to go through that again.


Two-thirty p.m. found me falling out of bed. I lurched up, seeing Josephine, under her sheets, watching me. Her neck looked so good, but I knew I’d be punished with just enough pleasure to kill me this time if I didn’t do what she instructed.

Closing my eyes, I forced myself, inch by inch to the refrigerator.

Bag after bag, I drank until I was sated. Then I crawled back on my cot and closed my eyes.

A few moments later I felt Josephine’s hand stroking my hair and her mouth at my ear.

“Very good, little sister. Only a few more days and I’ll make you feel all better.”

An involuntary shudder ran through my body at the thought.


A few more days turned into seven. Twice more I had to be punished for lapsing to the madness of hunger, but in the end, I think it was worth it. We spent almost half the day in her bed.

After all the hungers that my body desired were satiated, it seemed as if it was time for business. My new lover turned to me while we were still lying there.

“We’re going to create an appearance for the new you.”

At my curious look, Josephine reached over and fingered a strand of hair away from my face.

“You still look too much like your male self in the face. Ashley was a very feminine male. It was one of the reasons Carmilla wanted him. I want to make sure that you aren’t recognizable.”

I giggled with my ultra-high pitched voice and squeezed my boobs together. “I don’t think anyone will be looking at my face with these babies on display.”

She grinned. “True, but I want to make sure. Remember, we have a secret to uphold.”

My face turned serious and I nodded. “Okay. I’m in your hands… you’re not going to turn me into some gothy girl with a lot of heavy makeup are you?”

Josephine smirked. “You could pull it off. You were already pale enough and with the change, your skin is baby soft and flawless… but no. I was thinking of a new hair style and a color change.”

Her eyes narrowed in thought. “Something bold and aggressive I think, and I definitely want to take advantage of those skinny legs of yours.”

I gasped, affronted. “They’re not skinny! They’re trim and… and firm.”

Jumping up, Josephine smacked my curvy bare butt with her palm. “I know. My head was trapped between them for long enough. Come on.”


Apparently living for a long time equates to knowing a lot of things. Josephine was the one who cut my hair. It wasn’t a drastic change. She only evened out my bob, bringing it to chin level on both sides with no bangs. I was supposed to grow it out so she wanted everything all one length. It was the color change that had me really worried. It was orange. I’m not talking about redhead orange either. It was more like a neon color.

When that was done, Josephine went to work on my eyebrows, thinning them out and arching them sharply.

“Carmilla knows how to pick’em,” I heard her whisper as she worked.

I let a small smile raise my lips. “Yeah, she does.”

Josephine dipped in and licked my lips. “Quit trying to get on my good side. I’ll still punish you if you need it.”

She may have sounded stern, but I knew she was pleased that I liked her as much as she liked me, if not more.

It may seem really weird considering what she put me through for the last eight days. I’m guessing it was because of the intensity of the situation. Josephine never let me harm myself or did anything to physically hurt me. She provided all the blood I could drink and even gave me sponge baths in bed. Of course I think the bath times were when she was punishing me.

“Promise?” I teased back.

As she worked on my makeup and my brain was actually working, I was getting a few pointers along the way.

“For the first month or so, you’ll need to make sure you know where you can get blood. You’ll still thirst, but it won’t be so manic. Feeding from humans is restricted to only at night. For those times, I’ll show you how to recognize the signs of previous donors.”

That kind of surprised me. “We call them donors?”

She gestured with a mascara applicator. “Wisteria’s bunch calls them food, cattle, walking happy meals, sheep, blood bags, any number of derogatory terms really. Carmilla is practical and it changes with the times. I’m pretty much as scientific as I can be.”

I grinned and Josephine smacked my knee with hers. “Quit moving your face. And what are you grinning at anyway?”

“You. You’re gorgeous and you’re smart.”

My mentor smiled and quickly filed it away. “I’ve always been interested in science. You kids have had it easy growing up in this time. I didn’t have it so nice. Three of my sisters died of smallpox when I was sixteen. You get vaccinated for it and have probably never even seen a picture of what happens.”


Josephine frowned. “It was 1862, New Orleans. All sorts of messed up diseases used to pop up in major sea ports. My father was already in the Confederate Army, mother died giving birth to my youngest sister, and the rest of my family contracted smallpox. I buried them and a week later, set the plantation house on fire and joined the army. Three years after that I was dying on the battle field and Carmilla found me, asked me if I wanted to live, and here I am today.”

Something wasn’t sitting right with that sad story. “You joined the army?”

Josephine stopped what she was doing and gave me an odd humorous look. “My original name was Joseph.”


That’s when I found out that all the girls of Delta Beta Zeta were once men. It was really odd to know that at one time the curvy and luscious Josephine once had a penis between her legs, but then again, so did I.

The impossibility of the situation never occurred to me. Obviously magic had to exist; if there were vampires then there were other creatures out there and magic as well.

As I was pondering the idea of all facets of the supernatural actually existing, a bra dropped onto my lap. I grabbed it and looked up to see Josephine dangling a very dainty pair of panties from her finger.

“I realize you’d probably be very happy naked and in my room for the next month or so, but we need to get you out and about. You don’t really need the bra since you’ll never wrinkle or sag, but until you need to look like a slut it’s best to wear one.”

My curiosity got the best of me and I checked the tag — thirty-two DD. It appeared I shrank and grew. As a guy I was a thirty-four in my chest. It wasn’t much of a difference depending on the way you look at it.

“Are you guessing or did you take my measurements,” I asked as I did up the hooks and eyes.

“You were passed out after one of our longer teasing sessions. Everything should fit. The only thing I wasn’t sure about was your preference in materials, so you’ve got an eclectic wardrobe. Everything from ultra girly to aggressive femme fatal, though I think you’ll look best as a biker babe.”

The panties were marked small and thong style. I wasn’t a big fan of material sliding between my cheeks, but when I slid them up I was amazed at how well they fit as opposed to when I had to have everything taped up and cramped down there.

“Give me a spin,” she said.

I did so and when I returned my eyes to her, Josephine was smiling with appreciation. “Very nice. The boys will appreciate that heart shaped butt.”

My face dropped into confusion. “I thought…”

Josephine’s eyebrows lifted in amusement. “When you’re in this house and in my room, you’re mine, Pandora. Don’t think you aren’t. But when you’re out and about, you can’t limit yourself to just one gender. I made that mistake for two decades after I was turned.”

A sweater dress was handed to me and I slipped it on carefully so I wouldn’t ruin her work on my face.

“I wouldn’t touch anything but girls, and let me tell you lesbian pride wasn’t very big in the deep south in the late 1800’s. Eventually I found the pleasures of taking a man to my bed. Don’t make my mistake.”

Welcome surprise lit up my face as I tugged the hem of the dress just past my butt, leaving a long line of leg very visible.

“We can date outside the house?”

She nodded as she was mulling over several pairs of shoes. “You just have to be careful about feeding during sex and blowing our secret. Always make sure you’re well fed before going out on a date… unless he’s your donor for the night that is.”

I hadn’t even thought of trying out my new equipment in that fashion. Flashes of Patrick and his wide girth ran through my head.

“I know that look,” said Josephine. “Who is he?”

Guiltily, I looked down. “A guy I met at a Halloween party the night Mistress changed me. It was at a costume party.”

She studied me. “You’ve already interacted with him?”

I nodded. “But it was dark the whole time. He wouldn’t recognize me like this.”

“We’ll see.” When she passed a set of five inch pumps to me I wasn’t very hopeful. “One thing you’ll have to learn is that men are the same all over. Only the penis size changes.”

“He was big.”

Josephine’s eyes widened. “You fucked him already?”

“Uh no. Oral.”

“Oh,” she seemed relieved. “Well then, there’s still hope. He probably spent a good portion of the time looking at the top of your head.” At that she stopped and grinned wide. “God bless America, look at you.”

I gazed down and didn’t see much except for the tops of my breasts.

“I’m never going to see my feet again, am I.”

Grabbing a hold of my hand, Josephine pulled me over in front of the biggest mirror she had. Even in a sweater dress I looked like I’d slip a knife though a boy’s ribs as I rode atop him. I couldn’t think of a word that described me except for dangerous. With my eyes half closed I looked downright demonic, like a succubus that was hungry for a five course meal of the male variety. The neon orange hair only intensified the otherworldly visage.

“I think I need a pair of those little devil horns.”

Josephine laughed. “And a barbed tail, too.”

At the end of her laugh she turned it into a throaty growl. “Eat something. Fill yourself up, we’re going out. And don’t mess up your lipstick.”


“Where are we going?” I asked as Josephine steered me around with her hand at my elbow.

“Your first social interaction. You need to know what to expect out and about. Just picture, in your head, all your favorite foods. Now think about them walking around everywhere you go. You need to learn how to avoid temptation and what to do when it becomes too much. Remember we can’t feed on humans during daylight hours.”

Across campus we walked. It was the weekend so there weren’t a whole lot of people out and about. Then I understood what she was talking about and I was relieved that Josephine was there.

My heels clicked on the sidewalk at a steady pace. At that point I remembered that I was wearing five inch heels and my feet should have been feeling the stress of the long walk, but they weren’t.

“I can wear heels all the time!”

It may sound like I was overreacting, but try to imagine living your life at the annoying height of five feet and three inches tall. Adding another five inches was like magic for me. The only problem I had when I was mortal was that my feet couldn’t take it. Eventually the balls of my feet ached, my toes would feel squished and bent, and my Achilles tendon would scream whenever I took them off.

“Just now remembering about your advanced healing?” said Josephine.

I nodded happily thinking about even higher heels and perhaps even platforms on top of that.

“You’re doing well,” she said. “Even with the heightened dexterity that being a vampire adds to our abilities, it took me a few weeks to feel comfortable in anything but the grungy flat boots that I grew up wearing.”

A grin of pride was plastered on my face. “I’ve worn them for years. I had several pairs of fetish heels that I used to practice with, back before I realized I just liked normal girls clothes. If you can handle those then you can walk in anything.”

“Well, you’re doing it like you were born to be in them. I’d be interested to see if you can run in them as well.”

I shrugged. “I don’t see why not.”

She had to squeeze my arm before I took off in a sprint. “Not — right — now.”

Seeing a few people moving about, I looked down. “Sorry. But I’m sure I could if I wanted to. It feels like I’m in the most comfortable shoes ever.”

Josephine rolled her eyes. “When we get to the Union, I want you to move about and interact with people. I’ll be close to make sure you don’t do anything stupid. Pay close attention to the girl’s reactions to you, flirt with the boys if you want, and then we’ll leave. No picking anyone up, and no feeding.”

There was a bar of sorts that served smoothies, soft drinks, slushies and the like, along with bagged snack foods. I eyed the banana smoothie machine with longing, but knew I was on a restricted diet.

“Get one if you want,” Josephine said. “We can eat, just nothing that’s hard to digest. May sure you chew anything into paste before you swallow.”


She chuckled. “Yes, really. Go on. I’ll be right here.”

The small purse I had was supposed to have everything I needed inside, but I still hadn’t opened it. I leaned on the bar, coincidently resting my breasts on top. The guy behind the counter took one look at me and swallowed before composing himself.

“W-what can I get for you?”

My eyes drifted to his and I smiled. “One small banana smoothie.”

He nodded while I took out my wallet. Upon opening it, I noticed a student ID inside with my picture on it. “Pandora Purdue. Huh.”

Before I knew it, there was a cup in front of me and the bartender was beet red. I raised my eyebrows up, silently inquiring on the price.

“It’s on me,” he said.

“Oh, well that’s sweet of you,” I said.

Raising my hand I used my index finger in a come-hither gesture. He leaned forward and I watched as his face heated even more. When he tilted his head to the side, I realized what I was doing and leaned in to peck his cheek. The temptation to just sink my teeth into his neck raised the heat in my body, making me slightly thirsty. I’d have to thank Josephine for making me eat before we left, or I’d be embarrassing myself.

“Thanks, honey.”

I immediately put the straw to my lips and sucked in a mouthful to quell my hunger before it got too bad. When I turned around, Josephine was standing right next to me with a look on her face.

“Well done.”

“You thought I was going to eat him.”

Her lips pursed thinly. “You would have if the two of you were alone.”

Okay, she had a point.

Looking around I saw the social point of the Union: video games, pool tables, ping pong tables, video rooms, gaming rooms, and socializing areas. It wasn’t crowded. For the most part, people did their own thing on weekends. Some went home to so their mothers could do their laundry, others took the time to study, some just slept to recoup their energy for the coming week.

Josephine let me go once more and I casually walked around until I came to a stop in front of the billiards area. Three tables were occupied and one of them even had someone I knew bending over the table with his muscular butt jutting out in the air. I breathed appreciatively at the sight.

The crack of cue ball against the lead two sent various balls skittering around, none of them quite making it in any of the pockets. Patrick frowned and then stood erect before moving to the side. I watched his arm muscles tense and then release before he leaned against the wall as his challenger went to work on the table.

Patrick’s eyes moved up and around the room before stopping on me while I was sucking lightly on my straw. His eyebrows rose up with interest and I smiled naughtily.

“Care for a game, Josephine?” I said.

“Call me Josie in public. Shall we take the table next to the Adonis?

My eyes slid playfully to hers. “Of course.”

I didn’t play pool. I couldn’t play pool, mainly because I sucked at it. After randomly choosing a cue I watched as Josie racked the balls. It was a dull heat that was running over my body as I knew Patrick was watching my every move.

Grabbing the cue, totally improperly I’m sure, I leaned over the table and purposefully missed hitting the ball altogether. Josie lifted an eyebrow and stifled a smile. I just stuck my lower lip out in an exaggerated pout.

“Can I show you something?” Patrick said.

I looked over at him and my eyes dropped down his hard chest to the zipper of his jeans then back up to his eyes.

“Right here in front of everyone?”

“Uh… I meant with the stick.”

I grinned and nodded. “We are talking about the same thing right?”

“Your pool cue,” he stressed.

I looked down at the stick in my hand. “Oh, guess not. Sure, stud; show me how to handle a stick properly. Josie, did you know I’ve been doing it wrong all this time?”

“Do tell, Pandora.” she said.

Patrick smiled at me. “Pandora? That’s an unusual name.”

With a grin, I leaned against the table. “I’m just a box full of badness, or at least that’s what my mom said once.”

Josie snorted.

It may have just been me, but Patrick definitely responded to my flirting.

He held up his left hand. “Make a gun, like this.”

Cops and robbers, from when I was five years old, came to mind. “Bang,” I said flicking my thumb.

“Good. Now set your cue right on the webbing here and use your index finger to guide the direction.”

“Oh, well that makes more sense.”

I took the cue and set my hips against the table with my feet set wide apart and then bent over. “Like this?”

Who knew being a girl could be so incredibly fun?

Patrick coughed and then cleared his throat. “Perfect.”

I looked up and winked at Josie. She was covering her face by this point. Then I felt Patrick behind me, bending over to adjust my grip.

“Relax your wrists,” he said as I felt his hips pressing up against me and all of the sudden this thing got taken to a whole new level. “Then when you’re ready, you rock it back and forth along your hand, take a breath and then thrust it forward.”

The cue hit the ball, his hips hit mine, and I gasped silently.

Someone in the back yelled, “Get a room!”

I wasn’t one to argue with that thought, because I knew what he was hiding underneath that thin denim.

“Pandora,” Josie snapped.

My eyes tracked to Josie and she had a serious look on her face, so I set the cue on the table and blinked until I was composed once more. Then I stood up properly and turned around.

“Thanks for the lesson, stud. I’ll be back and you better be ready.”

Josie took hold of my arm. “Thanks for helping her out. We’ve got to go.”

By the time we made it outside, my throat was burning and my mouth parched. The smoothie was useless. What I really wanted was to sink my teeth into Patrick’s neck and ride him at a gallop. Josie had other ideas.

“You need to concentrate before you lose it, Pandora.”

Before I knew it, she had a large set of keys out and was unlocking the door to the Math building guiding me down the hall to a door that had Authorized Personnel stamped on the outside of it. It locked when we passed and I was led to a cabinet with a locked refrigerator. Inside was — you guessed it — a few packages of blood.

It only took me one to rid me of the sudden fever I succumbed to.

“What the hell was that?” I gasped as I pulled the empty bag away.

“Lust, pure and simple. It can push you over the edge. You wanted him so much that you forced a feeding frenzy on yourself.”

She looked at me, studying my eyes and posture. “You knew him. That was the guy… your Halloween treat, wasn’t it?”

I just nodded quickly.

“Stupid!” She pointed at me, clearly angry. “This is what I’m talking about, Pandora. This is being stupid. You remember what I said happens to stupid vampires?”

I flinched away. “Can we go back home? I’m not ready to be out in public.”

Her lips firmed as she looked angrily at me. “Back home, back to my room, and back in the chains. Nowhere else. Do you understand?”


I was so scared and depressed that I had failed my first outing that even the sight of Edward driving by didn’t cheer me up. It definitely should have because he was wearing an exact duplicate of one of my feminine tops that could pass for androgynous on the right type of body structure, but definitely not his. I also saw that his nails were painted black and a little longer than normal.

Vampire eyesight is pretty damn good, that was the only reason I could pick out as much detail as I did.

He was definitely finding out what it was like to be me or at least the old me. Josephine did that for me. She’d given him some sort of super whammy to the head, and I’d paid her back by not being smart on my first outing.

I failed her and I wanted nothing more than to never do that again.

We were half way back to the house when I asked her to stop. She turned around and frowned at me.

“I’m sorry,” I said with a moderate amount of conviction. Well, it wasn’t whiney at least. “I know I messed up, but I want to try again.”

Her eyes narrowed at me. “And what makes you think I’d give you another chance?”

I swallowed and looked in the direction Edward’s car disappeared to. “That was Edward that drove by a second ago.”

She looked down the road and then back at me. “So?”

“I know what you did to him — for me.”

That finally got her attention. “And?”

“And I don’t want to be a screw up. I can’t learn what to do if I’m chained up and you’re a good teacher and… and…”

“And?” Josephine’s voice was noticeably softer.

I smiled with the slightest sexy touch to it. “I’ll do that thing you like with my little finger.”

She snorted. “You’ll do that anyway.”

“True, but it’ll be more fun if I’m not chained up and you’re happy with me.”

Josephine sighed. “Okay, but we tone it down. No places that have overly hot lycanthropes that you want to bone.”

I nodded. “Hold on… what?”

This story still isn't over.

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