Bailey gave me this idea: If you feel like you have two sides - male and female, for example, write a letter from one self to the other. In my case, that would be Dorothy writing to my male shell, and vice versa. Anybody else want to give this idea a shot?
You appear (to me) to be implying that your male shell has a personality of his own.
In my case, it would be the male half of my mind talking to the female half.
To me, the body is just a vessel for an entity. The entity can be male or female or both. Everyone has at least some characteristics of the opposite gender, but in some cases the proportion can be closer to 50/50.
Strange but interesting
Kind of strange... In my case, I'm not at odds with myself, but with the world.
I realize I should be to old to be a punk, but well whatever...
How do you manage having two parts? Is it somekind of multiple personality, or more the face you show to the world?
you know...
This could be really really interesting as an event in OYH, having Drew Pattengale's inner woman who he's been repressing write a letter to him while he's asleep and he wakes up to find it...
That sort of thing really does happen sometimes when people repress a significant portion of their self-identity, that portion that's being repressed will occasionally take over at night while the dominant conscious portion is sleeping. Especially as the person gets put into a situation that they should really quite enjoy if they weren't repressing it.
Hmmm... You've gotten my cogs whirring, Dorothy, now I'm going to have to do this. The question will be, where in the story should this fit? ... hm...
Abigail Drew.
Well... write a single short
Well... write a single short story about it.
Does that really work? You go to sleep and your brain starts to create another personality?
it's not quite like that...
The repressed portion of your personality is there all the time, lurking in your subconscious, you just aren't able to keep it repressed when your conscious mind is sleeping.
It's a very mild form of multiple personality disorder, though if it's allowed to go on for very long without the person repressing part of themselves getting professional help, it can get much worse, eventually.
Drew really does suffer from this too, though usually the repressed personality just gives him feminine wet dreams...
Abigail Drew.
I don't think You got where the idea was going.
My idea was simply that many people here live two lives, not all but I'm talking about those people who haven't come out as it were. Or even if you're out write to your other self, the person you show the world while having to hide your real self.
But it's not just that, It's having to put yourself into that facade also the way that you present to everyone else and write to your t-self from that perspective too.
Y'know Billy has always felt like a Betty and that's her secret.
But Betty has to write a letter to Billy.
Then write one as Billy as she presents as Billy to Betty.
Or if you're already out or already transitioned write a letter to who you used to be however many years later it's been.
Stuff like that was what I had mentioned to Dorothy.
But all those other Ideas were neat.
*Hugs All*
Bailey Summers
I understood the original intent, but since it doesn't apply to me at all, and doesn't apply as-intended to my character, I had to tweak it a bit.
Abigail Drew.
2 persons
Yes, might sounds strange to some. But those concerned know exactly what it is about.
The idea is very interesting and I think it offers great possibilities. Question is of course how should the two communicate, how should they meet. What are they going to say to eachother.
I like the story Headaches by Lora Guy very much, it deals with the matter in a very interesting way.
At present I am thinking to write a story about this too.
They guy, then still a boy is not aware who the other is, some strange almost-meetings happen. He might even fall in lover with her... It will take him some time to realize who the other is and eventually meet her.
It will be my first story here, good ideas and interesting suggestions are welcome.