Bike Numbers

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Well, I just ran some numbers. The Gospel of The Bike, according to word, (if you trust it), totals out to....5,850 pages............2,059,091 words, anf the folder that holds the assembled books weighs in at......22.3 meg. Sounds awesome to me.


Bike Numbers


May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

I think we should be hono(u)red

We are witness to some kind of record maybe?
How would one even know if such a feat had ever been done on the web?
This is like the War and Peace of transsexual angst and cyclery, sitcom and drama all rolled into one with moments of action thriller.
We got our moneys worth a long long time ago and it just keeps getting better.
Thank you Angharad!

Thanks Stacy

Angharad's picture

That's pretty well what Bonzi made it, but after two million he ran out of hairs to count on Izzy, least that's what I thought he was doing.



Lets see now, War and Peace

Lets see now, War and Peace was 1.296 pages and 560,000 words by one estimate, though the Greek translation was over 2,200 pages. Bike is 5,850 pages, and 2,059,091 words. Tolstoy was a piker!!! LOL

