Annette MacGregor
Perphaps it's not so big a step, but it feels like one to me...
Well, the trip to St. John's, Newfoundland's been postponed. The lawyers in my company and the client company got involved... And, things SLOWED down so my manager pulled the plug on traveling this week. As a result, I get to "try" to do the same job via webex and telephone. Ho boy... Not so fun. At least they're only 90 minutes off time wise.
Meanwhile that's NOT the Big Step you might be looking for hearing about. By now, you know I've come out to quite a number of people; some family, some friends, my pastor... There's one area, up to now, I've avoided coming out. Any guesses? Yep. Work. Well, I sent an e-mail, and followed up with a phone call this past Thursday... So, I'm out to the company's "Chief Diversity Officer". I'd expected to wait another two to three weeks (closer to the end of the month), but with the planned trip out of the country my wife agreed that sooner was better than later - if we didn't want to miss out on the "open enrollment" period for me to get on the company's health plan (so some surgery can be paid for!).
We had quite a nice chat, and she's put me in contact with the girl that transitioned back in the Spring. She'll also be putting me in contact with one of the benefits coordinators who will help me make sure I get on the RIGHT medical plan and know how to make claims - come January...
Meanwhile, we need to arange time to talk with the senior HR person for my division - so the three of us can connect and begin the process of developing a transition plan for work. (If anyone's interested, I can share some details - once they're ironed out.) And, yes - I provided the currently planned transition window - the first few weeks of Summer 2012. :-)
This has implications all over the place, of course. I need to build out my transition plan - for the family as well. I have to start talking to FFS surgeons... And ultimatly select one and set a date - near that window. I need to get my name legally changed. Once that's done, I need to fix my drivers license (again - the name this time, as the marker's already fixed), credit cards, mortgage, will(s), insurance policies, the list seems endless (I do have a spread sheet where I've been adding things where I need to change the name and/or marker... But, if folks want to provide ideas - it's possible, even likely, that there are some I've not thought of...)... So, I need to work out a schedule to get that stuff done. It doesn't ALL have to be done before I transition - but a big chunk needs to be... And, another chunk while I'm out recovering. (Oh, work generally "assumes" that we'll go out on a medical Leave of Absense and return transitioned - following recovery from FFS... However, long that takes, and I know it depends on how much is needed to be done.)
I expect to be one VERY busy girl after the first of the year! That's why I'm working harder on my list the next few months.
Oh, and for the dozens of readers of my fiction - I've actually managed to churn out a few thousand more words... another thousand, and I can go back and proof HG-18 and send it past the editors...
The daughters are both happy for me! I just hope they can continue to be. The younger one's got the most stress over it. She does worry that she'll lose many of her friends over my transition and be subject to bullying. Based on what we've seen so far this year - the school is taking the new law in NJ VERY SERIOUSLY... And incidents of blatant bullying are significantly down... The more subtle bits... That's there. Time will tell if the new "environment" spreads. My wife's agreed that she does need to hear about what's going on... But it's obvious (and she's admitted it) that she'd prefer that it didn't need to happen. (Heck, I can echo that. If I didn't believe this step were necessary for my long term health happiness and wellbeing, I'd not be taking it! I hate the stress it's putting on those I love.)
What's next? I'm still scheduled to go to St. Johns, Newfoundland next week... We'll see. What'll I talk about NEXT time? I have no clue, today. Perhaps someone can suggest something. LOL. Perahps some idea will come to me.
Thanks for reading.
Thank you Annette,
'it is a big step,you have crossed another bridge and I am so happy for you.God bless you and your family.
I wish...
I had some of the things you do... My own transition is going to cost me and my family a mint, since I'm not on any kind of insurance plan at all, let alone one that's trans-friendly.
Thank you for sharing your own road with us,
Abigail Drew.
Abigail Drew.
Wow, that is a big step,
Wow, that is a big step, Anne. You're so fortunate to work for such an enlightened company, and to have a wonderful family to support you.
It's always refreshing to read your blog posts. I think it does us all good to hear some positive transitioning accounts.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}