Is one X enough?

I've been lurking for a while and I'm writing something, so I'll get around to a Username when I've finished. In the meantime I had to post this question, it's been bubbling around in my head for a few weeks and won't go away.
I recently heard about new stem cell research where they take stem cells from someone, use their own bone marrow to grow more then harvest those cells to make new tissue. I saw this on a BBC science programme in an article about a man getting his heart repaired. The thing that got me was the comment made at the end of the article. The presenter, a biologist herself, mentioned that doctors had grown a bronchial tract for someone in a bioreactor.
Now, she'd read an article or heard a story, mentioned it on TV and I heard it, making the topic anecdotal at best. However it did raise the question in my mind, could you do the same thing with a vagina? A uterus? Breasts? Even a pelvis?
I'm posting this in the hopes that someone undergoing SRS, or an interested doctor, or researcher with the proper knowledge and/or contacts could investigate more fully.
The tricky bit would be 'tricking' XY stem cells into producing organs that were meant for XX individuals or vise versa, the question being is there enough information on the XY chromosome to produce fully functioning organs? If not can the Y chromosome be removed and the X copied over?
I'm not a geneticist, nor a stem cell researcher, to be perfectly honest I'm more interested in a new pancreas myself but I have pills and a sugar free diet, so I can wait.
I'm putting this forward in the hopes that someone out there will go 'hmmm...' and put a bit more hope into the lives of transgendered people.