I though it would be cool to find out where everyone is from, I think someone already did this but still...
Also I'm from Sydney, Australia and I was wondering if anyone from this site who lives nearby might want to meet face to face, if so PM me.
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
I though it would be cool to find out where everyone is from, I think someone already did this but still...
Also I'm from Sydney, Australia and I was wondering if anyone from this site who lives nearby might want to meet face to face, if so PM me.
Checks can be made out & sent to:
Joyce Melton
1001 Third St.
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Who's that knocking at my door, Who's that ...
Milwaukee, about 260 miles west of Windsor, Ontario Canada,
including crossing the lake by the Lake Express Car Ferry,
If however one stays on land than about 350 road miles.
24 2/3.
Buy me a drink first?
Bath, UK!
- - -
Royal catgirl of the court of the Empress of Euphoria. I like fine seafood, and I love huggles! ^_^

I'm sorry but could you interpret that please.
is the acronym for Age, Sex, Location. = )
- - -
Royal catgirl of the court of the Empress of Euphoria. I like fine seafood, and I love huggles! ^_^

A - Too old for it to matter anymore. Oh, okay then 65.
S - Too confused to have made sense of it yet. I'm an 'inbetweenie'.
L - God's country. (Except for the neighbours that is.) Cymru, UK Where else.
And I don't do rugby.
I think we've got a fairly wide spectrum of disclosure here, from those who (for fairly obvious reasons) don't give much away, to those that will practically give you a grid reference! I think we've a few members in Canada, oodles in the US, some from elsewhere in the New World, a handful here in the UK, a few from continental Europe, and some from Australia and New Zealand. I'm not sure if we have any representation from the other two continents (and I doubt we've got any Antarctic scientists, but you never know...)
As for where I am, I can pretty much guarantee you could find out within about 10 seconds of plugging my nickname into your favourite search engine :)
And yes, I do have a habit of using the same nickname for pretty much everything I've done online in the past decade...
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
You'd be surprised
We have visitors from all over, including places like Kazakhstan and Iran. Members are a little rarer but we have one member who sends money to the hatbox from South Africa. India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Korea, Egypt, Kenya. A little bit of everything.
More than half of all visitors are on the east coast of the US. Half of the rest are in the midwest and a third of the new remainder is west coast. Then Canada, the Mountain states, the UK and the rest of the world (mostly Australia) split the remainder. I assume members have a similar spread.
Approximate percentages below (rounding errors make it add up to more than 100):
56% East Coast US
22% Central US
9% West Coast US
4% UK, Ireland and Western Europe
4% Canada
3% Mountain States US
2% Australia and New Zealand
1% Everywhere else
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I'm surprised that the
I'm surprised that the mountain us has that many....
Why? Samantha
I'm slightly amazed ^^ Is
I'm slightly amazed ^^ Is there something like a geman Tg-fiction site? I need to use google :D
Earth (grins) No need to
Earth (grins) No need to worry about privacy with that answer lol.
Seriously I'm from the West Midlands, England
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
I am from and still in Florida. I live just south of the city that bears the name of your capitol
Land of Enchantment
Albuquerque, New Mexico by the way of Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey (Yogi Berra lives on the same street I used too, IIRC)
Now I'll be hearing the Weird Al song, Albuquerque in my head all night long
Bugs Bunny
Always made a wrong turn in Albuturkey....
As for weird Al, heh, I always wonder why he picked this city. Probably the name.
Where I'm from?
Portland, Oregon, soon to move to Tacoma, Washington, both in the United States. I'm one of those who'd give a grid reference, but then I'm boring (non-LGBT), as well as not being as concerned with my own safety as maybe I should be.
John Robert Mead
I'm in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I dont mind sharing that with you people ....
Northern Nj in passiac county
Northern Nj in passiac county
...that's Scenic Passaic County!
I'm from Morris County!
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Morris County,
Morris County, NJ.
Crossroads of the American Revolution!
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
I Grew up in Chatham
I Grew up in Chatham Township, so I know Morris county quite well.
I've lived in Morris county, Passaic county, and Bergen county, and down in Somerville, not sure which county that is in, we moved out of there in third grade. I was born in Plainfield.
So been around the state!
newly arrived in NYC
Okay, more accurately, the Bronx, but if there's a less pleasant-sounding place name I haven't heard it, nor do I wish to.
Formerly of Toronto, Canada.
Also from Hogtown
Misty escaped Toronto, i'm still here...the T-Dot, Big Smoke, Tranna, Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Where are you from?
Birmingham Alabama, but from Vulcan originally
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I live in a town called
I live in a town called Idaho Falls, Id (that's in the US)
Have a delightfully devious day,
I've spent some time there...
Lived for two years in the Rexburg Bubble. Until I wound up with a depression so severe that I literally slept all the time and got kicked out of school. I severely doubt they'll take me back once I finish transition... Though my bishop surprised me a little bit, well, not so much my bishop himself, but rather the office he holds.
Abigail Drew.
BYU Idaho, eh?
Or were you there when it was still Ricks College?
I've got family in that area, still.
Salt Lake County, Utah, for me, and an allumna of the University of Utah.
Successor to the LToC
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
Yep. BYU Idaho indeed.
I was even a Get Connected volunteer for two semesters.
Though, again, I doubt now that my depression is addressed, after I make it to a psychologist and start really transitioning in earnest that they'd take me back. Though they SAID they would with proof the depression was addressed, either as a letter from a psychologist, or as evidenced by me completing a term of community college with a 3.8 or greater...
No... When I go back to school, it'll likely have to be here, in Toledo. Likely in a completely different field, since the area schools all suck for computer sciences. Might consider medical research, actually. I kinda like that area, and even more so now, and our medical college is one of the best.
Going there was part of my "comfort zone", it allowed me to hide. At least until it got to be too much...
Abigail Drew.
Abigail Drew.
Where I'm From
All over
I live in Lansing MI (also not afraid of people knowing.)
I was born in Monterey CA, then Lived for 3 years in Los Angles (Encino actually, then Oroville CA for many many years. I've also lived in Hancock MI, near Lake Superior. Antigo and Menasha Wisconson, and Reno NV
Tempe, AZ, USA
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
I've lived here for forty-six years and was born in that city over there many years ago. I think I've said where that is several times, but Pacifica is just south of San Francisco, Arecee
It's no secret...
That I live in Toledo, Ohio.
We're a large enough metropolis that I'm not overly concerned about anyone finding me, afaik, our house number is unlisted, so no simple search should locate me. Cell phones, are, of course, by nature, unlisted. You couldn't track a cell phone to a residence, though you could track GPS coords...
Abigail Drew.
I'll be up that way for a
I'll be up that way for a party the weekend of the 22nd...
I think I've said it before,
I think I've said it before, but Columbus Ohio. Bred, born and raised here. Don't plan on going anywhere else... (You know, unless work relocates me...)
Age: Old enough to know better, but too old to remember the question.
Sex: Yes PLEASE - I still remember THAT question.
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada - Almost the exact center of the continent of North America
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Valley of the Sun
Beautiful sunny Phoenix - have been here since 1989, when I left my childhood home of Golden, Colorado...the home of Coors!
My mommy and
My mommy and daddy.
Originally Joliet, IL, now East Central Illinois.
Location - Location - Location
is the far western suburbs of Montréal, Québec - home practice of the wonderful Dr. Pierre Brassard.
May the sun always shine on your parade
May the sun always shine on your parade
Where am I from?
Diana's posting made me realize I pronounce Toronto as "Tronna", so I must live in Ontario myself! *gasp* I'm not sure where, but Oktoberfest is BIG here. I was doing a bit of that today.
Hmm, according to the Interwebs, that means I live in the twin cities of Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Amazing, the things you can learn from Googlepedia.
Lisa in a dirndl (yeah right)
(I'm learning German! Listen: "Ziggy Zaggy Ziggy Zaggy Hoy Hoy Hoy")
*stuff my ears with cleenex*
Seriously, an octoberfest in america might be funny to visit.
Fortunately Oktoberfest is only a very small part of Germany.
And if you ask the people there they will tell you that it is in Bavaria, not Germany... ;)
Ah to properly get Ontario Octoberfest.
One must, must watch the movie Strange Brew. Best beer movie...ever.
Bailey Summers
Strange Brew
The old Bob and Doug movie? Woosh, I haven't seen that in ages...
Lisa the Hoser
Originally from...
The Pioneer Plastic City - birthplace of the Pink Flamingo.Presently reside in "Montpeculier" - the country's smallest state capital.
Origionally From the Rout of the Dashing Dan
Now I live in beautiful Indianapolis (Indian No Place as per Maggie the Kitten) IN, where I live with Holly Hart. We moved here partially because of Maggie the Kitten, an Indy native. Recently from South Bay and East Bay of San Francisco. But, most of my life I lived in Nassau Co., NY. Dats on, as us natives says, Lon Gisland.
Members of the Evil Witch/Little Kids Kamp family live in Spain and the UK west through the US & Canada to New Zealand and Australia.
Nice to know
That I'm not the only one in the mid-west.
Much less the Great Lake states.
According to some people,
According to some people, Ohio is on the extreme eastern edge of the Midwest...
I always wondered
Why the mid-west was so far east. I've always been told it's like Nebraska to Ohio.
Small bit of geographic history...
Once upon a time, when the US was young (hah! great joke there!), there were only 13 states and the "western territories". The "mid-west" came to be defined during early western expansion because it was the territory most frequently traveled through as a corridor to the "west", thus, the "mid-west".
At least that's the way I was told by my high school geography teacher who was an absolute nut-job about esoteric geographic history.
Abigail Drew.