Is there any way to copy the attributes and keywords for Part 1 of my serial into subsequent parts?
In MS Word, I would simply open "Part 1", Save As "Part 2", delete all the text, paste in the new text and re-save. I would then have two files titled "Part 1" and "Part 2" with identical attributes.
At the moment, I go through the whole set-up sequence, trying to remember what keywords I set for Part 1, to repeat in subsequent Parts. It seems a long-winded process.
There is, but...
It's called cloning. I'll have to look into turning it on. The reason I haven't tried before is the visions I have of trying to explain how to use the facility to some people. :) Also, the old cloning module was rated beta and I hate to put beta modules into a production site.
As for copying tags, what I do, currently, is open up an old chapter of my serial to look at then use right-click on the ++Fiction link at the top of the page to open a new editing window. I arrange the windows side by side and copy the tags as I go down. Also, I can open the old chapter for edit and copy out things like titles and stuff to paste into the new chapter.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Thanks Erin
I understand the problem in introducing what sounds like quite a complex new facility.
Thanks also for guidance on the best way to do this task.
Save As?
Me, waiting for more of your fun story.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Not so bad
It's not really that long-winded a process.
For a recent story, once I'd posted the first part, I simply wrote the various tags down on a post-it note and referred to that when posting subsequent parts. Of course, I generally don't go crazy checking huge numbers of tags with my stories, that generally helps...
The other thing I don't do is to automatically check every tag the same time. I take a measured view of what's in each part and tag appropriately.
For the HTML which goes in the text part of the submission form, I (using OpenOffice, but Word would be similar) 'Save As' to HTML format, then open the .html file using a plain text editor (equivalent to notepad). I junk all of the preamble and trim what's left down to bare text, paragraph marks (<P> and </P>) and italic marks (<em> and </em>). Then I open the previous part alongside, cut'n'paste the information which will form the title/teaser part and update it. Couple of previews - including a complete readthrough - to make sure there's no goofs and I'm ready to go.
The big problem with any word processor is that they insist on filling your file with all kinds of junk info which will be irrelevant in the final posting. Using a text editor as the last step allows you to get rid of all the rubbish you don't normally see.