Sketchy TG/AR - To post or not to post, that is the question

I've not posted a new story in awhile. It doesn't mean I've
stopped writing. It just means my writing's grown more and
more into the gray area of TG/AR. I think we've had this sort
of conversation on TG sites again and again and often times
the opinions and comments are the same. "Freedom of speech"
comes up, or someone might mention the book and movie "Lolita"
as reasonable excuses for TG/AR to creep into the creepy.

It's a TG story dying to be written though but nobody seems
brave enough to post it. I certainly can't post mine without
passing it through a serious editor's desk first while cringing
on the sideline just knowing entire volumes of it will get tossed
right out. It's not a pedo story or anything like that (no child
on child sex) but if a grown man is TG/AR'd and then does a little
self exploration (not as a theme but as an offhand scene or idea) -
that's where it gets into the question of "is this stuff legal to
post?" Everyone's body is their own, so it might logically be argued
that a grown man reduced to being an actual little girl through
sci-fi or magical means could do whatever he/she wanted with his or
her own body.

Okay, but take it a step further. You're writing a story about an evil,
twisted sort of guy who's admitted he changes into a little girl
specifically for this sort of indecent (though secretive) behavior. Same
question "is this stuff legal to post"? Even if at the end of the story
there's a moral about "too much of a good thing can kill you."

Problem is I halt in my writing just before such scenes can actually
take place due to this very issue. I can't count how many times I've
tried to write something along this theme and had to discard it away
completely due to conscience. Yet the idea's there like telling someone
not to think of a pink elephant - now you have to just to try to avoid
it. I'm not saying this is all I write about in my own secret collection.
I try to write more adult aged TG as well. It's just that... this one
story idea's been plaguing me for years. I'm not obsessed with it but I've
been dying to write it but just can't seem to do it tactfully or in a way
that I think it might be accepted as "ok."

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