Transgender as a variable.

Something that has occurred to me (it was in an email to a friend) about being transgender, how much variability there is in it.

For many people it is all consuming, but I suspect that isn't true of everyone. I consider myself transgender, but I have noticed in my life many times it was no big deal. It had a lot to do with my personal happiness. I started noticing it when I was a young teen. I liked looking at girls, but I was more curious what it would be like if I were one. When I was asleep I would dream of being a girl, as well as a boy. During my life I have done other things that were abnormal by most folks standards, more of experimentation. Makeup when I was alone, pantyhose under my cloths, that sort of thing. The constant is my dreams, but over my life this affliction has waxed and waned. Lately I have found I have become extremely lonely, and it is back bigger than ever, and it is causing me a lot of depression. I suspect if I were to find a woman who could take me as I am it would go back into the background. I mention a woman because I am not gay, just transgender.

I was wondering how many other folks had this weird relationship with their inner selves. I've also noticed there is a disconnect between being transgender and sexual orientation, they are not linked.
